Hispanic : WASHINGTON, Jan. 5 (UPI) -- States set to gain congressional representatives have larger Hispanic populations than other states, the Pew Hispanic Center said Wednesday.
PHOTOS: George W. Bush in pictures
The center analyzed 2010 Census data.
VIDEOS: George W. Bush in videos
Researchers found the percentage of eligible voters that are Hispanic in states gaining seats is 15.2 percent. Those states that are losing seats or remaining flat average 5.4 percent. Since 2000, almost 6 million Hispanics have become eligible to vote with the total now at 20.1 million. Most...
US electoral map gives Hispanics more heft: study
The new electoral map that emerged from the 2010 US Census favors Hispanics, the largest US minority group, as some states in which they live will win more representation in Congress, a study found Wednesday. States with growing populations such as Texas and Florida will pick up extra seats in Congress, while some northern states such as Ohio and Iowa are set to lose seats under a redistricting system ahead of the 2012 Elections. The study by Pew Hispanic found that Hispanic voters are almost ...
US electoral map gives Hispanics more heft: study
Stumble This! WASHINGTON (AFP) - The new electoral map that emerged from the 2010 US Census favors Hispanics, the largest US minority group, as some states in which they live will win more representation in Congress, a study found Wednesday. States with growing populations such as Texas and Florida will pick up extra Congressional Seats, while some northern states such as Ohio and Iowa are set to lose seats under a redistricting system ahead of the 2012 Elections. The study by the Pew His...
Hispanics More Prevalent in States That Gained Seats
"Hispanic voters are nearly three times more prevalent in states that gained Congressional Seats and Electoral College votes in the 2010 reapportionment than they are in states that lost seats," according to the Pew Hispanic Center.
Even so, Latino voting strength "is limited by the fact that one-third of all Latinos are under the age of 18 and by the fact that many Latino adults are not U.S. citizens."
Interestingly, in three of these states -- Arizona, Georgia and South Carolina -- state lawm...
Did Americans Lose Their Census?!
What do the recent 2010 Census figures reveal? Among other things, it revealed changes in state populations resulting in the reapportionment of Congressional Seats. If one takes a look at which states made the gains, what underlying characteristic do they seem to share in common? Answer: That Americans are migrating away from states with high income taxes to states that have no state income taxes and a more business-friendly environment. Translation: Americans (including liberals) are showing a...
United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce President Javier Palomarez to Deliver Keynote Address at Greater Quad Cities Hispanic
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Greater Quad Cities Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (GQCHCC) will welcome United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) President and CEO Javier Palomarez to the organization's 2nd Annual Gala on Saturday, January 15, 2010, where he will deliver the keynote address on the economic significance and the powerful entrepreneurial spirit that fuels the growth of more than three million businesses that constitute Hispanic enterprise in America....
Ruben Diaz, Sr. And The Future Of The State Senate
Bronx State Sen. Ruben Diaz, Sr. tells Glenn Blain and me that he's called a meeting of the Senate's Hispanic Caucus with Senate Democratic Leader John Sampson at 9:30 tomorrow morning "to discuss the status of the Hispanics in the new Minority organization." Diaz would not reveal exactly what he wants to say to Sampson -- "Before anything happens tomorrow we would like to meet with him. A lot of things are happening. We want to make sure the Hispanic delegation is counte...
Ruben Diaz, Sr. And The Future Of The State Senate
Bronx State Sen. Ruben Diaz, Sr. tells Glenn Blain and me that he's called a meeting of the Senate's Hispanic Caucus with Senate Democratic Leader John Sampson at 9:30 tomorrow morning "to discuss the status of the Hispanics in the new Minority organization." Diaz would not reveal exactly what he wants to say to Sampson -- "Before anything happens tomorrow we would like to meet with him. A lot of things are happening. We want to make sure the Hispanic delegation is counte...
A more suburban Metro?
Another possible feature of the Census data, of which I had not been previously aware, could be characterized as Metro redistricting.
The city of Houston could lose its majority control of the Metro board if the 2010 Census shows that population in the part of Metro’s service area outside the city limits has grown enough to trigger a provision in state law that calls for adding two seats to the Metro board.
Houston’s mayor has effectively controlled Metro since its 1978 creation th...
