Clean Water Act : Congressman Jim Obertar (D-MN) wants to amend the Clean Water Act after almost 40 years by removing the word “navigable” when limiting federal jurisdiction.
PHOTOS: Mara Liasson in pictures
Stephen Hayes, Mara Liasson, Charles Krauthammer, and Bret Baier debate whether Oberstar’s measure would simply solidify current federal authority, or eliminate every last vestige of federalism and state Sovereignty: This could be an even larger threat to private property and federalism than the EPA’s decision to...
VIDEOS: Mara Liasson in videos
FishbowlDC Interview With NPR's Mara Liasson
Say hello to NPR's Mara Liasson . She's also a FNC contributor and appears regularly on "Fox News Sunday", where she sits on the Weekly roundtable and spars with FNC's Brit Hume and The Weekly Standard 's Bill Kristol . She often sides with NPR's Juan Williams .
If you were a carbonated beverage which would you be? Seltzer.
How often do you Google yourself? Once. That was enough!
Who is your favorite working journalist? Robert Siegel , host of NPR's "All Things Considered."
What's the...
FNC Relays Acquittal of Navy SEAL Accused in Prisoner Abuse Case
On Thursday's Special Report with Bret Baier on FNC, correspondent Steve Centanni filed a report updating viewers on the case of one of the Navy Seals facing charges in Military court following accusations of prisoner abuse by the
All this and the water, too
The takeover of the car industry, automakers and Health Care will pale in comparison to this one:
Removing the word “navigable” from the Clean Water Act when limiting federal jurisdiction. Expands the meaning of the meaning of the Clean Water Act and making the Commerce Clause of the Constitution totally meaningless.
Ed asks, Video: Oberstar's Clean Water Act amendment a federal seizure of all waters?
This could be an even larger threat to private property and federalism than...
One More Item on Dr. K. (No, Not Dwight Gooden)
That kind of “Dr. K” is spelled without the period, anyway. I’m talking about Charles Krauthammer. I thought of him the other day. In 1995, President Clinton gave the commencement address at Michigan State University. In it, he more or less accused Rush Limbaugh and other outspoken conservatives of sparking the Oklahoma City bombing. I thought it was one of the most despicable things a president had ever done. And, of course, Clinton was back on this theme last week: saying...
'Soft' and Good
I see that Charles Krauthammer has at last written his
baseball column
— and it is a real beauty. Lyrical, smile-making, and sharp. Last fall, I interviewed him and wrote a piece for NR. Toward the end, it said,
Every columnist writes a “soft” column now and then — a column about sports, or Fashion, or maybe a beloved former teacher. All summer long, Krauthammer was wanting to write a column about the Washington Nationals, the baseball team. But he never had the...
Charles Krauthammer: Attacking Iran May Be Pointless
Fox News contributor Charles Krauthammer injects some much needed sanity into the debate over what to do about Iran:
Krauthammer: Do we have enough Intelligence? Do we know where their stuff is hidden? They have spoken about a second Uranium Enrichment place. Do they have others? And, also, how deeply buried and how hardened are the targets? Because unless we know if we have access with our equipment, our bombs, they may be ineffective . I think they have got to make assessment on...
Quick takes
Not much time this morning, so I'll just toss out a few items:
A brief Corner post from VDH . Unexcerptable.
Our president has the heart of a despot. He cannot tolerate a real debate on issues, or any kind of speech that takes issue with his agenda. Charles Krauthammer :
I was intrigued and appalled by the tone of the speech and the rhetoric as we saw in that sound bite.
The way — and he‘s done this before — he tries to denigrate, cast out, and to delegitimize any argument...
Krauthammer: Obama may be president, but he's not "the arbiter of American political discourse"
In his Wall Street speech, President Obama relied on a common rhetorical crutch which was defining what is and is not a legitimate argument. Charles Krauthammer made a fantastic observation : The way, and he has done this before — he tries to denigrate, cast- out, and de-legitimize any argument against his. And here he is talking about that it's not legitimate even to suggest that the bill he is supporting might encourage a Bailout. It's certainly possible there had been strong, very good...
Video of Charles Krauthammer: Obama Tries To "Denigrate, Cast Out and Delegitimize" Opposition
One of Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals:
'Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It and Polarize It.'
Obama learned that lesson well, and taught that lesson to ACORN as their lawyer and Community Organizer in Chicago. Via Freedoms Lighthouse on YouTube :
Krauthammer said he was "intrigued and appalled" at the tone of Obama's speech. "The way - and he's done this before -
he tries to denigrate, cast out and to delegitimize any argument against his . Here he's talking...
Happy Charles Krauthammer Day
It's like a second Christmas.
Sunday Talking Heads: April 25, 2010
by Tony Cyphert at flickr (click it for cute)
Duck weather here, how about there?
Quick Fact: Special Report repeats tired myth that Fannie and Freddie caused economic crisis
Special Report airs repeated claims that Fannie and Freddie caused economic Crisis
From the April 22 edition of Fox News' Special Report with Bret Baier :
Financial legislation working its way through Congress leaves out one factor
many critics say started the whole mess.
SEN. Orrin Hatch (R-UT): Wonder why Fannie and Freddie aren't
in this bill. I mean actually it all began with them.
REP. John Boehner (R-OH) How you can attempt to fix...
