Barbara Walters: During a View discussion on the Giffords shooting, Barbara Walters said that she feels sorry for Sarah Palin, who she feels is being unfairly singled-out in the wake of the Arizona shooting.
PHOTOS: Barbara Walters in pictures
All four members of the panel had strongly denounced Palin's crosshairs map when it was first published.
VIDEOS: Barbara Walters in videos
Labels: Barbara Walters, Elizabeth Hasselbeck, Gabrielle Giffords, The View, Whoopi Goldberg New! Share this on Facebook: Share ...
Alaska lowers flags in honor of Tucson shooting victims
Flags will be lowered to half-staff beginning Monday until sunset Friday in honor of the Victims of the Arizona shootings. U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 19 other people were shot Saturday morning by a gunman who opened fire at a town hall gathering she was hosting at a Safeway in northwest Tucson. Six people died and Giffords was critically injured. President Barack Obama ordered flags to be lowered and the Governor's office says the state is doing the same. "I urge all Alaskans to pause toda...
Palin caught in crosshairs map controversy after Tucson shootings
In her more than two years on the national stage, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has proven to be a master of attention-grabbing quotes and vivid images. As a result, she finds herself at the center of a political and media Controversy - unfairly in the estimation of her allies - after Saturday's shootings in Tucson.
This Story
Arizona shooting suspect Loughner makes first appearance in Federal Court
The faces of Jared Loughner
Bullet's path may determine Giffords's injuries
A look at the...
Barbara Walters: 'I'm Feeling Bad for Sarah Palin'
“I’m feeling bad for Sarah Palin because I don’t think that’s what she should have said, and certainly crosshairs are very scary,” Barbara Walters said on "The View." “This is a deranged young man. This is a Timothy Mcveigh. Whether this happened because there is violence - too much commentary, too much violence as you say we’ve talked about. Sometimes we do it here we get so angry.” You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those oppo...
Barbara Walters: Unfair To Blame Sarah Palin As Some Are Doing
Not surprisingly the topic of conversation on today episode of The View was the tragic events of this weekend in Arizona that saw six innocent civilians killed and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords put into critical condition. Almost immediately after the news broke of this event, many on the left pointed to an image put fort by Sarah Palin’s PAC that included Controversial cross-hair imagery on a number of Congressional Districts in play (including Giffords’.) Today Barbara Walters defended P...
Barbara Walters: I cant shake the feeling that this isnt Sarah Palins fault
Via the Daily Caller, it’s depressing that we have to give Barbara credit for making an exceedingly rudimentary point — namely, that it might be hard to fully comprehend the motives of a guy who’s willing to smile for his Mug Shot after shooting 19 people. Once upon a time not so long ago, the left understood that. Remember Media Matters’ reaction back in September to the nut who went berserk at Discovery Channel HQ in the name of Environmentalism? Quote: “Discove...
Barbara Walters: Unfair to Blame Sarah Palin
Were These Bizarre Videos Made by the Arizona Shooter? (Update) Jr. Ringer T-Shirt ...
Barbara Walters Says Blaming Palin For Giffords Shooting Very Unfair
Awww. Wikileaks Hemorrhaging a Half-Million Euros a Week....
Poisonous Politics
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
By Patrick J. Buchanan
On Feb. 15, 1933, Giuseppe Zangara, delusional and a loner, fired his .32-caliber pistol at FDR in the Bayfront Park area of Miami.
Five feet tall, Zangara could not aim over the crowd. So, he stood on a folding chair and was piled on after the first of five shots. He wounded four people, including Mayor Anton Cermak of Chicago.
In two weeks, Zangara, who pled guilty, had been sentenced to 80 years. When Cermak died on March 6, Zangara was re...
A Responsible Democracy in America (Guest Voice)
A Responsible Democracy in America
by Martha Randolph Carr
U.S. District Judge John M. Roll, 63 was one of six people who have died as a result of the shooting Saturday at a Tucson, AZ Safeway Grocery Store. Fourteen others were wounded with eight still hospitalized and one is reported to be in critical condition. Roll had stopped by to shake Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ hand at her down home meet and greet for constituents. Roll lived nearby and was said to have read about the scheduled appeara...
