Charles Krauthammer: Charles Krauthammer noted this yesterday.
PHOTOS: Charles Krauthammer in pictures
This is the first time anyone in the press has challenged Obama on his dishonest claim that the cuts to Medicare can simultaneously be used to "strengthen" Medicare and also expand coverage to 30 million new people. Paul Ryan mentioned this during the summit, but Obama ignored the question.
VIDEOS: Charles Krauthammer in videos
Here's Obama's answer, for the first time. The exchange begins around 2:14 and ends at 5:15. Obama claims a couple of things here. First, he claims that...
Paul Ryan on with Rush
More taxes, more Medicare cuts to pay for more spending to get these votes. Penalties on Small Business.
...We've seen the CBO estimates but we haven't see the bill that they're based on. Ryan's working back from what the CBO has handed out. (The Dems are still fooling around with this behind closed doors)
...Cutting half a trillion out of Medicare which they're using as a piggy bank to fund ObamaCare, while claiming the same money to keep Medicare from insolvency.
...It's a fluid situation,...
Why Does Obama Want an Israel Crisis?
Charles Krauthammer has the top story at Human Events today.
Why did President Barack Obama choose to turn a gaffe into a crisis in U.S.-Israeli relations?
And a gaffe it was: the announcement by a bureaucrat in the Interior Ministry of a housing expansion in a Jewish neighborhood in north Jerusalem. The timing could not have been worse: Vice President Joe Biden was visiting, Jerusalem is a touchy subject, and you don't bring up touchy subjects that might embarrass an honored guest.
But it...
Obama urges lawmakers to remember history
FAIRFAX, Va. (AP) - President Barack Obama says Congress should ignore the politics around his Health Care overhaul and remember that the unpopular proposals that created Medicare and Social Security passed with lawmakers' courage.
Obama on Friday made a final push for legislation that Congress was set to vote on during a high-profile Sunday session. Obama says the Health proposal is similar to Social Security and Medicare, which were widely criticized when they were debated but ultimately...
I Know I Am Harping On The President's Israel Policy. But That's Exactly What I Should Be Doing And What I Aim To Do.
Frankly, it’s a little bit embarrassing to be citing the Commentary crowd so often. But the fact is that the other powerful venues which seem to understand that the Palestinians do not really want peace--or act as if they don’t--are few and far between. Yes, there is the Washington Post , where Jackson Diehl, Charles Krauthammer, and Chuck Lane analyze what everyone can (but most refuse to) see or describe. Then, of course, there are the editorials, the collective voice of the...
A GOP Lawmaker Asks WHAT?
Which GOP lawmaker asked this questionable Q last night at the Radio & TV Correspondent's dinner?
"Who's that man in the wheelchair?"
Oops! That man would Charles Krauthammer , a well-known conservative columnist and a regular on the "Fox News Sunday" roundtable.
(We'll never tell who the lawmaker was, but we will make fun of
him about it when we see him next.)
All Of Which Gives Lie To The Idea Of Liberal 'Nuance'
Not to mention their much ballyhooed claiming of embracing a tolerance for diversity. Back in 2002, Charles Krauthammer famously wrote, "To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think Liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil."
On the American Enterprise blog today, Chris DeMuth explains, “The Causes and Consequences of Liberal Superiority Complex.”
Krauthammer: Why Does Obama Want an Israel Crisis?
Human Events:
Why Does Obama Want an Israel Crisis?
by Charles Krauthammer
Why did President Barack Obama choose to turn a gaffe into a crisis in U.S.-Israeli relations?
And a gaffe it was: the announcement by a bureaucrat in the Interior Ministry of a housing expansion in a Jewish neighborhood in north Jerusalem. The timing could not have been worse: Vice President Joe Biden was visiting, Jerusalem is a touchy subject, and you don't bring up touchy subjects that might embarrass...
