Birther Movement: Well this isn't really a surprise: A woman was arrested in the House gallery Thursday after interrupting a reading of the Constitution by yelling out her...
Video: Protester Interrupts Reading of the Constitution in the House
A representative is reading about eligibility of the President and a Protester starts yelling from the gallery. He is removed
politicoA woman was arrested in the House gallery Thursday after interrupting a reading of the Constitution by yelling out her belief that President Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen of the United States.
When Frank Rep. Pallone (D-N.J.) read the part of Article II, Section 1 mandating that only a "natural-born citizen" may be president, the woman, seated in the...
Birther Arrested During Reading of Constitution
(Politico) — A woman was arrested in the House gallery Thursday after interrupting a reading of the Constitution by yelling out her belief that President Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen of the United States. When Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) read the part of Article II, Section 1 mandating that only a “natural-born citizen” may be president, the woman, seated in the front row of the public gallery, screamed “Except Obama, except Obama. Help us Jesus.” R...
'Birther' arrested during Constitution reading
A woman was arrested in the House gallery Thursday after interrupting a reading of the Constitution by yelling out her belief that President Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen of the United States.
When Frank Rep. Pallone (D-N.J.) read the part of Article II, Section 1 mandating that only a "natural-born citizen" may be president, the woman, seated in the front row of the public gallery, screamed "Except Obama, except Obama. Help us Jesus."
An officer removed her fr...
'Birther' disrupts Constitution reading
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6 (UPI) -- A woman was arrested in the U.S. House gallery Thursday after shouting she believed President Obama wasn't a natural-born U.S. citizen. The woman shouted, "Except Obama" as Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J., read the section of the Constitution mandating only a "natural-born citizen" may be president, Politico reported. After being ordered removed by Rep. Mike Simpson, R-Idaho, who was sitting in the speaker's chair, the woman yelled, "My name is Theresa," as an officer led ...
Birther Interrupts House Reading Of Constitution (video)
A woman Protester shouted "except Obama" when the requirements for the person who occupies the Oval Office were read from the Constitution. Carol's Blog! Illegal Aliens Now Get Free Heart Surgery and Cancer Treatment - Free heart surgery for illegals is insane unless it is an emergency. Providing emergence medical services wasn't good enough for the Obama administratio... #Funny #video: 3 Reasons to quit drinking #lol - You may never drink again after watching this video. It's hilarious! ...
Birther outburst during Pallone's reading of the U.S. Constitution
As designated by the House GOP majority, Thursday morning was set aside for a full reading of the U.S. Constitution. During one part of it, a spectator in the gallery exercised her First Amendment right of Freedom of Speech. What set her off? No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to th...
What If They Started A Constitution Reading And Nobody Came?
If there was any doubt that the reading of the Constitution on the House floor was a stunt, that doubt can now be dispelled. It wasn’t exactly a full house as you can see here. Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor held an news conference in the middle of the reading, so they were obviously not paying attention to it. But then neither were the people in this photo, who seem either engaged in conversation or otherwise distracted. You must be logged in to post a comment. Oh no...
Birther Arrested For Shouting During Natural Born Part of Constitution
House Republicans are making good on not promising to do much of anything for the next couple years by reading the Constitution. How could a Teabagger oppose such a thing? Oh, right. And oh, right, our president was born on the other side of the globe in Kenya, not on the other side of the globe in Hawaii. Somebody yell about this! “THE CHAIR WOULD REMIND PERSONS IN THE GALLERY THIS IS A BIG FUCKING GAVEL. IT IS BIG. IT MAKES A BIG SOUND. YES, YOU WILL MAKE NEWS HEADLINES JUST LIKE THE ME...
Exclusive Video: Our Lost Interview of Birther Who Interrupted Congress Reading Of Constitution
The woman who interrupted the reading of the US Constitution on the floor of the House of Representatives Thursday to shout “birther” protestations has now been identified, by Capitol Police, as Theresa Cao , a colorful DC resident who often haunts the sidewalks of Pennsylvania ave outside the White House.
As it turns out, I knew her when. Almost exactly a year ago, I ran into TC, and videotaped a brief interview that I never ended up using. Here, for the first time, is that intervie...
Reading the Constitution: Education or futility?
Republicans and Democrats took turns politely in a historic recitation of the Constitution from the House floor Thursday, but the decorum hardly meant they were in agreement. In a nod to the tea partiers who put the Republicans in power, GOP lawmakers took time out from their campaign to change the way government works to read the document upon which the government was founded. Democrats went along but pointedly questioned the Republicans’ insistence on omitting sections that show how the ...
Efficiency Of The DMV: Jon Stewart Mocks Congressional Reading Of The Constitution
Jon Stewart introduced the 112th Congress last night with his signature rapier wit and keen satirical observations. The Daily Show host offered a panoply of funny gags: Speaker John Boehner ’s tears and over-sized gavel; the Birther interruption; the GOP’s attempt to curb spending with a new “Cut-Go” policy. He also ridiculed the reading of the U.S. Constitution on the House floor, saying “you managed to make the reading of one of our nation’s most treasure an...