Whos Guilty of Inciting Violence, Mr. President?
Victor Davis Hanson, The Washington Times
Very few Americans are fans of both The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf, as 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner, the purported Tucson killer, apparently was. Fewer still post on the Internet fears about “brainwashing,” “mind control,” and “conscience dreaming”; have long records of public disruption and aberrant behavior; were expelled from community college; or were rejected summarily for Military service.
No matter. ...
The exploitive rhetoric of tragedy
After all, unlike Sarah Palin's absurdly infamous Facebook map with crosshairs on Congressional Districts that some pundits have blamed for the violence, we have some evidence — suspect Jared Lee Loughner's own words — that these books were a direct influence on him. And to listen to partisan ghouls such as Keith Olbermann exploiting this horrific crime, any Rhetoric or writing or images that contributed to it must be stopped and those who don't accept blame and then repent (specific...
The Lefts Script of Hate
“Just the facts, ma’am,” Dragnet’s Joe Friday famously informed witnesses he interviewed. Oft-interviewed Pima County Sherriff Clarence Dupnik might adopt the catchphrase: “Save the facts, ma’am. Just the narrative.” The narrative of right-wing Rhetoric fueling accused mass-murderer Jared Lee Loughner proved so seductive to partisans that they didn’t wait for the compilation of facts, or burial of the dead, to advance their politically opportunisti...
Federal employees killed in Giffords shooting reflect alarming trend of violence
I'm writing this column as if there were a heavy, black drape around its borders. It would commemorate the lives of John M. Roll and Gabe Zimmerman, two federal employees killed, along with four others, by the crazed gunman who critically wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords just outside Tucson on Saturday.
This Story
Arizona shooting suspect Loughner makes first appearance in Federal Court
The faces of Jared Loughner
Bullet's path may determine Giffords's injuries
A look at the left hemisphere
Loughner's parents 'devastated,' 'hurting'
PHOENIX, Ariz. — The parents of Jared Loughner, the 22-year-old suspect in the fatal shooting of six people and attempted Assassination of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, are "devastated" and "hurting real bad," a neighbor told The Wall Street Journal. The paper reported that the neighbor, Wayne Smith, broke the news to Randy and Amy Loughner that their son was a suspect in the shootings Saturday. "She almost passed out right there," Smith told the Journal. "He sat in the road with...
Arizona gunman in court as Obama leads mourning
The man accused of trying to assassinate a congresswoman in an Arizona Shooting Spree that left six dead appeared in court Monday but said nothing to shed light on his motive. President Barack Obama led the Americans in a somber minute of silence to honor the 20 people gunned down in Tucson -- where he will attend a memorial service on Wednesday, the White House announced. Flags were at half-staff at the Capitol in Washington, where hundreds of aides and lawmakers crammed the storied steps of Co...
The Note's Must-Reads for Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The Note's Must-Reads are a round-up of today's political headlines and stories from ABC News and the top U.S. Newspapers. Posted Monday through Friday right here at
Arizona SHOOTING / Gun Control:
ABC News’ Jake Tapper and Sunlen Miller: “Obama Phones Sheriff Dupnik, Families of the Victims, The Heroes, and Giffor...
Will AZ Shooter Kill the First Amendment?
Joe Guzzardi,
Immediately after crazed gunman Jared Lee Loughner gravely wounded Arizona U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords, killed U.S. Judge John M. Roll, and six other people while wounding 12 innocent bystanders, the Immigration Rhetoric subtly ratcheted up.
Denouncing Gifford’s shooting, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik and others made it clear that what they referred to as “inflammatory Speech” had made the political atmosphere in Arizona so toxic that acts
The latest updates on the Gabrielle Giffords shooting incident in Tucson
The shooting of United States Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and 19 others is still the dominant story in news and is expected to remain so for the coming days. Six people have died from the shootings, which took place while the Congresswoman was hosting a public event in Tucson, Arizona. Fourteen people were injured, including the Congresswoman who was shot in the head. Below readers can see the latest updates on the story. - The parents of the shooting suspect, Jared ...
