Will Boehner and Obama hit the links?

Golf : A reader wrote in the other day, wondering about President Obama's Golf handicap.

PHOTOS: Barack Obama in pictures

He plays all the time, but not much is known about his game.

VIDEOS: Barack Obama in videos

Time reported he plays a dollar a hole, with a Military aide holding the nuclear football hovering nearby. How relaxing. There is no official Golf handicap for the president. It's one of those elusive mysteries about Obama. Estimates range from 16 to 24, according to various reports. A Golf blog recently took issue with Obama for playing five hours withou...

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Gary VanSickle posted 7 days ago (via twitter)

A vote for golf ? John Boehner meets the press wearing a light blue sweater with a Pinehurst logo. Also, didn't cry.

Julianne Burton posted 5 days ago (via twitter)

Dear John Boehner ...if you don't tan, where do you play golf ? The surface of the sun? Lose the orangeness...

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