Constitution Reading Provokes Political Tussling
WASHINGTON — Republicans and Democrats took turns politely in a historic recitation of the Constitution from the House floor Thursday, but the decorum hardly meant they were in agreement.
In a nod to the tea partiers who put the Republicans in power, GOP lawmakers took time out from their campaign to change the way government works to read the document upon which the government was founded. Democrats went along but pointedly questioned the Republicans' insistence on omitting sections tha...
Jon Stewart Roasts The House's Reading Of The Constitution (VIDEO)
Jon Stewart was excited to hear that the Constitution would be read in its entirety on the House floor yesterday, but he ended up being less pleased with the results.
"Well, you've done it," Stewart said last night. "You've managed to make the reading of one of our nation's most treasured and sacred founding documents and combined it with the efficiency of the DMV and the dramatic chops of family members who demand to be called to the bima during your bat mitzvah."
[TPM SLIDESHOW: Sanest Of Th...
Extra Bonus Quote of the Day
"The state of Hawaii has said that President Obama was born there. That's good enough for me."
-- House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), in an interview with NBC News, reacting to today's outburst by a birther in the House gallery.
"Except Obama, except Obama!"
You know... this smells funny to me... smells like a leftist plant frankly:
A woman was arrested in the House gallery Thursday after interrupting a reading of the Constitution by yelling out her belief that President Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen of the United States.
When Frank Rep. Pallone (D-N.J.) read the part of Article II, Section 1 mandating that only a "natural-born citizen" may be president, the woman, seated in the front row of the public gallery, screamed "Except Obama,...
""Except Obama, except Obama"
"Except Obama, except Obama!" A woman was arrested in the House gallery Thursday after interrupting a reading of the Constitution by yelling out her belief that President Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen of the United States. When Frank Rep. Pallone (D-N.J.) read the part of Article II, Section 1 mandating that only a "natural-born citizen" may be president, the woman, seated in the front row of the public gallery, screamed "Except Obama, except Obama. Help us Jesus.&quo...;
Family affair?
WASHINGTON, D.C. — House Speaker-designate John Boehner (R-OH) released the following names of family members who will be seated in the House gallery to view the Swearing-in of the 112th Congress and the Election of the Speaker of the House. Gallery guests include Boehner’s wife, Debbie, his two daughters Lindsay and Tricia, and 10 of his 11 brothers and sisters, among other family attending the ceremony....
Conflict Constitutionalists
As promised, the very reverent reading of the Constitution was staged in the hallowed halls of Congress today. The tragicomedic production was not without its moments of high drama. When they got to the "President shall be a natural born citizen" clause, a Birther in the audience burst out in an anguished solliloquy. Help us Jesus indeed.
But the drama wasn't entirely confined to the gallery. The GOP went all PC on the script and decided on an abridged version of the Sacred Document, leaving ...
Boehner Bursts Birthers Bubbles
Where Did All the Spam Go?...
No More Mister Nice Blog
"Bummer," whined A -list right-wing blogger Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit after the House Republicans' Constitution-reading stunt was crashed by a birther. Well, boo-hoo, Jim -- your side enables these people, so you get what you deserve:
An apparent member of the Birther Movement seated in the gallery of the House of Representatives on Thursday interrupted a reading of the Constitution. The woman yelled out "Except Obama, except Obama, help us Jesus!" as Rep. Frank...
End Game
"The White House says President Barack Obama will return to upstate New York next week. In a brief statement, the administration says the president will visit Schenectady, an ailing former industrial hub and one-time headquarters of General Electric," says the AP. "A birther trampled over the reading of the Constitution in the House of Representatives today. Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) was reading Section 1, Article 2, of the famed document, which relates to a person's eligib...
Inside the Beltway
A big, juicy debate with f-bombs and finger-pointing? Uh, no. The five hopefuls who gathered Monday to make their case for Republican National Committee chairmanship at the National Press Club were perfectly on message, delivering flawlessly timed talking points in dulcet tones. Their handlers must have been delighted.
The Candidates oozed civility, and repeatedly thanked their hosts from Americans for Tax Reform, the Daily Caller and the Susan B. Anthony List, as if each group ha...
Racism in Review, A Look Back and a Look Ahead
I’ve been away from the blog for a bit while I finished some other writing projects, but wanted to share with readers a couple of good year-end summaries for 2010. The first is from the good folks at Colorlines who produced this short video (3:44) about the year in race: The video includes a clip of George W. Bush (on Oprah) saying that Kanye West calling him Racist is “disgusting” - not something we talked about here on this blog much, so in case you missed it, you can s...
Fancy Washington DC Dinners Aren't Masking China Issues
Governor Robert Bentley Apologizes For Inauguration Talk
House GOP Passes Healthcare Reform Repeal, Urges Debate
Philly Abortion Doc Killed 7 In Barbaric Fashion
Obama Orders Rules' Review To Boost Job Creation
Mr. Obama: Whither Your Anti-Bush Foreign Policy
How An Ex-President Gets Into A Mayoral Election
Camden, N.J. Cuts Overworked Police Force In Two
Barack Obama And Hu Jintao Set For Talks On China
Joe Lieberman, Having Gone Indie, Now Going Home