Funeral : Disgusted Arizona residents are locking arms to stop the Westboro Baptist Church from disrupting the Funerals for Victims of Saturday's shooting in Tucson, with bikers and others organizing a massive counter-protest and state lawmakers fast-tracking a bill to hamstring the so-called church.
PHOTOS: Gabrielle Giffords in pictures
The Kansas-based Westboro church is notorious for showing up at the Funerals of dead Soldiers and other high-profile gatherings wielding inflammatory anti-gay signs.
VIDEOS: Gabrielle Giffords in videos
But when the church announced it would pic...
Arizonans Rally to Prevent Westboro Church Disruption of Shooting Victims' Funerals
Arizona state lawmakers approved emergency Legislation that would order Protesters to stay 300 feet away from the Funeral
Arizona residents are locking arms to stop the Westboro Baptist Church from disrupting the funerals for Victims of Saturday's shooting in Tucson, with bikers and others organizing a massive counter-protest and state lawmakers fast-tracking a bill to hamstring the group .
The Kansas-based Westboro church is notorious for showing up at the funerals of dead Soldiers an...
Westboro Baptist Church Agrees Not to Protest 9-Year-Olds Funeral
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
By Staff, Associated Press
Kansas City, Mo. (AP) - A Kansas church has decided to not Protest at the Funeral of a 9-year-old girl killed in a shooting rampage in Tucson, Ariz.
Shirley Phelps-Roper of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka says church members will skip Thursday's Funeral of Christina Taylor Green in Tucson.
Phelps-Roper says the church decided against the picket in exchange for airtime with 102.1 The Edge in Toronto, Canada, and an interview with K...
Westboro: We Won't Picket 9-Year-Old's Funeral
Like this Story? Share it: Erica Hill talks to John and Roxanna Green, parents of Christina Green, the 9-year-old Victim of the Tucson shooting rampage. During a Press Conference for the injured victims of the Tucson, Ariz. shooting, Bill Hileman became overcome with emotion when describing his wife who was holding the hand of 9-year-old Victim Christina Taylor Green. Funerals and memorials have begun for victims of the Tucson shooting that killed six people. Ben Tracy reports. Westboro Baptist ...
Westboro Baptist "Church " From Hell Going Even Lower
Arizonans Rally to Prevent Westboro Church Disruption of Shooting Victims' Funerals
Fox News
By Judson Berger
Westboro Baptist Church to Picket Funeral of 9-Yr-Old Girl Murdered in Tucson
Arizona residents are locking arms to stop the Westboro Baptist Church from disrupting the funerals for Victims of Saturday's shooting in Tucson, with bikers and others organizing a massive counter-protest and state lawmakers fast-tracking a bill to hamstring the group.
The Kansas-based Westboro church is n...
Arizona Shooting Funeral Protest Strains the First Amendment
The tragic shootings in Tucson raise, yet again, a critical question in a country which cherishes the First Amendment: how much must we tolerate intolerance in the defense of free Speech?
It’s not even about conservative rabble-rouser Glenn Beck, who commonly uses heated Rhetoric (and some outright misstatements) to rally his supporters—and who is now piously attacking the left for purportedly using the shootings to taint the Tea Party movement. The sad truth is that while the shoo...
Congress to honor Giffords, others
Published: Jan. 12, 2011 at 12:40 PM House Speaker John Boehner decried the rampage in Tucson, Ariz., in which six people died and 14 people were injured, including Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. UPI/Kevin Dietsch Ariz. lawmakers seek ban on Funeral Protests WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 (UPI) -- House Speaker John Boehner decried the rampage in Tucson, Ariz., in which six people died and 14 people were injured, including Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. "These are difficult hours for our country," Boeh...
Arizona passes law to prevent protests at victims' funerals
Picture of grief ... Roxanna Green, the mother of nine year old Shooting Victim Christina Taylor Green, attends Mass in Tucson. Photo: AP PHOENIX: Arizona politicians have approved an emergency law to head off picketing by a fundamentalist Kansas church near the Funeral service for a nine-year-old girl killed during the Mass Shooting in Tucson. Unanimous votes by the House of Representatives and Senate cleared the way for the bill to go to the Governor, Jan Brewer, for her signature. It would ta...
Arizona Passes Anti-Westboro Protest Law
The LA Times reports:
Reporting from Tucson — — Arizona lawmakers moved quickly Tuesday to try to block Protesters from the Funeral of 9-year-old Shooting Victim Christina Green, passing an emergency measure prohibiting Protests within 300 feet of any Funeral services.
