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David Petraeus
November 07,1952
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David Petraeus videos
Robert Greenwald: Tell Joe Klein It's Stupid NOT to Get Ou..
Petraeus blew $1 million on Iraqi water park
Top U.S. general visits troops in Afghanistan
Obamas War Leaves Afghans Dying for Lack of Basic Medical ..
Sunday reading: Resign
Kristol Incorrectly Claims That WikiLeaks Docs Reveal Arab..
How to Speak to the Taliban, Maybe [VIDEO]
Radar Love
Read it and weep
Jim Moran: Military Not Public Service, Just Government P..
"Man Up Harry Reid" ......Sharron Angle Wins Deb..
The Talking Leads To Touching, The Touching Leads To Sex, ..
"Man up!:" Doddering Reid wilts in debate with A..
Sharron Angle: "Your Statements Demoralized Our Troop..
Afghanistan, Year Ten
Trapped Within A Frame
Petraeus To Troops: Cash Rules Everything Around You
Angelina Jolie condemns planned Quran burning
Pastor Terry Jones Plans to Burn the Quran; More Fundament..
The Koran: Don't burn it. Read it.
FOX Business TV Appearance: Geller on the Dove Church Qur'..
Early Morning Swim: Right-Wing Silent after Gen. Petraeus ..
Koran-Burning Pastor Sticking To Plans Despite Petraeus Wa..
White House: Victory Mosque at Ground Zero Is Pro-American..
"Burn A Koran Day" Sparks Protest From Afghan Mu..
Petraeus: Dove World Outreach Center's 'Burn a Koran Day' ..
Emotional Puberty and Wingnuttia
$547 Million Can't Paper Over Failure of Afghanistan War
Harry Reid Campaign: Saying 'War is Lost' Helped Win the W..
Harry Reid: By Saying "The War is Lost" I Helped..
While Military Hater Obama Tries Taking Credit For Iraq, t..
Friday night bombshell: Petraeus is ... an Enya fan
General Petraeus Is An ENYA Fan?
Ladies and Germs, Meet the Next President of the United St..
The Right To Vote, The Right To An Education
For Slandering Americans and Ignoring the Plight of Muslim..
Is Afghanistan A Distraction From Yemen & Somalia?
The Presidential Leadership Vacuum
Sharron says, “Apologize to Petraeus.”
Sharron says, "Apologize to Petraeus."
Katie Couric: Ask Petraeus tough questions re: tax $$$ spe..
The Man Called Petraeus Makes His Move
Karzai Calls for Review of Afghan War
"Debacle" is something you never want to see in ..
Civilian Casualties: Does This Really Need To Be Said?
I wish someone had asked General Patton this
McCain Pushed Bush Iraq War Agenda Two Months After 9/11 V..
June Deadliest Month for NATO in Afghanistan; Congress cu..
Col. Ralph Peters: General Petraeus's COIN Strategy Will F..
Under Breakdown Analysis, Official ISAF Mission Statement ..
You Knew Petraeus Would Take Command On July 4
Petraeus Touts "One Team With One Mission" but F..
Michael Steele And Afghanistan Gaffe, Time To Resign?
What's Worse: Steele's Afghanistan Comments or the Reactio..
Michael Steele: Afghanistan is a "war of Obama's choo..
The Biggest Michael Steele Gaffe of All
UPDATED:The G.O.P's Resident Harlem Globetrotter once agai..
Michael Steele: Afghanistan "War of Obama's Choosing&..
Remember How 9/11 Happened In 2001?
Holbrooke: No "dysfunction" on U.S. Afghan Team
A.M. Roundup: The revenue bill is not yet passed
Gen. David Petraeus To Senate Hearing: "Training Afgh..
CENTCOM Contemplates The Permanence of Hamas & Hezbollah
A.M. Roundup: The budget nearly "done?"
Petraeus: "The commitment to Afghanistan is necessari..
Olbermann: Anti-war Soldiers Not 'Phony', Unlike..
Chris Matthews: 'Is Sarah Palin The Most Important Republi..
General David Petraeus Honoring Purple Heart Veterans
Petraeus/McChrystal: Neither of them have a clue about jih..
A.M. Roundup: Bruno's out, taxes and taxes
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