Bryan Fischer: Bryan Fischer, American Family Association Jared Lee Loughner's idea of great reading The dead bodies hadn’t even been taken to the morgue before CNN invited a Cartoonist - a cartoonist! - on to blame the shootings of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Federal Judge John Roll, a nine-year-old girl, and numerous others on Conservatives.
PHOTOS: Bryan Fischer in pictures
Winger blogger and Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas couldn’t wait to pin the whole thing on the right and Sarah Palin in particular: “Mission acco...
VIDEOS: Bryan Fischer in videos
Newsmax Still Hiding Facts About Loughner's Book List
Newsmax Still Hiding Facts About Loughner's Book List
Topic: Newsmax
Newsmax has its story on Arizona shooter Jared Loughner, and it's sticking to it. Two more Newsmax articles persist in incompletely reporting the contents of Loughner's book list.
Davd Patten and Kathleen Walter wrote in a Jan. 10 article that "Loughner’s bizarre rants mention Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto and Hitler’s Mein Kampf, but do not mention Palin, Fox News, the Tea Party, or other high...
Gun bans won't work
Every time a person goes on a Killing Spree politicians start pointing fingers at each other. Liberals claim that the killings represent the need for better Gun Control. Conservatives usually want stiffer punishment, claiming that it’s the people ant not the guns responsible for this tragedy. Already we are seeing signs that the shooter of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Arozona, Jared Lee Loughner, had serious mental problems. That is our problem with the present Gun Laws. We can’t keep ...
How Glenn Beck And Fox News Successfully Painted AZ Shooter As Hitler, Marx Devotee
Within hours of the Shooting Spree in Arizona, conservative blogs lit up with the news that the suspect, Jared Loughner, was an aficionado of Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto. A Hitler/Marx devotee, the logic went, is someone too idiosyncratic or crazy to be part of any mainstream political movement. Some went further, and cited the information as proof that Loughner was the sort of big-government liberal they had nightmares about.
As with so many of these fast-propagating conservative m...
Infidel Bloggers Alliance
The Hill:
Poll: Rhetoric, Arizona shooting unrelated
By Jordan Fabian - 01/11/11 08:13 AM ET
Almost 60 percent of the public believes that heated political rhetoric has nothing to do with an Arizona Shooting Spree that gravely wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D) and killed a Federal Judge.
Fifty-seven percent of respondents in a new CBS News poll said rhetoric is unrelated to the shooting, while 32 percent said they believe the two are connected.
Many pundits and lawmakers have keyed in on ...
Shootings show need to boost mental health system
Perhaps the saddest thing about last Saturday's Tucson shootings is that they might have been prevented were a more robust Mental Health system in place to deal with suspected shooter Jared Loughner. Loughner certainly displayed plenty of warning signs of serious Mental Illness while a Student at Pima Community College in Tucson. His strange, disturbed and frightening behavior included disorganized thoughts and Speech, an inability to function in social situations, and signs of paranoia....
Searching for answers to Tuscon tragedy
Image via CrunchBase
From New York newspaper columnists to an Illinois senator, the liberal left is blaming the Tea Party and conservative stars for the shooting of an Arizona congresswoman. How about blaming the Communist and Nazi-loving shooter?
It didn't take long for New York Times columnist Paul Krugman to blame the Tea Party and Sarah Palin for the shooting outside a Tucson Supermarket that seriously injured Congresswoman Gabriel Giffords and left six others, including a 9-year-old,...
The Present Madness
On the radio this morning, Bill Bennett and I had a discussion about the Arizona massacre, and the political use of it made by the Left in this country. A few observations. In a way, they have won. “They”? I mean, the Krugmans, the Sullivans, the Olbermanns: “They.” They’ve won because we are on their turf, where they have dragged us, or enticed us. The shooting in Arizona has nothing to do with politics. Nothing to do with Republicans, nothing to do with conservati...