Krauthammer's Amateur Sociology
Here’s Charles Krauthammer chatting last night with Bill O’Reilly about why Americans don’t like Universal Health Care:
Krauthammer: This spirit of being independent and not wanting to be controlled by the government is something that is intrinsic in America. It’s the essence of America. And it’s what distinguishes Americans who are essentially Refugees of the old society in Europe. That’s why it’s always been harder to make Americans break to the yoke...
The Yoke's On You, Krauthammer
Charles Krauthammer says that Americans resist Universal Health Care, in part, because we're Refugees from big government Europe:
This spirit of being independent and not wanting to be controlled by the government is something that is intrinsic in America. It’s the essence of America. And it’s what distinguishes Americans who are essentially Refugees of the old society in Europe. That’s why it’s always been harder to make Americans break to the yoke of government,...
About those CBO numbers. . .
While Democrats and their lock-step lickspittles are just plum “ giddy ” about the CBO numbers saying that the Pelosi Reconciliation bill will cut the Deficit, more sober analysts are pointing out some uncomfortable facts to the Democrats, you know, like, well, these numbers are based on a lot of estimates.
Paul Ryan, the ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee, remarked :
The Congressional Budget Office has confirmed that there is currently no official cost...
Nationalize The Elections: Boehner Wants To Protect Banks From Reform
The best way to minimize Democratic losses in this year's Congressional races is to nationalize the election. It shouldn't be hard. House Republican leader John Boehner long has been a fan of privatizing Social Security ; and last month, Paul Ryan, the ranking Republican on the House Budget Committee released a plan that would slash and privatize entitlements, while exploding the Deficit . Now, Boehner is siding with the banks, against Democratic efforts to reform and regulate the architects...
Mark Levin Inverviews Paul Ryan -- By: Andy McCarthy
Of all the people in govenment, Paul Ryan may be the ablest guy on our team against Obamacare, and I'm grateful we have him. Sometimes, though, he slips too easily into wonk-speak, to the detriment of clarity and impact. Not last night, though. Listen to this interview of Rep. Ryan by Mark Levin. Mark was great — slowed the congressman down in all the right spots so that the inside-baseball of double-counting and other Obama Budget and procedural chicanery came clear. Really well done...
Keep Calling Congress, America
Rush: Okay, I have a couple of names here for you to target on the phones, ladies and gentlemen. One's in Ohio and one is in Louisiana. But I'll tell you, we just heard from Paul Ryan who said that a busload of seasoned citizens just arrived in the Capitol from Florida and they off-loaded there and they ran down the halls and they started pummeling people (verbally) they ran into, about they don't want any part of this. Seasoned citizens all over the country are very up in...
The Demcare Bribe List, Part III
Here we go again. Time for another Let’s Make a Deal Watch in the Era of Hope of Change. As GOP Rep. Paul Ryan noted the other day at the House Budget Committee wreckonciliation shell hearing: “We are not governing here today, we are greasing the skids.”
First, a link refresher: Beltway Christmas: Cash for corruptocrats; the Demcare bribe list, Pt. I; Demcare bribe list, Pt. II; “A Reading Guide to the Senate Bill’s Backroom Deals”; and The Chicago...
Rep. Ryan angry that Dems 'abused confidentiality' of CBO
House Democrats "abus[ed] the confidentiality" of the Congressional Budget Office by releasing a preview of their cost estimate of the healthcare bill, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said.
Several Democratic leaders said Thursday that the CBO found that the bill will reduce the Deficit by $130 billion in its first ten years and will cost $940 billion, but the figures were officially issued by the nonpartisan Budget office.
Ryan. the ranking member of the House Budget Committee, said that in the...
The Demcare bribe list, Pt. III
Here we go again. Time for another Let’s Make a Deal Watch in the Era of Hope of Change. As GOP Rep. Paul Ryan noted the other day at the House Budget Committee wreckonciliation shell hearing: “We are not governing here today, we are greasing the skids.”
First, a link refresher: Beltway Christmas: Cash for corruptocrats ; the Demcare bribe list , Pt. I; Demcare bribe list, Pt. II ; "A Reading Guide to the Senate Bill's Backroom Deals" ; and The Chicago Way:...