In addition to the new law, hundreds of Tucson residents were making contingency plans to try to protect the family of the girl who was slain in Saturday’s rampage.
The actions were prompted by the Westboro Baptist Chu...
Church agrees to not protest slain child's funeral
A Kansas church has decided to not Protest at the Funeral of a 9-year-old girl killed in a shooting rampage in Tucson, Ariz. Shirley Phelps-Roper of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka says church members will skip Thursday's Funeral of Christina Taylor Green in Tucson. Phelps-Roper says the church decided against the picket in exchange for airtime with 102.1 The Edge in Toronto, Canada, and an interview with KXXT-AM in Phoenix, Ariz. on Saturday morning. Phelps-Roper says the group will picke...
Ariz. Law Aims to Keep Westboro Baptist from Picketing Girls Funeral
Yahoo! Buzz Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed emergency Legislation Tuesday night aimed at prevent the Westboro Baptist Church from picketing the Funeral of the 9-year-old girl killed during Saturdays shootings in Tucson. The law, which took effect immediately, sets up a 300-foot perimeter around funerals in the state, beginning one hour before the service and extending until one hour after. Following the attack on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords that killed six and wounded 14, Fred Phelps , pastor ...
Update: Cue the Angels and Patriot Guard: Westboro Baptist Church is Going to Tucson
UPDATE: Ditto below…Tuesday the Arizona legislature took quick action and passed a (supposedly constitutional) bill to keep the Westboro Baptists at least 300 feet away from the Funerals. What a shame they have to spend time on this. As if things aren’t sad and stressful enough in Tucson, Arizona after the massacre this weekend, the reviled reverend of Westboro Baptist Church and his foaming-at-the-mouth followers are now on the way. The so-called “...
Brewer signs into law ban on protestors at shooting victims' funerals
Governor Jan Brewer (R-Ariz.) signed into law a bill banning protestors from within 300 feet of the Funerals of the Victims of Saturday's Arizona shooting.
The bill, which Brewer signed into law Tuesday, is in anticipation of protestors from the Westboro Church based in Kansas who said they planned to picket the funeral of 9-year-old Christina Greene, one of the Victims of the shooting on Saturday that claimed the lives of six and wounded more than a dozen including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-...
Congress Pays Tribute to Victims of Shooting
Source: The New York Times
As President Obama prepared to head to Arizona Wednesday, the House of Representatives convened to consider a resolution honoring the dead and wounded in the shooting rampage in Tucson that left six dead and 14 wounded on Saturday, including Representative Gabrielle Giffords.
These are difficult hours for our country, said Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio.
With his eyes filled with tears, Mr. Boehner described the loss of Gabriel Zimmerman, an aide to Ms. Giffords wh..
Westboro hate church to picket funerals of Arizona shooting victims
Stumble This! People in Arizona are uniting with lawmakers to counter attempts by the infamous Westboro Baptist Church to get attention for their anti-abortion views by picketing the Funeral of 9-year-old Christina Taylor Green and others killed in Saturday's Mass Shooting. One group plans for an "an 'angel action' -- with 8- by 10-foot 'angel wings' worn by participants and used to shield mourners from pickets," CNN reported. "For something like this to happen in Tucson was a really big shock ...
House Honors Shooting Victims
The New York Times reports:
As President Obama prepared to head to Arizona Wednesday, the House of Representatives convened to consider a resolution honoring the dead and wounded in the shooting rampage in Tucson that left six dead and 14 wounded on Saturday, including Representative Gabrielle Giffords.
“These are difficult hours for our country,” said Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio.
With his eyes filled with tears, Mr. Boehner described the loss of Gabriel Zimmerman, an aide to Ms. Giffo...
Loughner Stopped by Police Hours before Shooting
With all the evidence against the suspected Tucson shooter Jared Loughner, a Guilty verdict could still prove very difficult. Jan Crawford reports on the latest details of the case. Though Jared Lee Loughner's parents were "completely surprised" by the news of the Tucson shooting, former friends and classmates of Loughner's were not. Ben Tracy reports on the troubled past of Jared Lee Loughner. Doctors at Tucson's University Medical Center are increasingly optimistic about Ariz. Democratic Rep. ...
Tucson to Westboro Baptist Hate Church: Don't mess with us
After the contemptible jerks at Westboro Baptist Church announced their plan to picket little Christina Taylor Green's Funeral this week, Tucson residents came up with a plan to block them from view of people attending. They're planning an "angel action" -- with 8-by-10-foot "angel wings" worn by participants and used to shield mourners from pickets. The actions were created by Coloradan Romaine Patterson, who was shocked to find the Topeka church and its neon signs outside the 1999 Funeral of ...
