Arizona : MARICOPA, Ariz., Dec. 25 (UPI) -- Bristol Palin, daughter of former Alaska Gov. and vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin, paid cash for a home she purchased in Arizona, her friends said.
PHOTOS: Bristol Palin in pictures
Palin, 20, reportedly paid $172,000 in cash for the 5-bedroom home in Maricopa, Ariz., a Phoenix suburb in Pinal County, reported.
VIDEOS: Bristol Palin in videos
The former contestant on ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" reportedly told friends she might enroll at an Arizona college after she moves into her new home. Her new house is ...
Bristol Palin buys house in Arizona - Chicago Sun-Times: Bristol Palin has bought a five-bedroom home in Pinal County south of Phoeni...
Bristol Palin buys home in Arizona for $172,000 (AP): AP - Bristol Palin has bought a five-bedroom home in Pinal County south of...
Bristol Palin buys home in Arizona for $172,000 (AP) : AP - Bristol Palin has bought a five-bedroom home in Pinal County south...
The house Bristol bought is in Pinal county Arizona , do you think she thought it was Penile county ?????