Paul Ryan: Repealing HCR Will Be The First Goal Of A GOP Congress
On a conference call with with Florida Republicans just now, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) promised that if the GOP gets control of the Congress this fall, repealing a Democratic Health Care reform bill will be the number one priority.
"Our goal if we take the majority is H.R. 1 and S. 1 are [bills] to repeal this law," he said on the call, which was hosted by Senate candidate Marco Rubio (R).
Rubio promised to be a supporter of Ryan's legislative agenda if he makes it to Washington next year. "If...
Ryan on ObamaCare
Last night Mark Levin interviewed Representative Paul Ryan on ObamaCare. It's a very good and informative discussion — the link is here .
The CBO Score, As Reported by Steny Hoyer -- By: Kathryn Jean Lopez
House Budget Committee Ranking Republican Paul Ryan responds to an NRO query about the news this morning: “The Congressional Budget Office has confirmed that there is currently no official cost estimate. Yet House Democrats are touting to the press — and spinning for partisan gain — numbers that have not been released and are impossible to confirm. Rep. James Clyburn stated he was 'giddy' about these unsubstantiated numbers. This is the latest outrageous...
Rep. Paul Ryan: Obama's New Budget Will 'Literally Crash the U.S. Economy'
Rep. Paul Ryan discussing President Obama's Health-care reform proposal with citizens in Sharon, Wis., on Aug. 25, 2009. (Congressional photo)
( - Rep. Paul Ryan (R.-Wis.), the ranking member of the House Budget Committee, told that the new Fiscal Year 2011 Budget proposed by President Barack Obama will “literally crash the U.S. economy” with the additional Debt it plans for the Federal Government.
“They literally crash the U.S. economy,...
Ryan on Media's Prez Q: No Way
As of late, the one burning question that journos have been asking GOP rising star Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) is this: "Are you going to run for president?"
Each time, Ryan reacts with surprise, as if to say, where is this coming from? "I'm not that crazy," he said while hanging out with GOP colleagues at the FNC pre-party to the Radio & TV Correspondent's dinner Wednesday night. "I'm not a nutty person."
This photograph is of Ryan at the party .
Rand Rules the Right, Right?
detested Ayn Rand become the central intellectual figure on the right. Until recently the only prominent conservative known to have been influenced at one point by the Evita of the nerds was Alan Greenspan, and he was given a pass for a youthful indiscretion. Now two of the stars of the emergent right, Ron Paul and Paul Ryan, are professed disciples of the Mary Baker Eddy of egotism..... .....this is great news for American progressivism. In the last third of the 20th century, many Liberals who...
Meredith Jessup: Rep. Paul Ryan Blasts CBO Report on Health Care
Watch the latest news video at
H/T: RealClearPolitics
Odd That The DCCC is Picking On Poor Paul Ryan Again
Paul Ryan, the most corrupt politician in the history of Wisconsin
You know, Blue America didn't open a special page dedicated to attacking any individual conservative slimebag but one: Paul Ryan ; not one for Bachmann, Jim DeMint, Patrick McHenry, Mean Jean Schmidt, Dan Boren, Virginia Foxx... none of the arch rogues and crooks masquerading as servants of the people. Ryan is more dangerous than any of them because, unlike them, he has a patina of respectability. It's undeserved and in...
Deficit-Cutting Mythology -- By: James C. Capretta
For months, one of the primary talking points pushed by the president and his allies in Congress is that their Health-care plan would reduce the federal Budget Deficit substantially, especially during the second decade of the program’s implementation.
This claim has always rested on completely implausible assumptions, gimmicks, and sleight of hand , all of which has already been well exposed by Rep. Paul Ryan and others.
Still, some myths persist and require repeated debunking.
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Former Pentagon Official's Body Found in Landfill
Accidental Frequency Switch Leads to Evacuation of U.S. Capitol
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My Best Fox hosts/commentators: Charles Krauthammer , Bret Baier , Neil Cavuto, Bill Krystol, Chris Wallace, Steven Hayes, Bret Hume.