Michele Bachmann: Rep. Michele Bachmann (R., Minn.) won’t say she is running for president in 2012 — but she isn’t ruling out a run, either. “My focus is on the national narrative,” Bachmann told National Review Online, when asked if she had ruled out a presidential run. “To go out and speak out on issues [between] now and 2012.
PHOTOS: Michele Bachmann in pictures
Focusing on particular personalities is a parlor game that will distract us from the true message we need to put out over the next two years,” sh...
VIDEOS: Michele Bachmann in videos
Bachmann intel post about politics?
The country has a new guardian for its National Security secrets: Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN). The outspoken Minnesota congresswoman, and Tea Party favorite, has been tapped by House Speaker John Boehner for a coveted slot on the House Intelligence Committee, giving Bachmann a new role as overseer of the CIA, the National Security Agency, and the rest of the U.S. intelligence community, her office confirmed today. The move comes at a time when Bachmann is seeking to burnish her national securit...
Michele Bachmann refuses to rule out 2012 presidential run (Daily Caller)
Rep. Michele Bachmann did not rule out the possibility of a 2012 presidential run on Wednesday, but called discussions of candidacy premature at this point.
“Can you imagine two years of speculating about who the nominee will be?” Bachmann asked Greta VanSusteren. “It’s boring.”
Speculation arose earlier in the day when it was announced that the Minnesota Republican and Tea Party darling would headline a Fundraiser in Iowa later this month held by Iowans for Tax R...
Baffled Vieira to Bachmann: Why Vote to Repeal Obamacare If It's Just Going to Get Vetoed?
NBC's Meredith Vieira seemed baffled by the concept of taking a principled stand against ObamaCare, as she repeatedly pressed Michele Bachmann, on Thursday's Today show, why Republicans would bother to vote to Repeal the Health Care bill in the House if it wasn't going to get passed in the Senate or signed by the President. Vieira's very first question to the Republican Minnesota Congresswoman set the aggressive tone for the entire interview as she demanded: "Given the fact ...
Rep. Paul Ryan Suggests Repeal Bill Is All About 'Framing' For 2012
Even though Senate Democrats have unequivocally promised that they "will block" the Repeal of Health Care reform, House Republicans are moving forward with the "Repealing The Job-Killing Health Care Law Act," straining to justify what amounts to a partisan stunt. Today, for example, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) insisted that "it's not symbolic," while Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA) speculated that Repeal "may very well pass the Senate." But during a discussion with Wall Street Journal editor Paul Gigo...
Anti-Pelosi Revolt
In spite of presiding over a smashing defeat for her Caucus in Midterm Elections, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to step aside as leader, laying claim to the Minority Leader position for the 112th Congress. But in the process, a record number of Democratic defectors expressed dissatisfaction with Pelosi by voting for Democratic moderate Heath Shuler instead.
The number of defectors was small, but significant. What it shows is that Pelosi has work to do in unifying her own caucus....
Bachmann: 'We Need to ... Make Sure We Repeal Pres. Obama'
GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, Fox News: Nice to see you. Before we get to the issue of the Republican takeover of the House, the big buzz in Washington is, are you going to run for president in 2012? REP. Michele Bachmann, R-MINN.: I think that came out because I'm planning to do a series of speeches down in Iowa. And that's my home state. I was born in Iowa. But I'm planning to go down there and talk about why we need to have -- make sure that we Repeal President Obama in 2012, just like today we had a r...
Rep. Bachmann Moves Fast on Dodd-Frank Repeal
GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann , the Tea Party favorite from Minnesota, used the first 24 hours of the new Congress to introduce Legislation rolling back the landmark Wall Street regulatory law passed just six months ago. Ms. Bachmann is scheduled to give a Speech in Iowa later this month, fueling talk that she is eager to throw her own hat in the 2012 presidential primary ring. Taking on the Dodd-Frank financial overhaul law could be an interesting strategy to gain more attention. The law, a key acc...
Junk Accounting
From the people who gave us Junk Science comes Junk Accounting.
Same scary lies, different discipline.
Repealing ObamaCare (H.R. 2) will cost gajillions!
From CBO Director Doug Elmendorf: “Because CBO and JCT estimated that the March 2010 Health Care Legislation would reduce Budget Deficits over the 2010-2019 period and in subsequent years, we expect that repealing that Legislation would increase Budget deficits. The resulting increase in Deficits projected for fiscal years 2012 through ...
