Sarah Palin: Because there's just as much of a tie between Palin, those events and the tragic shootings in Tucson.
PHOTOS: Sarah Palin in pictures
Of course, to listen to many Democrats and those in Legacy Media, you'd think Sarah Palin had home-schooled Jared Lee Loughner.
VIDEOS: Sarah Palin in videos
The unmoored Rhetoric of fools like Paul Krugman and Markos Moulitsas is not only divisive, it's destructive....
Look out! Crosshairs, death threats now target birthers, GOP
The American Patriot Foundation has received dozens of threatening phone message, e-mails and letters during "birther" Army officer Terrence Lakin's legal proceedings the past few months, including two letters that view the words "GOP" and "Birthers" through a sniper scope. An APF official claims the threats are inspired by media attacks on people who question President Barack Obama's eligibility to serve in the White House, even as many media figures are attempting to blame the Tucson massacre...
A message from your 2016 GOP Presidential nominee...
Notice how many times former Florida Governor Jeb Bush uses the term "center-right" in his appeal for more Republican "outreach." Query: Have the Bushes decided to start moving away from the word "conservative"? And doesn't this push for Latino "outreach" sound a lot like "compassionate Conservatism", the approach that begat Medicare expansion, the campaign for Immigration Amnesty, and No Child Left Behind? Memo to all "evolving" pols--true conservatism is the most empowering and uplifting polit...
'Before they tighten up the state laws, I'm buying more guns'
Trade was roaring at the gun counter of the Sportsman's Warehouse in Tucson on Sunday afternoon, where roughly 30 types of shotguns competed for shelf space with 100 pistols, 50 rifles and enough ammunition to fuel more than one decent shootout at the nearby the OK Corral.
Just a day had passed since Jared Lee Loughner allegedly launched a deadly Shooting Spree using a gun purchased from the very same store, but patrons were undeterred. Richard Tucker and his eight-year-old daughter, Emily, sp...
Redstate: Outspoken Sheriff Accused Of Dismissing Loughner Death Threats
Jared Loughner has been making death threats by phone to many people in Pima County including staff of Pima Community College, radio personalities and local Bloggers. When Pima County Sheriff's Office was informed, his deputies assured the Victims that he was being well managed by the Mental Health system. It was also suggested that further pressing of charges would be unnecessary and probably cause more problems than it solved as Jared Loughner has a family member that works for Pima County. Th...
Beck: Stop it!
You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Fox Nation. Investigators today released this Mug Shot of Jared Lee Loughner, the guman accused of killing six individuals and gravely wounding Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Saturday's bloody spree outside a .....
End Game
The Tucson Murders: "Disturbed 22-year-old loner Jared Lee Loughner was held without bail Monday after being charged with murder and
(Read more...)
In Tucson: 'Before they tighten up the state laws, I'm buying more guns'
Trade was roaring at the gun counter of the Sportsman's Warehouse in Tucson on Sunday afternoon, where roughly 30 types of shotguns competed for shelf space with 100 pistols, 50 rifles and enough ammunition to fuel more than one decent shootout at the nearby the OK Corral.
Just a day had passed since Jared Lee Loughner allegedly launched a deadly Shooting Spree using a gun purchased from the very same store, but patrons were undeterred. Richard Tucker and his eight-year-old daughter, Emily, sp...
Readers agree with me: Right wing off the hook in Arizona shootings
Since the summer of 2001, Drowning Pool’s thrashing metal anthem “Bodies” has been a ubiquitous Pop Culture presence. “Bodies” has been used on at least a half-dozen theatrical trailers for films such as “The Punisher,” “Friday the 13th: Jason X,” “Stop-Loss,” and “Daredevil.” It’s been utilized in Video Games, HBO’s “True Blood” and a number of pro wrestling events. When Red Sox closer Jonathan...
