Michael Reagan Fires Back At Ron Jr's Claim That President Reagan Had Altzheimer's While in the White House

Michael Reagan: Clip from Ron Reagan Jr. on 20/20 tonight, below is a statement released by Michael Reagan foxnation USA Today reports...

PHOTOS: Michael Reagan in pictures

In a new book -- and an interview on ABC's 20/20 -- President Ronald Reagan's son says he saw evidence of his father's Alzheimer's Disease back during his years in the White House. "There was just something that was off, I couldn't quite put my finger on it," Ron Reagan said in 20/20 interview airing Friday night.

VIDEOS: Michael Reagan in videos

The younger Reagan said his father often didn't seem sharp d...

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Jeff Emanuel posted 2 days ago (via twitter)

Michael Reagan : " Ron , my brother, was an embarrassment to his father when he was alive and today he became an embarrassment to his mother."

FlashReport.Org posted 2 days ago (via twitter)

" Ron , my brother was an embarrassment to his father when he was alive and today he became an embarrassment to his mother." Michael Reagan

Greg Halvorson posted 2 days ago (via twitter)

" Ron , my brother was an embarrassment to his father when he was alive and today he became an embarrassment to his mother." ~ Michael Reagan

Jack Daly posted 2 days ago (via twitter)

Michael Reagan : " Ron [ Reagan Jr.] was an embarrassment to his father when he was alive and today he became an embarrassment to his mother."

Jess Jensen posted 2 days ago (via twitter)

" Ron , my brother, was an embarrassment to his father when he was alive and today he became an embarrassment to his mother." Michael Reagan

pamela_jayne posted 2 days ago (via twitter)

What did Ron Reagan write that has Michael Reagan 's undies all in a wad?

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