Bret Baier Catches Obama In a Lie

Charles Krauthammer: Charles Krauthammer noted this yesterday.

PHOTOS: Charles Krauthammer in pictures

This is the first time anyone in the press has challenged Obama on his dishonest claim that the cuts to Medicare can simultaneously be used to "strengthen" Medicare and also expand coverage to 30 million new people. Paul Ryan mentioned this during the summit, but Obama ignored the question.

VIDEOS: Charles Krauthammer in videos

Here's Obama's answer, for the first time. The exchange begins around 2:14 and ends at 5:15. Obama claims a couple of things here. First, he claims that...

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Walt posted 23rd Apr 2010 (via twitter)

My Best Fox hosts/commentators: Charles Krauthammer , Bret Baier , Neil Cavuto, Bill Krystol, Chris Wallace, Steven Hayes, Bret Hume.

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