Arizona Legislature To Announce Anti-Westboro Law To Protect Shooting Victims
Source: Huffington Post
Arizona's State Legislature has announced a legislative effort to combat the infamous Westboro Baptist Church's plans to picket the funerals of the Shooting Victims in Tucson over the weekend.
"We're going to try to protect the families from undue harassment," State Rep. Daniel Patterson (D), one of the leaders of a Bipartisan group of legislators, told Talking Points Memo Monday.
While the Topeka-based congregation has been best known for their incendiary anti-gay, pro-d...
Shot US lawmaker less sedated: doctor
The US lawmaker shot through the head in an attack which killed six people in Tucson is becoming "more and more spontaneous" as medics reduce the sedatives she is on, a doctor said Wednesday. In an update on congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, trauma chief Peter Rhee of the University Medical Center said he was encouraged by her progress, and the fact that she had not taken a turn for the worse four days after the attack. "Things can go very slowly and the progress can occur very rapidly at some...
Arizona shootings won't isolate lawmakers, John Boehner tells House
The House of Representatives on Wednesday memorialized the 19 Victims of the weekend Shooting Spree in Tucson as the nation prepared for a day of mourning capped by a Speech by President Obama in Arizona.
"We are called here to mourn an unspeakable act of violence," Speaker John Boehner said as the House began its debate over a resolution honoring the six slain and 13 injured, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who remains in critical condition after Saturday's attack outside a Supermarket in T...
Fitting Memorial For Arizona Shooting Victims
President Obama, will speak at tonight’s public memorial service for the Victims of last weekend’s shootings in Arizona. The service and Speech will be carried live on Cable News networks, online, and elsewhere, beginning at 8PM EST. As he grieves with and consoles thousands in person at the University of Arizona’s McKale Center in Tuscon, the president will also be reaching out to the entire nation, helping with the healing process, and framing this terrible tragedy as the tea...
Funeral protest: Arizona rallies to foil Westboro Baptist Church
Funeral Protest plans by Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, have been met with defiance in Arizona. Tuscon residents say they'll block the Protesters from getting to the mourners of Saturday's Mass Shooting. The State Legislature has also passed a law to help....
Arizona legislature passes law keeping Westboro Church from protesting funeral
The Arizona legislature has just passed a bill aimed at keeping the Westboro Baptist Church from protesting the Funeral of Shooting Victim Christina Green tomorrow. Both Democrats and Republicans were in favor of the measure. The Westboro Church earlier announced their intention to Protest at the Funeral of Green. In the past, the group has protested at the funerals of United States Soldiers killed in combat in an attempt to bring attention to their anti-homosexual message....
Westboro Baptist Freaks Will Not Protest Christina Greenes Funeral In Exchange For Radio Airtime
Coldwarrior57 on Police Visited Home of AZ Shooter on More Than One Occasion. (WaPo) — A Kansas church has decided to not Protest at the Funeral of a 9-year-old girl killed in a shooting rampage in Tucson, Ariz. Shirley Phelps-Roper of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka says church members will skip Thursday’s Funeral of Christina Taylor Green in Tucson. Phelps-Roper says the church decided against the picket in exchange for airtime with 102.1 The Edge in Toronto, Canada, and an i...
Obama to be nation's consoler at memorial service
WASHINGTON—Searching for unity out of tragedy, President Barack Obama will honor the Victims of the Arizona Mass Shooting in personal terms and remind those in grief that an entire nation is with them. The president is again stepping into his role as national consoler, a test of leadership that comes with the job.
His mission at Wednesday's memorial is to uplift and rally, not to examine political Incivility.
Set to speak during an evening gathering in Tucson, Ariz., Obama will remember t...
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U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
Live your life so that Westboro Baptist Church will want to protest your funeral .
Its saddening to hear that Westboro Baptist Church would even consider protesting Christina Green's funeral .
Westboro Baptist Church members r a bunch of sick people.Picketing a 9 year olds funeral wit signs saying "God Hates Catholics"? Seriously?!
"Live your life so that Westboro Baptist Church will want to picket your funeral ." Unknown
Some one really needs to do something about Westboro Baptist Church . I wished they would picket a funeral that i was attending.
Westboro Baptist Church is going to picket the funeral of the Arizona shooting victims. These people disgust me.
If coach Shula had died would Fred Phelps's Westboro Baptist Church have picketed his funeral ?
Live your life so that Westboro Baptist Church will want to picket your funeral .
Westboro Baptist Church goons reneged on their picket of 9 yr old Tucson shooting victim's funeral ... Common decency triumphs for once...