Biden schmoozes House Democrats on Obama's tax cut package, but the message is firm: No changes

Tax Cut: The full PR panoply of the presidency is on display this week as President Obama attempts to sell his Tax Cut "Compromise" not to voters, nor to Republicans, but to his own Democrats.

PHOTOS: Joe Biden in pictures

So many people chuckled over the president labeling his agreement to accept all of the Bush era tax cuts a "Compromise" that the White House changed its terminology.

VIDEOS: Joe Biden in videos

It's now calling the packaged agreement the "Middle Class Tax Cut Framework." (MCTCF) That'll no doubt fool al...

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Roger T. Herring posted 8th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

The tax would cut the estate tax to 35% with a $5 million exemption, better than under Bush.

Mr. Dart posted 8th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

fed estate tax goes from ZERO to 35% and we're told it's a TAX CUT . Pelosi sez it still isn't enuff--more stealing from the dead needed.

frank posted 8th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

IF congress takes out the estate tax , IF congress ties the UI time limit to the Bush tax cut extension and make it less than the 2 yrs??

James Williams posted 8th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Extension of the relatively low tax rates. Cut in the payroll tax . Massive cut to the estate tax . Yep. Still barreling towards socialism.

progressiveforever posted 8th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Senate gop won 1 of their top priorities in tax - cut deal with by securing what would be the second-lowest U.S. ESTATE TAX in 80 years.

Freedom Fighter posted 8th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Let Bush tax break expire. Come back in Jan with new tax cut , no extension in unemployment and kill the estate tax . Screw the dems.

Eric posted 8th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

My only serious complaint on the tax cut agreement? The weakening of the estate tax .

wolverine man posted 8th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

38 billion dollar estate tax cut for 39000 estates...unbelievable..Chris Van Holland wont support it. Sink it in the potomac

Max Bergmann posted 8th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

House s/d cut estate tax out of the deal, add $80bn in infrastructure funds (bullet trains, smart grid) and nego. w/ senate r's in conf.

bobaloo posted 8th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

How many jobs will the Estate Tax Cut bring? No help there just a giveaway adding to the deficit. Why aren't T Party mouths yelling?

LARRY HAYES posted 8th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

republicans & some democ'RATS' want those two year tax - cut 's 4-the wealthy including an estate - tax - cut 's adding 2-deficit 900-billion !

Rod Buchignani posted 8th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Obama has the Democratic congressional members fired up over the tax cut and estate tax . About time!

Jonathan Weisman posted 9th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Grover Norquist blesses estate tax deal as cut from 55%, not increase from 0. Breaks with Club for Growth, no break of No New Tax pledge.

Marlene Montooth posted 9th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Per DeFazio, WH diverted Chris Van Hollen w/dummy negotiators, while Biden&McConnell made the real deal w/ estate tax cut snuck in. WTF?

John Hendren posted 9th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

House Dems reject tax cut compromise. What next? Maybe they remove the estate tax cut ... or maybe it all unravels.

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