Busy repeating GOP talking points on Fannie/Freddie, Fox News forgets to add the facts
Fox trumpets GOP attack without
mentioning Obama admin plans to Reform
Carlson: "Why the
heck are they not anywhere in Financial Reform?" On April 23,
Fox & Friends aired House
Minority Leader John Boehner's statement, "[H]ow you can attempt to fix it
without going to the root of the problem, Fannie Fae and Freddie Mac, is really
beyond me," and co-host Gretchen Carlson asked, "Why the heck are they not
anywhere in Financial Reform?" Fox Business host Stuart Varney...
Weekly Mulch: Citizens Lead Cochabamba Climate Negotiations
Environmental advocates from around the world gathered in Cochabamba, Bolivia, this week and resolved that, a year from now, they would hold a world’s people Referendum on Climate Change to marshal support for the Rights of the planet.
“Although it is hoped that some States will cooperate, the participation of governments will not be essential to the Referendum, as civil society organizations are to plan it according to their own lights and the traditions and customs of each...
The power of Earth Day in America (Sen. John Kerry)
I'm strategizing and planning with the Environmental community this morning, but wanted to emphasize something -- and I thought of it this morning listening to my morning radio.
If you've ever gotten caught up in the conventional wisdom of Washington that says no big Change can happen, and politicians will always find the easy way out, please know that today is a reminder of how people power can turn that spin upside down overnight - and I know it because I was there and I saw it happen, and I...
VIDEO: President Obama's Earth Day speech calls for action on climate bill
Washington – In President Barack Obama’s speech to commemorate the 40th annual Earth Day, he asked for a call of action on a comprehensive Clean Energy and Climate bill.
Obama went over the history of Earth Day and how it started in 1970.
“A senator from Wisconsin named Gaylord Nelson hired a young graduate student named Dennis Hayes –- who is with us today,” said Obama. “Where’s Dennis? There he is. He still looks like a young graduate student. And...
Remarks by the President at Earth Day Reception
5:20 P.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody! (Applause.) How are you? This is a good-looking crowd. (Laughter.) Thank you so much, everybody, for coming.
Today we celebrate 40 years of Earth Day. Now, obviously Earth has been around longer than that. (Laughter.) But we have been celebrating Earth Day for 40 years -– which was a bright moment in our nation’s history and a milestone in the ongoing fight to protect our...
Now They Want to Come After the Water
Rep. Jim Oberstar (D-MN) proposed amending the Clean Water Act to remove the word “navigable” from the limits of Federal jurisdiction, in effect putting all water in America under Federal control. Of course, Oberstar sells the idea as a way to “protect” us. That’s bunk. Ed Morrissey explains:
This could be an even larger threat to private property and federalism than the EPA's decision to classify Carbon Dioxide as a pollutant. The original act specified...
Earth Day 1970: That was then, this is now - A photo montage and notes of hope and despair
It was spring, 1970.
Plans percolate to revive some SF native creeks
San Francisco (AP) - Riffling through old maps while researching a history project for San Francisco public Schools, landscape architect Bonnie Sherk made a discovery: a century ago a creek coursed where two School campuses stand today.
"There was Islais Creek, running where Balboa High School is now," said Sherk. "All of a sudden it made sense: the School's cafeteria had been Flooding and the basements of homes in this neighborhood flood during Heavy Rains because they're in this large...
The MSM Fights Off The Earth Day Blues
Newsbusters’ Geoffrey Dickens writes, “Chevy Chase Reveals Matt Lauer Doing Charity Work for Liberal Green Groups:”
Comic legend and liberal activist Chevy Chase was invited on Thursday’s Today show to promote his NBC comedy “Community” and advocate for Environmentalism on this Earth Day, as he told viewers he’ll be emceing a charity auction to benefit liberal greenie groups like the NRDC. In the process of noting some of the items to be...
The Latest Taxpayer-Funded Boondoggle: The EPA's Video Propaganda Contest
The EPA is at it again.
No, we’re not talking about the latest (and possibly biggest power grab yet - Oberstar’s Clean Water Act – but we’re talking about a shameless (and wasteful) Propaganda video contest announced by the EPA last week.
The very agency that has been plotting to impose economically damaging Regulations on Greenhouse Gases under the Clean Air Act is soliciting the public to submit YouTube videos explaining the alleged benefits of...
Oberstar's Ill-Advised Attempt
It isn’t often that a congressman makes a naked attempt to exponentially expand Government control of the land we own. Such is the case with
Rep. Jim Oberstar’s attempt to dramatically change the Clean Water Act
Oberstar, who represents the 8th District in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, wants to strike from the Clean Water Act the word “navigable,” a restriction in the original bill based on constitutional principles that limit Washington’s regulatory reach.
Stars shine spotlight on the planet for Earth Day
Actress Sigourney Weaver warned of the dangers facing oceans, President Barack Obama threw a White House party, and UN chief Ban Ki-moon urged the world to kick the Carbon habit -- all in honor of planet Earth.
They were part of a galaxy of stars from the political, show business and sports worlds who shone the spotlight on Mother Nature as the United States marked the 40th anniversary of Earth Day on Thursday.
At a White House reception, Obama called Earth Day "a bright moment in our nation's...
Green Party garners reaction across PA from natural gas protests
Yesterday, local Green Parties and Greens across Pennsylvania participated in Protests against Natural Gas drilling in the State.
Step Aside Schwarzenegger: Brown's Back in Town
Former Pentagon Official's Body Found in Landfill
Accidental Frequency Switch Leads to Evacuation of U.S. Capitol
Brazil's First Female President Looks to Gas & Oil for Future
Schwarzenegger May Return to Movies
Three Dead After New Year's Eve Tornado
Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits Spike During New Year's
Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
Criticism of Bloomberg Mounts as Snow Mountains Remain
Porn King Offers Relief to Octomom
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