New poverty figures for San Diego County
US Census figures reported last year that 14.3% of Americans lived below the Poverty level of $10,956.00 per year for a single adult and $21,954 for a family of four. California had an even higher rate during the last study rising to 15.3% of state residents. However, today the Census figures were revised under a more accurate formula, overall Poverty in 2009 stood at 15.7%, representing about 47.8 million people. When compared to the past September 2010 Census reports that’s a...
Russell Pearce Cost Arizona a Congressional Seat
Thanks in part to this guy, Arizona picked up only one Congressional Seat, instead of two
State Senate President-elect Russell Pearce's SB 1070 either directly or indirectly assisted in Arizona's disappointing Census numbers, which resulted in Arizona picking up just one Congressional Seat, instead of two.
That's the message from a recent piece in Salon.com by Philadelphia-based Journalist Daniel Denvir, "Did Immigration law cost Arizona a seat in Congress?" The article is not conclusive, and ...
Let the Redistricting Begin
The U.S. Census Bureau recently began releasing the results of the 2010 Census, and will continue to do so for the next year. On April 1, 2010 the resident population of the United States was 308,745,538. The Census results are used to determine reapportionment and redistricting. Reapportionment can already be determined with the Census results recently released. Reapportionment is the allocation of the 435 House of Representative seats. Many states, 32, will remain the same keeping th...
Did immigration law cost Arizona a seat in Congress?
Many predicted that Arizona's crackdown on immigrants would cost the state in dollars and reputation. It may have also cost the state an extra seat in Congress.
When the final Census numbers were released just before Christmas, Arizona was awarded a new seat in the House, thanks to its status as the country's second fastest growing state. As impressive as this seems, it was actually something of a letdown for the state, whose official Census count for 2010 (6,392,017) was more than 200,000 peopl...
GOP comes out swinging against undocumented immigrants and Cesar Chavez
LatinaLista.net -- Ever since the GOP garnered big wins in the 2010 Midterm Elections, the Immigration Extremists in the party, who couldn't care less about the Latino vote or Latinos, have acted like the mid-term wins were a sign from the American People to act upon their agenda of persecuting undocumented immigrants and revoking the 14th Constitutional Amendment that says Children born in the United States are U.S. citizens.
Obviously, they need a reminder: The mid-term election win was all ...
Ashley Michelle Williams: Social Media Is the Gateway to Hispanics
Media experts agree that Social Media is the gateway to U.S. Hispanics, the fastest-growing audience to embrace social networks and to tap into web information resources.
Joe Kutchera -- author of the newly released book, Latino Link: Building Brands Online with Hispanic Communities and Content -- says that to target Hispanic customers, marketers should embrace marketing to Hispanic consumers on social platforms since they over-index for using social media.
"Many research companies and market...
Prince William County Proves "Attrition Through Enforcement" Works
With all the buzz about Arizona's Immigration law this past summer, one might have thought the border state had literally launched an attack on Mexico. Before then, Prince William County, Va., adopted a vigorous 287(g) program in October 2007 to rid the county of its burgeoning Illegal Alien problem.
The 287(g) program, which the Obama Administration has substantially weakened, enables state and local police to help systematically enforce Immigration violations. Arizona's Sheriff Joe Arpaio ope...
Census: Number of poor may be millions higher; 1 in 6...
WASHINGTON – The number of poor people in the U.S. is millions higher than previously known, with 1 in 6 Americans — many of them 65 and older — struggling in Poverty due to rising medical care and other costs, according to preliminary Census figures released Wednesday. At the same time, government aid programs such as Tax Credits and food stamps kept many people out of poverty, helping to ensure the Poverty rate did not balloon even higher during the Recession in 2009, Preside...
Census: Number of Poor May Be Millions Higher
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
By Hope Yen, Associated Press
Washington (AP) - The number of poor people in the U.S. is millions higher than previously known, with 1 in 6 Americans - many of them 65 and older - struggling in Poverty due to rising medical care and other costs, according to preliminary Census figures released Wednesday.
At the same time, government aid programs such as Tax Credits and food stamps kept many people out of poverty, helping to ensure the Poverty rate did not balloon...