Doctor: Gabrielle Giffords 'holding her own' after shooting
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords's doctor said the congresswoman was "holding her own" at a Hospital in Tucson early Monday morning, with CT scans showing that the swelling in her brain is not getting any worse.
This Story
Christina-Taylor Green, 9-year-old killed in Tucson, remembered, mourned
Obama calls for national moment of silence for Tucson Victims
Doctor: Gabrielle Giffords 'holding her own' after shooting
Giffords able to communicate, respond
Gabrielle Giffords, congresswoman from A...
Congressional staffs weigh security concerns after Gabrielle Giffords shooting
On Monday, as they signed condolence and well-wishes books in the rotunda of the Cannon House Office Building for the Victims of the Arizona shooting rampage, congressional aides reflected on a reality that had so violently shifted.
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) is battling for her life, and six others are dead - including Giffords's community outreach director, Gabriel Zimmerman. Two more Giffords aides are among the 14 people wounded by a gunman who authorities say appeared to target th...
Gabrielle Giffords recovery continues in aftermath of Tucson shooting
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords continued her recovery in a Tucson Hospital after Saturday's shooting:
The 40-year-old lawmaker was shot through the head Saturday, allegedly targeted by a deranged constituent. Doctors said Sunday that the passage of the bullet through only one side of her brain and her initial responsiveness give hope she could survive and even possibly recover.
"We are more and more encouraged," physician Michael Lemole, who is treating Giffords, said on ABC's "Good ...
After shootings, Obama must find not only right words but right time to say them
In the aftermath of the Arizona shootings, President Obama canceled his travel plans and called for a national moment of silence, which he and first lady Michelle Obama will observe on the South Lawn at 11 a.m. Monday.
This Story
Giffords shooting unlikely to sway Public Opinion about Gun Control
West Wing Briefing: After shootings, Obama must find not only right words but right time to say them
Special Report: The Tucson shooting rampage
Doctor: Gabrielle Giffords 'holding her own' after sho...
Heed the Prophetic Words of Whoopi Goldberg
Every now and then, the staged ladies’ coffee klatch known as “The View” produces some useful commentary on Our Life and Times, and in this instance, taken from a show that aired last year, the discussion seems downright prescient. Whoopi Goldberg kicks it off by critiquing Sarah Palin’s notorious cross-hair-peppered map of the U.S., Joy Behar chirps in agreement and Dame Edna sits in sparkly resplendence while conservative show regulars Sherri Shepherd and Elizabeth Has...
Memo For File CXXVIII
Memo For File CXXVIIIMonday, January 10th, 2011
So back to the Arizona shooting. We’re all split squarely down the middle on this thing; our pinhead columnists and authority figures are convinced it was an act of political Extremism, whereas the red-blooded people with whole brains, are leaning toward the gunman being just-plain-nuts. The evidence is falling in behind the ideas of the people-with-whole-brains. But the jump-to-conclusions people have fancy titles and big, big names. I gue...
Mind Your "P's" and "Q's"
Kansas Third District Representative, Dennis Moore, retired to spend more time with his family. Strangely enough, his wife, Stephene announced she would run in his place. Mrs. Moore, a registered nurse, said in a statement, "I will be a voice of reason who puts Kansas families ahead of Partisanship, because it shouldn't matter if an idea is a Democratic idea or a Republican idea, what is important is if it is a good idea for Kansas." Yes, Stephene, you are absolutely correct in your b...
Richard Holbrooke Remembered For China, Bosnia, Afghanistan
Top Priority For Republicans: Cutting Federal Spending
Sarah Palin Follows Own Advice In Media Dealings
Tracheotomy Lets Surgeons Remove Giffords' Feeding Tube
Reince Priebus Gets To Find $22 Million For RNC
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
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