Nancy Pelosi: In discussing a House resolution on Thursday to condemn the shooting in Arizona, Minority Leader Nancy "We have to pass the bill to find out what's in it" Pelosi referred to the shooting as a "tragic accident."
PHOTOS: Nancy Pelosi in pictures
First the Left blamed the violent, evil, act of a lunatic on the "vitriolic Rhetoric" of the Right ... now we have the queen of the Left calling it a "tragic accident."
VIDEOS: Nancy Pelosi in videos
Clearly, wrong on both accounts, and clearly clueless. Charles Krauthammer: 'The origins of Jared Loughner's delusions ...
Nancy Pelosi calls Tucson shootings a tragic accident
Nancy Pelosi calls Tucson shootings a tragic “accident”
More proof that Liberalism is a Mental Disorder and that Botox rots the brain. According to Democrat Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, the Tucson shootings over the past weekend were a “tragic accident.” Yes, she really said that!
Seriously, an accident? Must be too much of those San Francisco ‘shrooms.
Pelosi Calls Tucson Murders an 'Accident'
"This resolution is a fitting tribute. It is a great resolution. Please, read it again and again. Carry those names in your heart. Remember, each of these people because, again, a tragic accident took lives, wounded people in the expression of ideas." You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to intolerance, excessive government control of our lives, and attempts to monopolize opinion or suppress freedom of thought, expression, and worship. Read more... We invite all America...
Tucson attack motivation for Berkley's town hall event
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Metaphors Don't Kill People; People Kill People
metaphor: a figure of Speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance, as in “A mighty fortress is our god.”
Sticks and stones might break my bones but words will never hurt me. ~Nursery rhyme
The recent tragedy in Arizona managed to unleash the pundits on both sides of the aisle. In this world where there must be a root cause for every wrinkle in the landscape and every calamity that befalls us, eve...
It Wasnt Enough
Hate to get all depressing on a Friday night, but I’m afraid “The Editors” at Esquire correctly assess the chances of civility:
... [T]he most remarkable thing about what happened in Oklahoma City is how little it matters today. The president of the United States gave a fine Speech Wednesday night in Tucson at the memorial for the people Jared Loughner shot. The only mention of Oklahoma City in connection with the president’s Speech was to compare it with the Speech tha...
Views on the News 1/15/2011
The leftist predisposition towards irresponsibly blaming every act of violence with political connotations on the “climate of Bigotry” created by right-wingers speaks volumes about the ideology of Liberalism. After the shooting of Representative Gabrielle Giffords and the Murder and injury of several others, the liberal media commenced their annual “Let’s Silence Conservatives” campaign. The deranged gunman, Jared Loughner, was deeply disturbed, not politically astu...
Of Course the Assassination Attempt Was Political
In the Fort Hood shootings of November 2009, the right was quick to link Nidal Malik Hasan to Terrorism, while the left insisted he was merely deranged. The reactions to the attempted Assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the Murder of six others this weekend offered a mirror image: Many on the left blamed right-wing political Extremism, while Conservatives insisted that Jared Loughner, the alleged killer, was a lone lunatic, without political motivation. If a whiff of political...
Washington Week
This past week, the House conducted Memorial Services for those murdered and injured in the Arizona shootings last weekend. The House of Representatives also passed resolutions and conducted general speeches concerning this horrific act of violence. On Thursday, many members of Congress traveled to Tucson, Ariz., for the national memorial service where the president and dignitaries addressed the nation. The memorial service was moving, inspiring and especially uplifting when the president announ...
Rep. Giffords Voted Against Pelosi for Minority Leader, But That Was so Last Week
On Saturday, as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was taking down the family Christmas Tree in San Francisco, she heard a news flash that Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) had been shot in the head at an outdoor constituent meeting in Tuscon, Ariz. Seeking to distract herself as the horrific tale unfolded -- including early, erroneous reports that her colleague had died in the hail of bullets that claimed six lives and injured 14 -- Pelosi returned to dismantling the tree. Within minutes, she c...
Nancy Pelosi Doesnt Believe Ronald Reagan and Tip ONeill Were Friends
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi phoned in to talk to Chris Matthews. It sounds like they were talking about today’s nasty political atmosphere. Chris Matthews pointed out that at the end of the day, Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill were friends. Pelosi sniffed that she doesn’t really believe they were good friends, but she’d take Tingles’ word for it. So much for the new tone.
Via Breitbart
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Epic Fail
Posted by John at 7:17 PM
This Quinnipiac Poll provides more evidence that hardly anyone buys the Democratic Party's spin on the Tucson murders. When asked "What do you think is the main reason for the Arizona shooting; failure of the Mental Health system, lax Gun Control laws, overheated political Rhetoric, or do you think this is a situation that could not have been prevented?" respondents answered:
* Mental health system: 23%
* Gun control laws: 9%
* Political rhetoric: 15%
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