Rush Limbaugh Poetry: Democrats Helping Jared Loughner Avoid Jail
Let’s throw it to our top Arizona legal analyst, Rush Limbaugh, Esq., sitting in a hole of Excellent Broadcasting on the other side of the country: “This guy clearly understands he’s getting all the attention and he understands he’s got a political party doing everything it can, plus a local sheriff doing everything that they can to make sure he’s not convicted of Murder.” Poetic! Rush Limbaugh is using this opportunity of pundits’ examining their rhetor...
Reports Downplayed of Loughner's Extremist Ties
Like this Story? Share it: Only On The Web: CBS News digital Journalist Arden Farhi spoke to Tucson-area residents as they reflect on Saturday's shooting and the impact it's had on their community. Chris Wragge speaks with Tucson shooting survivor Eric Fuller about the gunman, Jared Lee Loughner, and his thoughts on Rep. Gabrielle Gifford's recovery. New details about Tuscon gunman Jared Lee Loughner are being revealed as investigators search his home. Ben Tracy reports. Evidence is continuing t...
Jon Stewart, Voice of Reason for the Left?
It truly is a sad day for politics and a terrible indictment of the Left and Liberal media in the United States, when the voice of reason seems to be a comedian, Jon Stewart. Discussing the shooting rampage that took place in Arizona on Saturday, January 8, 2011, by Jared Lee Loughner, Stewart refrained from his usual funny take on current events to share his personal thoughts. As BuddyTV says of Stewart's comments, "His reaction was, for the most part, serious, often ra...
Jeff Kass: Jared Loughner, Columbine and Diversion
Tucson shooting suspect Jared Loughner shared an unusual legal background, known as diversion, with the Columbine killers, as recounted in the New York Times. It may also be a window into the character trait of these mass shooters.
"In September, Mr. Loughner filled out paperwork to have his record expunged on a 2007 drug paraphernalia charge," the Times reported. "Although he did not need to bother -- he had completed a diversion program so the charge was never actually on his record -- the i...
Jared Loughner's AboveTopSecret postings (Gabrielle Giffords shooter)
Jared Lee Loughner - shooter of Gabrielle Giffords - allegedly posted to the Conspiracy forum using the handle erad3, and they've published the comments here. He created four threads and posted an additional 126 comments; none of them give an accurate picture of his political leanings or hint at what was to come. In almost all of the comments it's difficult to tell whether he was being completely sincere or whether he was engaging in some form of trolling, mind games, or jus...
Gray Lady editorials respond to Ariz. massacre by demanding increased gun control (Daily Caller)
Read more stories from The Daily Caller
Tapper: Some say civil Libertarians the reason loonies like Loughner are out on the street
Leahy warns against calls for government Speech restrictions
Sen. Kerry calls for political 'civility' post-shooting, but doesn't seem to agree with Republicans on anything
Rep. Peter King to introduce bill making it illegal to carry a gun within 1,000 feet of 'high-profile' government official
Fellow commenters at UFO Conspiracy website questioned Jared Lee Lough...
Winona Ryders Al Qaeda Worries
You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Fox Nation. Investigators today released this Mug Shot of Jared Lee Loughner, the guman accused of killing six individuals and gravely wounding Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Saturday's bloody spree outside a .....
Media Pivots to Blame Gun Laws
Yesterday evening I was on AC360 to discuss the Arizona Tragedy with David Gergen and Roland Martin. While I personally like Gergen, his knowledge of Arizona’s Gun Laws and invalid premises on conceal carry were a disservice to our discussion. He presupposes that Jared Lee Loughner was a CCW permit holder, and thus, right to carry failed, which, to all knowledge Loughner did not possess a permit, a violation of AZ law. You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intol...
Arizona DHS: Loughner not influenced by extremist group
The Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center, a division of the Arizona Department of Homeland Security, acknowledges to my colleague Ken Vogel that it produced a memo reported on by Fox News over the weekend that suggested the suspect in the Tucson attacks may have been influenced by American Renaissance -- a theory it now says the evidence does not support:
David Denlinger, commander of the Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center ack...