A tale of two shootings
Some good news is emanating tonight from University Medical Center in Tucson, Arizona, where Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ neurosurgeon, Dr. G. Michael Lemole, reports that the congresswoman is showing no signs of further brain swelling, which is a positive indicator. Sadly, the same cannot be said for the six Victims of Jared Lee Loughner who perished on Saturday. Or for the twelve Victims who died at Ft. Hood on November 5, 2009, when Major Nidal Malik Hasan shouted “Allah akbar” ...
Calls for softer tone in politics gets cool reception
By Ed Stoddard
DALLAS | Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:21pm EST
DALLAS (Reuters) - Calls to reset the tone of politics in the aftermath of Saturday's shooting rampage in Arizona got short shrift on Talk Radio and elsewhere as left and right traded blame for the massacre.
From the right, Bloggers and pundits labeled suspected shooter Jared Lee Loughner a "leftist" while critics of conservative super-star Sarah Palin accused her of creating a combustible political atmosphere with her behavior and Rhetoric....
Nihilism or Sarah Palin: What motivated Arizona shooting suspect?
Early reports suggest that the philosophies of shooting suspect Jared Loughner are tangled and largely incoherent - ranging from nihilism to 'lucid dreaming.' So far, there does not appear to be clear link to Talk Radio or hyperpartisanship, though that could change....
Inside the Beltway
The hypersensitive public discourse on violence, Rhetoric, civility, guns, politics and the press barrels on, 72 hours after the Arizona shootings. With irony intact. Take, for instance, Fox News host Glenn Beck , vilified by partisan critics as an arbiter of hatemongering and aggressive culture, right along with Rush Limbaugh , the Tea Party and Sarah Palin . Mr. Beck - like his accused peers - seems mighty peaceful at this juncture, however. He has issued a challenge to "all Am...
Can Democrats not stand the heat in the political kitchen?
Image via Wikipedia
John Steele Gordon:
All the evidence currently available indicates that the gunman responsible for Saturday's tragedy in Tucson, Ariz., was driven solely by internal demons. That fact hasn't stopped commentators, overwhelmingly on the left, from suggesting that today's "heated political Rhetoric" is at least partly to blame.
Pundits have frequently cited Sarah Palin's "crosshairs map," which uses the riflery image to mark the Congressional Districts of vulnerable Democrats,...
Big News Events Make Blatherers of Us All
The New Yorker, reputedly one of America's smartest magazines, exemplifies (and not always in a bad way) some of the incoherence created amongst the chattering (and, alas, governing) classes with big news events that seems to DEMAND REACTION!! and yet are at the same time either too impossibly overdetermined or too obvious--like the decision by one deluded ass to open fire on a crowd--for there to be much fresh, interesting, or relevant to say, or do.
First, George Packer takes one tack. Of cou...
Had Arizona shooter made death threats by phone?
Image via Wikipedia
The Cholla Jump:
Jared Loughner has been making death threats by phone to many people in Pima County including staff of Pima Community College, radio personalities and local Bloggers. When Pima County Sheriff’s Office was informed, his deputies assured the Victims that he was being well managed by the Mental Health system. It was also suggested that further pressing of charges would be unnecessary and probably cause more problems than it solved as Jared Loughner h...
The narrative of the hateful left
The Murder of six people, the shooting of twelve more, including Congresswoman Giffords, and the politization of the incident:
Andrew Klavan writes about The Hateful Left
Where incendiary political Rhetoric truly resides in America
Indeed, the Left’s hysterical response to all who disagree with it—that they are Racist or sexist or “phobic” or somehow reminiscent of Hitler—has become so predictable that satirists, from the Libertarian Greg Gutfeld to the liberal Jon Stewart, h
An American Terrorist in Tucson Arizona
But soon after the murderous carnage and massacre by this Terrorist, too many American political figures and the American Media, have insistently badgered the American public with the fact that the terrorist is certifiably a lunatic! It leaves me again, wondering aloud about these permanent double standards and hypocrisies in America. First of all, this Terrorist, were he an Arab, or an African or an African American, he will be castigated as a monster, animal, bloodlust terrorist hoodlum. But f...