Report: Mitch Daniels '75%' Of The Way There On Decision To Run For President
Welcome to the horserace before the horserace. Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, one of the more prominent names in the ever-expanding Republican presidential field for 2012, is doing what all the other prominent names in the field are doing: being coy about his intentions.
Sources close to Daniels tell Real Clear Politics' Erin McPike that the term-limited Governor is "about 75 percent of the way in for a presidential run."
"The last 25 percent of his decision will come during the next four months ...
Video: Speaker Boehner Debates His Opposition: THE PRESS
Like I said in my earlier post today (Liberal establishment MSM out with new meme: Repealing ObamaCare will COST $1 Trillion!), the establishment MSM is in full-bore attack the GOP mode:
Does anyone remember this kind of virulent attack from the MSM towards Pelosi? Yeah - I didn't think so. The ObamaCare Repeal vote is coming to the House next week:
Baffled Vieira to Bachmann: Why Vote to Repeal Obamacare If It's Going to Get Vetoed?
NBC's Meredith Vieira seemed baffled by the concept of taking a principled stand against ObamaCare, as she repeatedly pressed Michele Bachmann, on Thursday's Today show, why Republicans would bother to vote to Repeal the Health Care bill in the House if it wasn't going to get passed in the Senate or signed by the President? Vieira's very first question to the Republican Minnesota Congresswoman set the aggressive tone for the entire interview as she demanded: "Given the fact ...
Tax code ripe for reform: Senate leader
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The tax code is "ripe" for reform and will be a top priority for Democrats this year, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said on Thursday.
Both parties agree the voluminous tax code needs a rewrite and both the Democratic-led Senate and Republican-led House of Representatives will begin hearings soon on an overhaul.
"I do believe the country is ripe for Tax Reform," Reid said at a news conference. "Our tax system is broken and needs to be fixed."
Separately, Treasury Secret...
Republicans Shouldn't Go Soft on Obamacare Repeal
Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. In an otherwise fine editorial, the Wall Street Journal writes that, after Republicans vote for ObamaCare's full Repeal (next week), they should "attack ObamaCare piece by piece," by "restor[ing] funding for Medicare Advantage" and passing other bills of that nature - which, the Journal writes, would "perhaps even force Mr. Obama to use a Veto or two." But such advice ignores the important fact that attempting to Repeal Obamac...
GOP Reps. Fitzpatrick, Dold Wont Say if They Support Defunding Health Care Law
Thursday, January 06, 2011
By Nicholas Ballasy
U.S. Capitol (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
(CNSNews.com) - Reps. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) and Robert Dold (R-Ill.) have not committed to defunding the Health Care law, under a plan by Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), who supports putting specific language in every appropriations bill the House passes to prohibit the funding of the Health Care law.
“I haven’t seen the proposal. I’ll certainly take a look at it. It’s intriguing but I
Income tax repeal may hit Missouri ballot in '12
A group of prominent Missouri Conservatives are moving forward with a ballot initiative in 2012 that would ask voters to Repeal the state Income Tax, potentially forcing the issue to the forefront in the race for Governor and U.S. Senate.
Politico has learned that Jefferson City Lobbyist Travis Brown and wealthy conservative investor Rex Sinquefield will submit the initial paperwork for their dramatic plan to revise the state's tax system to the Secretary of State Friday.
Their initiative outl...
Harry Reid and Democrats seek to use backdoor methods to change filibuster rules
Senate Democrats are floating the idea of making major changes to Senate rules applying to the use of the Filibuster. An important check against the majority, the filibuster exists in part to distinguish the Senate from the whims of the “majority-rule” House. Structured as a more deliberative body, the filibuster is designed to allow the minority an opportunity to oppose or defeat bills or nominees in certain circumstances. Democrat Senator Tom Udall is working to a...
Rep. Bachmann Complains Barely-Implemented Health Care Law Is "Not Delivering"
Known for her nutty Rhetoric and unyielding obstructionism, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) was unable to tone it down during her appearance this morning on the Today Show. When host Meredith Vieira asked why House Republicans are indulging in the upcoming show vote on repealing the Affordable Care Act, Bachmann's defense was that the law isn't "delivering by cost-cutting the way that we were told that it would." BACHMANN: Well because that's the issue that people really reacted against. They were ...
