Radio Show: Yahoo! Buzz On his radio program Monday, the conservative talk-show host told his viewers about an email exchange he had Sunday with the former Alaska Governor and potential 2012 Presidential Candidate, who has faced criticism for a map she posted last year that used cross hairs to identify 20 Democratic lawmakers she wanted to see ousted from office in the November election.
PHOTOS: Sarah Palin in pictures
One of the lawmakers singled out on the map was Rep. Gabrielle Giffords , an Arizona Democrat who was severely wounded in...
VIDEOS: Sarah Palin in videos
Stephen Fry: Women don't really like sex. What would he know, ask feminists
He has been called ‘the cleverest man in Britain’. But even Stephen Fry’s fans must feel there are limits to his expertise. And as one of the country’s most famous Homosexuals, female Sexuality is unlikely to be one of his specialist topics. ‘If women liked sex as much as men, there would be straight cruising areas in the way there are Gay cruising areas,’ he said. ‘Women would go and hang around in churchyards thinking, “God, I’ve got to get...
Feminists disappointed by women
Sexism really is still with us. On a recent episode of PBS’s “To the Contrary,” where I contributed as a guest, the discussion turned to the fact that women still lag behind men in achieving the highest leadership positions in politics and business. And some people think the statistics point to a problem with women themselves.
“Women need to learn to be much stronger” if they are ever going to reach “parity” with men, argued one commentator. In...
Uncertainty Allows Mothers to Select For Their Children the Father Who Would be Best for Them
“Uncertainty Allows Mothers to Select For Their Children the Father Who Would be Best for Them”Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010
I never thought I’d see a feminist come out and admit that’s what it’s all about. The context is a column by one Melanie McDonaugh lamenting how economical and workable the DNA test has become; pining for the good old days when a lady whose discretion lost out to her lust, simply rounded up all the Candidates who knew they could be guilty, and...
Pregnancy Is a Disease and Progressives Have the Cure
Half of all pregnancies in the United States are still unplanned. Ever since radical feminists discarded the bourgeois notion of a maternal instinct they’ve been at a loss to understand why 50% of women still have trouble using contraceptives.
The 21st century researchers, with the help of a radical, pro-abortion administration, are working on the ‘cure’ for Pregnancy.
The Institute of Medicine(IOM), funded by Far Left foundations like Robert Wood Johnson, will gather a “pane
Exactly How Did We Get Christine O'Donnell Again?
I knew Christine O'Donnell before you did. And by 'you' I mean 'people in general.' (And by 'knew,' definitely not like that guy that didn't sleep with her several years ago.) I knew Christine O'Donnell because I drive to the Eastern Shore of Maryland a couple of times a year and I had seen her advertising on the first day of fall, 2008. Anyone who pulls off of US 95 onto Route 1 has a vague impression of the names of Delaware's political candida...
Today's Edition of "Conniving and Sinister"
See Deeky's archive of all previous Conniving & Sinister strips here. [In which Liss reimagines the long-running comic "Frank & Ernest," about two old straight white guys "telling it like it is," as a fat feminist white woman (Liss) and a biracial queerbait (Deeky) telling it like it actually is from their perspectives. Hilarity ensues.] See Deeky's archive of all previous Conniving & Sinister strips here. [In which Liss reimagines the long-running comic "Frank & Ernest," about two old straight...
Other Important Things Happening Besides the Election.
I know it's Election Day and we're all supposed to be focused on how America is refudiating Liberalism, but it's worth noting some of the other things that happened today. For instance, the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs has released a new report detailing intimate partner violence in 2008, and showing a sharp increase in violence within the LGBT community:
The total cases reported to NCAVP members in 2008 was 3419. This represents a slight increase, 1.2%, over 2007.The total perce...
Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani to be executed in Teheran tomorrow
The Iranian Islamic government is about to execute Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani in Teheran for the crime of committing “Adultery” (which presumably occurred after her husband’s death). She was also charged for allegedly conspiring in the death of her husband.
Sakineh’s death is set for tomorrow, November 3. After torturing her for four long years, including lashing her 99 times in the presence of her 17-year-old son, Sakineh’s death is now set for a time when Americans
Equal Rights Mean Equal Responsibilities...For Both Sexes
That is, unless you're a radical feminist with an entitlement complex:
... the old situation, in which women presented men with a child, and the man either did the decent thing and offered support, or made a run for it, allowed women a certain leeway. The courtesan in Balzac who, on becoming pregnant, unhesitatingly sought, and got, maintenance from two of her men friends, can’t have been the only one. Uncertainty allows mothers to select for their Children the father who would be best for t...
Atrocious HuffPo Rap Video Degrades Conservative Women
It’s amazing how comfortable leftists are with blatant hypocrisy. Their professed values of inclusiveness, tolerance, and equality only apply when they want them to. Such values rarely extend to their interaction with Conservatives.
Consider the leftist Rhetoric surrounding Feminism. The sensitivity of your average Women’s study major to the slightest reference to females as sex objects is nearly debilitating. Depending on how far off the deep end they are, the Left’s expectation of men
Quebec Says 'Non' to the Niqab
Whether they admit it or not, virtually all Westerners hate the niqab and Burqa for the anti-democratic ideology and misogynistic gender relations they signify. Many are increasingly willing to say so. Why does Political Correctness fall away when it comes to the niqab? Because other Islamist inroads, like Shari'a banking, happen offstage, so to speak. They are not "seen" by the public. But the niqab is open to the collective public gaze. Individuals responding to their own Discomfort observe th...
A Pocket Guide to Vaginal Euphemisms
Yesterday I noticed this fact sheet about vaginas circulating on Tumblr. It includes a list of common euphemisms, most of them pretty negative. I’ve taken the liberty of categorizing the list so you can draw your own feminist conclusions: Click to view full size. and tagged Body Image, Language. Bookmark the permalink. Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL. « You know what I love? Curfews for men. Because I’m a feminist....