Naturally: Rush Limbaugh Added to Sheriffs Blame List
**Written by Doug Powers
National Review’s Rich Lowry touched on this earlier, but it appears that Jared Loughner’s descent into ultimate evil has been documented to have started as far back as 2007 — long before the first “Tea Party” and prior to Sarah Palin becoming a household name.
Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, the man at the forefront of a Murder investigation but who is acting hell-bent to prove that he learned everything he knows about responsible la...
Redstate: Outspoken Sheriff Accused Of Dismissing Loughner Death Threats
Jared Loughner has been making death threats by phone to many people in Pima County including staff of Pima Community College, radio personalities and local Bloggers. When Pima County Sheriff's Office was informed, his deputies assured the Victims that he was being well managed by the Mental Health system. It was also suggested that further pressing of charges would be unnecessary and probably cause more problems than it solved as Jared Loughner has a family member that works for Pima County. Th...
The Left Never Wastes a Tragedy
Ben Johnson,
The Left never stands so tall as when it stands upon dead bodies. Whether it is Bill Clinton blaming the Oklahoma City bombing on Rush Limbaugh, Democratic mayors suing gun manufacturers after school shootings in Arkansas and Colorado, Democrats turning Senator Paul Wellstone’s memorial into a campaign rally, or Cindy Sheehan vastly overstaying her 15 minutes of fame, the Left never lets a tragedy pass without blaming it on its political enemies and pushing ...
Searching for answers to Tuscon tragedy
Image via CrunchBase
From New York newspaper columnists to an Illinois senator, the liberal left is blaming the Tea Party and conservative stars for the shooting of an Arizona congresswoman. How about blaming the Communist and Nazi-loving shooter?
It didn't take long for New York Times columnist Paul Krugman to blame the Tea Party and Sarah Palin for the shooting outside a Tucson Supermarket that seriously injured Congresswoman Gabriel Giffords and left six others, including a 9-year-old,...
OReillys Fiery Talking Points Memo Fearlessly Slams Krugman, MSNBC
After a weekend of horror and subsequent political confusion (and more than a bit of opportunism), Bill O’Reilly came out swinging in his opening segment tonight, condemning those on the left, particularly Paul Krugman and MSNBC, for what he called the exploitation of a national tragedy.
After a weekend where, ideological divisiveness aside, both sides of the political aisle seemed to agree that maybe the tragic events of this Saturday should be a sign to tone down the political Rhetoric, ...
Suspect in Arizona shootings appears in court
By David Schwartz
PHOENIX, Arizona | Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:42pm EST
PHOENIX, Arizona (Reuters) - A troubled 22-year-old College Dropout made his first court appearance on Monday on five federal charges, including the attempted Assassination of Representative Gabrielle Giffords, who remained in critical condition with a bullet wound to the head.
His hands manacled together, Jared Lee Loughner said understood the charges against him that stem from a Shooting Spree in Tucson on Saturday that left s...
Suspect in Arizona shootings appears in court
By David Schwartz
PHOENIX, Arizona | Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:42pm EST
PHOENIX, Arizona (Reuters) - A troubled 22-year-old College Dropout made his first court appearance on Monday on five federal charges, including the attempted Assassination of Representative Gabrielle Giffords, who remained in critical condition with a bullet wound to the head.
His hands manacled together, Jared Lee Loughner said understood the charges against him that stem from a Shooting Spree in Tucson on Saturday that left s...
Paul Krugman's totalitarian temptation
Was President Obama encouraging Murder during his 2008 campaign when he said, "If they bring a knife ... we bring a gun"? Was he encouraging political violence when he said more recently of the new Republican House majority that "we are going to have just hand-to-hand combat up here on Capitol Hill"? Of course not. Similarly, former Pennsylvania Democratic Rep. Paul Kanjorski was speaking allegorically in October when he said Florida Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Rick Scott should "be lined...
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.