Gingrich Launches Health Care Repeal Website
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich's Advocacy Group American Solutions on Thursday launched a website to support congressional Republicans' fight to defund and Repeal the Health Care reform law.
In an email to supporters, Gingrich described the new site, NoMoreObamaCare.com, as an "action center" for citizens who want to get involved in promoting efforts to Repeal President Obama's signature domestic achievement.
The newly empowered Republican House intends to make Health Care Repeal a focal p...
Kristol criticizes Bachmanns silly petition to stop raising of debt ceiling
According to ABC News, Rep. Michele Bachmann is mulling a run for president in 2012 and will start meeting with Iowa power brokers to determine the efficacy of such a move this month. Her aides would neither confirm nor deny that she had plans on the high office, and her spokesman did not rule out a Bachmann bid for president. Rep. Gruenhagen brings Controversial views to Health and Human Services Committee With the new Legislature sworn into session on Tuesday, one new official is coming under...
Bachmann for President
Oh happy day! Let this be true:
Fresh off winning Reelection and proving she can raise massive amounts of campaign cash, Rep. Michele Bachmann is beginning to consider a presidential run, according to close congressional aides.
As part of that effort, the Minnesota Republican will travel to the early Caucus state of Iowa on Jan. 21 to confer with state GOP leaders and address a group of conservative tax Activists.
Yesterday, Ed Schultz insisted -- seriously -- that Bachmann could get the nomi...
Taking Bachmann for President seriously
The Iowa Republican's Craig Robinson thinks you should -- and makes a good argument to that end.
The reason why Bachmann should be taken seriously is because, unlike Huckabee in 2008, there is a clear path to victory for her in Iowa if she chooses to go down it. Bachmann has a lot going for her as a Presidential Candidate.
She was born in Waterloo, Iowa. In no way will that seal the deal with Caucus goers, but Iowans always like those who have roots here.
Bachmann’s also attractive, arti...
Were Not Worthy [Michele Bachmann for President?]
from Balloon Juice
by John Cole
Unfortunately, I do not think the Gods love me enough for this:
Fresh off winning Reelection and proving she can raise massive amounts of campaign cash, Rep. Michele Bachmann is beginning to consider a presidential run, according to close congressional aides.As part of that effort, the Minnesota Republican will travel to the early Caucus state of Iowa on Jan. 21 to confer with state GOP leaders and address a group of conservative tax Activists.It’s probably ju...
Bachmann On Possible Presidential Bid: I'm 'Not Focused On My Own Personal Ambitions' (VIDEO)
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) was interviewed by Greta Van Susteren Wednesday night on Fox News, and addressed the mounting buzz that she might run for president -- and she did not rule it out.
"I think that came up because I'm planning to do a series of speeches down in Iowa," Bachmann said. "And that's my home state, I was born in Iowa. But I'm planning to go down there and talk about why we need to have -- make sure that we Repeal (sic) President Obama in 2012, just like today we had a repe...
Bachmann for president? Tea Party darling blames media
Minnesota Republican Michele Bachmann, champion-in-chief of the House Tea Party Caucus, blames the media for all the recent chatter about her status as a potential Presidential Candidate. “I’m not concerned about my own personal ambition,” she tells NBC News. “Right now, too many people in the media are concerned about who will be the nominee in 2012.” That’s a wee bit odd given that the speculation began after her office announced a trip to the presidential f...
Bachmann Considers 2012 Presidential Bid
(Minneapolis) Add U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann to the list of potential Republican presidential hopefuls, as the Tea Party favorite plans a trip later this month to the early Caucus state of Iowa and creates possible complications for fellow Minnesotan and maybe-candidate Tim Pawlenty.
"Nothing's off the table for her," Andy Parrish, Bachmann's Chief of Staff, said Wednesday. "She's looking forward to traveling to Iowa for the Fundraiser, and you know, she's looking forward over th...
Former Congressman Tom Delay Sentenced To Three Years
Talk Radio, Blamed For Shooting, Blames Others
Second Congressional Shooting Staved Off With Arrest
Jerry Brown: California Budget Is Austerity Measure
Second Southern Snowstorm Levels Homeowners
Seven Shot, One Cop Dead In Baltimore Shootout
Deficit Reduction Could Force Pentagon To Limit Budget
Anti-Healthcare Repeal Vote Gets Democratic Support
Al Qaeda Splinter Group Alleged To Have Killed Two French Hostages
Arizona Male Who Shot Congresswoman Had Radical Links
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