National Cancer Institute Must Tell Women Abortion, Breast Cancer Linked
As October has closed, so does another Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is a noble and worthy endeavor to raise awareness of this dread disease and how it affects the women we love and their families. We have indeed made great strides against this disease in all areas: etiology, early detection, and treatment. However, the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) pro-abortion political correcting of honestly assessing all areas of causality undercuts the effectiveness of this month’s acti...
Today's Edition of "Conniving and Sinister"
See Deeky's archive of all previous Conniving & Sinister strips here. [In which Liss reimagines the long-running comic "Frank & Ernest," about two old straight white guys "telling it like it is," as a fat feminist white woman (Liss) and a biracial queerbait (Deeky) telling it like it actually is from their perspectives. Hilarity ensues.] See Deeky's archive of all previous Conniving & Sinister strips here. [In which Liss reimagines the long-running comic "Frank & Ernest," about two old straight...
Random Round-Up 11-01
Latinos souring on Illegal Immigration
GOP Makes Serious Inroads Among Hispanics
Justice Department to Send Election Observers to Arizona as Concern Rises About Illegal Voters
EXPOSED! America’s Democracy Traded Away for a Slice of Pizza!
BUMMER. Kid Dresses Up as Obama Joker For White House Halloween Party (The kid could have been just The Joker but for the lack of green hair wig. Still it's interesting that Obama just pushes him past. Video.)
Spitzer: You are a ‘heinous Terrorist...
Afternoon Links 11.1.10
On the sixtieth anniversary of the promulgation of the Doctrine of the Assumption, a reflection on the dogma, which includes a video of the event.
A government agency on the Isle of Wight is now letting girls as young as thirteen get “emergency contraception” and contraceptive pills without their parents’ permission or knowledge.
At the same time, Americans are debating providing free contraception under the new Health Care law as “preventive medicine.”
JFKs Alter Ego
Half a century after an election that put him into the White House with John F. Kennedy for a memorable thousand days, Ted Sorensen has died, the last living link to a time that, in today’s political world, seems a distant dream.
They would say in those days, “When Jack is hurt, Ted bleeds,” and loyalty was certainly a Sorensen trait, but there was so much more.
He stubbornly refused to admit he had ghost-written “Profiles in Courage,” the Pulitzer Prize book abou...
Margaret Thatcher tops list of most influential women
While nearly a third of women put Margaret Thatcher top of the most influential women, only 2% said they would like to swap lives with her. Photograph: Press Association Move over Angelina Jolie and Kate Moss. Women's role models are engaged in altogether more serious pursuits far removed from the glossy pages of celebrity magazines, according to a new survey. When YouGov and AOL UK asked women to name their most influential woman, not a single pop star or Supermodel made the top 10 and the ...
BELLACIAO - Albanian gangs running Kosovo - mirta
Society Catastrophes Conso-Adv Discriminations-Minorit. Logement Public services Sports The "without" - Migrants Transports Un/Employment Women - Feminism Organize, agitate, educate, must be our war cry. Susan B. Anthony ...
Stupid is Fearless: Corporate America Supplies a Visual Metaphor for the 2010 Elections
The GOP takes the House, brace for a Tsunami of Stupid. You must be logged in to comment. Log in or Register Focal Point is a blog about politics, ideas, photography, and Feminism. It began in 2004 as the independent blog Majikthise. (Majikthise archives are available here.) Original content is for Non-commercial use under Creative Commons. Except where otherwise noted. Some Rights Reserved. Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. ...
Jenn Q. Public Islam, Marital Rape Isn’t Rape-Rape
Maybe the Public Would Like Democrats More if Michelle Obama Went Back to Telling Us How Much America Sucks
Above: Electoral Gold, Guaranteed
The big day’s almost here. Tomorrow the American People will go to the polls and let Washington, DC, know just what they’ve thought of the Hope & Change agenda. Many predict the Democrats will lose big, causing leftists to conjure up excuses for the defeat that mean something, anything other than that the country just doesn’t agree with them.
At the Daily Beast, Dayo Olopade has an especially novel theory: the voters simply haven’t seen enough
The Recession's Hit Women Hard, but the Myth of the
Sign up to stay up to date on the latest headlines via email. As an analysis, the myth of the “mancession” may have started out as an overly-stylized reading of Labor Market statistics. Men lost a larger share of Jobs than women at the outset of the Great Recession in 2007, according to widely-reported Bureau of Labor Statistics measures tracking trends through spring 2009. This led University of Michigan Economist and American Enterprise Institute scholar Mark J. Perry to conclude t...
This is so the worst thing you're going to read all day.
Another awesome entry from repeat offender Psychology Today: The Truth About Beauty. If you want to snag a fish, you can't just slap the water with your hand and yell, "Jump on my hook, already!" Yet, if you're a woman who wants to land a man, there's this notion that you should be able to go around looking like Ernest Borgnine: If you're "beautiful on the inside," that's all that should count. Right.I'll also note, one again, that it is feminists, of course, who have the terrible reputation, bu...
Random Round-Up 11-01
Latinos souring on Illegal Immigration
GOP Makes Serious Inroads Among Hispanics
Justice Department to Send Election Observers to Arizona as Concern Rises About Illegal Voters
EXPOSED! America’s Democracy Traded Away for a Slice of Pizza!
BUMMER. Kid Dresses Up as Obama Joker For White House Halloween Party (The kid could have been just The Joker but for the lack of green hair wig. Still it's interesting that Obama just pushes him past. Video.)
Spitzer: You are a ‘heinous Terrorist...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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