Senator Sanders Raises Money on Ariz. Attacks
"Senator Bernie Sanders raises money on Tuscon attacks. Asks for financial support to help fighting GOPers and 'right-wing reactionaries' " You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all Americans who share these values to join us here at Fox Nation. Investigators today released this Mug Shot of Jared Lee...
Dems Need to Look to Their Own Ranks for Elevated Rhetoric
Saturday morning, a hail of bullets took the lives of five Americans, including a Federal Judge and a nine year old girl. 19 others were injured, including Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. For most, Saturday was a day of tragedy - a day of reflection. Well, Saturday morning, at any rate. By Saturday afternoon, the left-wing brain trust had shifted into high gear. By Sunday, every tired, worn out, leftist mouthpiece, from Jane Fonda to, had shuffled d
New Theory for Tucson Tragedy: Blame the Atheists
I hadn't wanted to weigh in on the political debate over accused killer Jared Loughner's motives in Tucson. Mainly, because I don't know what those motives are. For now, only this young man and the demons haunting his brain know for sure what provoked him, as he is charged, to shoot 20 people, killing six. In the length of time that it took to get Rep. Gabrielle Giffords to the Hospital, I had hoped that amid this tragedy, common sense and decency might prevail. Then the tweets started. And once...
The first instinct of weak minds is to blame the Tea Party, Palin
Image via Wikipedia
Marc Thiessen:
After the attempted car bombing in Times Square last year, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg publicly speculated that the attack had been carried out by "somebody with a political agenda that doesn't like the health-care bill or something." At the Nation, columnist Robert Dreyfuss wrote that "a member of some squirrely branch of the Tea Party, anti-government Far Right" was probably behind the bombing. Countless others in the left-wing blogosphere joined the "...
MARC THIESSEN: Stop Blaming The Tea Party For The Arizona Tragedy. After the attempted car bombi
Marc Thiessen: Stop Blaming The Tea Party For The Arizona Tragedy.
After the attempted car bombing in Times Square last year, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg publicly speculated that the attack had been carried out by “somebody with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health-care bill or something.” At the Nation, columnist Robert Dreyfuss wrote that “a member of some sq...
The Arizona Shootings and Personal Responsibility
There has, I’m sure, already been far, far more than enough coverage of and opining upon the high profile shootings in Arizona yesterday. And for the most part I’ve tried to stay out of it apart from repeatedly cautioning folks on both sides of the aisle against jumping in too soon with both feet lest one of them wind up in their mouth. On that subject, Ed Morrissey has already done most of my work for me in terms of the media’s botched coverage of the monstrous proceedings. Bu...
Can Breitbart learn to laugh at himself?
Probably not. Humor is not given much value -- or leg room -- on the right. The Hill reports:
Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas tweeted this early Saturday: "Mission Accomplished, Sarah Palin." The tweet included a link to Palin's target map.
Kos also recycled a clip of Giffords reacting to the map on MSNBC, where she warned Palin of potential consequences to such visuals.
"The way that she has it depicted, has the crosshairs of a gun sight over our district,"...
Slippery insinuations about a "climate of hate"
People have been having a hard time holding two ideas in their head at the same time:
1. What Paul Krugman calls "eliminationist Rhetoric" is bad.
2. Contrary to his suggestion, there is no evidence that such rhetoric caused Saturday's events. Even if such evidence is later found, it would not justify the evidence-free claims that have been made in the last 48 hours.
For an example of the murky guilt-by-association tactics that have been employed by people on the left since the minutes afte...
The Arizona Shootings and Personal Responsibility
There has, I’m sure, already been far, far more than enough coverage of and opining upon the high profile shootings in Arizona yesterday. And for the most part I’ve tried to stay out of it apart from repeatedly cautioning folks on both sides of the aisle against jumping in too soon with both feet lest one of them wind up in their mouth.
On that subject, Ed Morrissey has already done most of my work for me in terms of the media’s botched coverage of the monstrous proceedings. ...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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