Census: Number of poor may be millions higher
The number of poor people in the U.S. is millions higher than previously known, with 1 in 6 Americans — many of them 65 and older — struggling in Poverty due to rising medical care and other costs, according to preliminary Census figures released Wednesday. At the same time, government aid programs such as Tax Credits and food stamps kept many people out of poverty, helping to ensure the Poverty rate did not balloon even higher during the Recession in 2009, President Barack Obama's f...
More Bad News For States: State Revenue Plunges By 31% In 2009 To $1.1 Trillion As Spending Increases
U.S. Census Bureau Reports State Government Revenues Decline Nearly 31 Percent
Total state government revenue dropped to $1.1 Trillion in 2009, a decline of 30.8 percent from $1.6 Trillion in 2008, according to the latest findings from the U.S. Census Bureau. The large decrease in total revenue was mainly caused by the substantial decrease in social Insurance trust revenue.
Social Insurance trust revenue is made up of four categories — Public Employee Retirement, Unemployment compensatio...
Wisconsin's Population Rank Over the Last 100 Years
Badger State population has dropped from 13th to 20th in the nation over the past century
This is Smart Politics' third in a series of reports on population trends among the states over the past 100 years when the U.S. House of Representatives settled at 435 seats in 1910. Previous reports focused on Minnesota and Iowa.
The latest U.S. Census numbers from 2010 reveal that Wisconsin's population has been eclipsed by two states for the second consecutive decade.
Although its population has inc...
A "Pledge of Resistance" to Defend Social Security (and Defund the Empire)
Thursday 06 January 2011
by: Robert Naiman,
t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed
For the third time in the last 20 years, establishment voices with high-profile slots in traditional media are trying to convince the public to accept cuts to Social Security by endlessly claiming such cuts are necessary, without giving coherent evidence to justify the claim. Twice, under former presidents Clinton and George W. Bush, these voices were defeated - but they didn't give up. And now they are in striking distance o...
The price for Floridas new governor? One red cent
TALLAHASSEE — True to his word, Gov. Rick Scott is doing the $130,000 job of Governor without commanding a paycheck. Or, at least not a big one. Scott is drawing a 1-cent Salary, according to a Spreadsheet of positions and pay for new hires in the governor’s administration released after a Public Records request. Spokeswoman Jennifer Meale said the Governor was being paid the 1-cent salary so that he actually exists within the state personnel system, and that she thought t...
Nevada House lawmakers didn't attend Constitution recital
WASHINGTON -- As promised by new Republican leaders, the U.S. Constitution was read aloud Thursday in the House of Representatives. None of Nevada's three House lawmakers participated in the 90-minute exercise, nor attended as observers. The reading was conducted by 135 volunteers -- 63 Democrats and 72 Republicans. A few dozen others sat in the chamber during all or part of the event. In a nod to Tea Party-backed Candidates who had campaigned on adherence to the Constitution, Republicans touted...
"Recovery Act Kept 4.5 Million People Out of Poverty in 2009"
According to this CBPP analysis, the ARRA lifted millions out of Poverty:
Recovery Act Kept 4.5 Million People Out of Poverty in 2009, Helping Keep Poverty Flat: Our analysis of data that the Census Bureau released this week shows that the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was one of the single most effective pieces of antipoverty Legislation in decades. In 2009, the Recovery Act’s temporary expansion of the safety net kept 4.5 million people out of poverty.
...On Tuesday, the Cen...
Census: State pensions pummeled in 2009
By JON MILTIMORE — State revenues plummeted 30 percent in 2009, even though taxes dropped only 8.5 percent, because State Pension investments suffered record breaking losses, according to Census data released Thursday.
The $477 million swing in "Insurance Trust Revenues" almost equaled the drop in total revenues from $1.6 Trillion in 2008 to $1.1 Trillion in Fiscal Year 2009, comprehensive data from the U.S. Census show....
Former Congressman Tom Delay Sentenced To Three Years
Talk Radio, Blamed For Shooting, Blames Others
Second Congressional Shooting Staved Off With Arrest
Jerry Brown: California Budget Is Austerity Measure
Second Southern Snowstorm Levels Homeowners
Seven Shot, One Cop Dead In Baltimore Shootout
Deficit Reduction Could Force Pentagon To Limit Budget
Anti-Healthcare Repeal Vote Gets Democratic Support
Al Qaeda Splinter Group Alleged To Have Killed Two French Hostages
Arizona Male Who Shot Congresswoman Had Radical Links
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