Shooting Spree: Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-L.I.) drafted Legislation today in response to the Arizona shootings to renew the ban on gun clips that carry more than 10 rounds. "As someone who’s experienced senseless gun violence firsthand, I’m praying for my colleague Rep. Gabrielle Giffords" (D-Ariz.) and other Victims of the Shopping Mall shootings last Saturday, McCarthy said in a statement.
PHOTOS: Carolyn McCarthy in pictures
Jared L.
VIDEOS: Carolyn McCarthy in videos
Loughner, the 22-year-old suspect in the shootings, allegedly had an “extender&rdquo...;
Youngest victim of US shooting buried
People hold a sign as they line the street leading to the St. Elizabeth Ann... The Funeral hearse leads a procession to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton church for... The youngest Victim of the Tucson shootings was laid to rest Thursday, a day after President Barack Obama hailed the 9-year-old girl as an inspiration to US politicians to heal their poisonous divisions. Christina Taylor Green, who was among six people killed by a misfit gunman last Saturday, has become the heart-breaking public face of th...
Not all NY politicians ready to support McCarthy's proposed ammo ban
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) won't be met with unanimous support for her proposal to ban high-capacity Firearms magazines. As we reported on Jan. 10, McCarthy, who represents New York's 4th District, plans to introduce Legislation this week that will ban assault weapon magazines like the ones used to kill six people and critically wound thirteen others, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) on Saturday in Tucson. Rep. Michael Grimm, a freshman Republican representing New York's 13th...
McCarthy bill caps ammunition magazines at 10 bullets
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) will introduce Legislation next week capping ammunition magazines at 10 bullets, she announced Thursday.
McCarthy, whose husband was killed during a commuter train shooting in 1993, has said all week that she'd be proposing Legislation to ban high-capacity clips like those allegedly used in Saturday's shooting in Arizona. But she hadn't specified the maximum number of bullets, hoping instead that some flexibility on her part might entice GOP leaders to support th...
Limbaugh's 'Straight Shooter' Tucson Billboard is Removed
Even gun metaphors need a rest now and again. In the wake of the Tucson, Ariz., shooting at an event hosted by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, Talk Radio host Rush Limbaugh has been emphatic in his assertion that he and other right-wing political figures in no way contributed to the mindset of suspected gunman Jared Loughner. But an unfortunate billboard advertising Limbaugh's show has given his critics some ammunition of their own. You must login to comment. The Fox Nation is for those opposed to into...
Michelle Obama sees lessons after Arizona shooting (Reuters)
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – First Lady Michelle Obama urged parents across the United States on Thursday to talk to their Children about the Arizona shootings and use the event to teach them a lesson about American values.
Mrs. Obama joined her husband, President Barack Obama, at a memorial service in Tucson on Wednesday for the Victims of Saturday's attack outside a Supermarket, where a gunman killed six people and critically wounded Representative Gabrielle Giffords.
Obama said children...
Michelle Obama sees lessons after Arizona shooting
Mrs. Obama joined her husband, President Barack Obama, at a memorial service in Tucson on Wednesday for the Victims of Saturday's attack outside a Supermarket, where a gunman killed six people and critically wounded Representative Gabrielle Giffords.
Obama said Children would struggle with questions about what such an event says about the world.
"The questions my daughters have asked are the same ones that many of your Children will have - and they don't lend themselves to easy answers," the fi...
A Congresswoman's Nightmare
Every time there is a senseless shooting she feels the pain again.
Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy has never forgotten the horrible day in 1993 when her husband was gunned down on a Long Island Railroad commuter train. He died. Her son, Kevin, was severely wounded.
"My heart goes out to the people who have lost loved ones in Tucson,” she told me. “Every time there is another Mass Shooting I re-live the horror in my own life, and I try harder to pass Legislation that may help us a...
McCarthy bill limits gun ammunition magazines to 10 bullets
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (NY-D) announced today she is planning to introduce new gun safety Legislation limiting ammunition magazines to 10 bullets. According to the announcement, on Tuesday, January 18, McCarthy will introduce Legislation to restore the prohibition on large capacity ammunition feeding devices in the United State. In Tucson, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was one of 20 individuals shot by Jared Lee Loughner. Loughner was able to fire 31 times withou...
NASA names backup for wounded Giffords' husband
By Tim Gaynor
TUCSON, Arizona | Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:35pm EST
TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) - NASA on Thursday named a backup commander for the last scheduled Space Shuttle mission as a possible substitute for Mark Kelly, the Astronaut-husband of the Arizona congresswoman wounded in a shooting rampage last weekend.
Rick Sturckow will train as backup commander for the Space Shuttle Endeavor, which is due to make its final launch on April 19 from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, though Kelly r...
NASA names backup for wounded Giffords' husband
TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) - NASA on Thursday named a backup commander for the last scheduled Space Shuttle mission as a possible substitute for Mark Kelly, the Astronaut-husband of the Arizona congresswoman wounded in a shooting rampage last weekend.
Rick Sturckow will train as backup commander for the Space Shuttle Endeavor, which is due to make its final launch on April 19 from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, though Kelly remains designated mission command for the time being, NASA sai...
Former Classmate Of Rep. Giffords Shares Personal Memories
Since last weekend’s deadly shooting in Arizona that claimed six lives, and left 14 wounded - including a vibrant, young Congresswoman - people have been trying to understand how something so heinous, so senseless could happen. It appeared that Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was specifically targeted by the gunman, prompting some to surmise the attack was politically motivated. That touched off a national debate about the tenor of Rhetoric in this country and whether it has ... Guns culturally separate Alaskans from rest of U.S.
One thing most Alaskans know is that guns are tools. Many in the 49th state still live close to the land. They use guns to feed themselves by killing animals for food, and they use guns to defend themselves against Grizzly Bears that would like to make them food.
Confession here: I once used a Handgun to shoot a grizzly bear off my leg after making the unfortunate discovery that not all grizzly charges are bluffs. Whether the gun saved my life or simply prevented the bear from ripping me up ev...
Youngest victim of US shooting buried
The youngest Victim of the Tucson shootings was laid to rest Thursday, a day after President Barack Obama hailed the 9-year-old girl as an inspiration to US politicians to heal their poisonous divisions. Christina Taylor Green, who was among six people killed by a misfit gunman last Saturday, has become the heart-breaking public face of the attacks which unleashed a wave of soul-searching about America's political culture. Hundreds of people lined the streets as her small coffin was borne into t...
Mrs. Obama talks tolerance in open letter to parents (AFP)
WASHINGTON (AFP) – First Lady Michelle Obama on Thursday urged parents to teach their Children tolerance in response to the deadly Tucson Shooting Spree that touched off debate about political Rhetoric.
Mrs. Obama, who joined her husband at a memorial service for the Victims Wednesday, issued an Open Letter to parents. Children are struggling, she said, to make sense of Saturday's shooting that killed six and left 14 injured, including Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
"We can t...
Mrs. Obama talks tolerance in open letter to parents
First Lady Michelle Obama on Thursday urged parents to teach their Children tolerance in response to the deadly Tucson Shooting Spree that touched off debate about political Rhetoric. Mrs. Obama, who joined her husband at a memorial service for the Victims Wednesday, issued an Open Letter to parents. Children are struggling, she said, to make sense of Saturday's shooting that killed six and left 14 injured, including Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. "We can teach them the value of tolerance -...
Caller Slams Al Sharpton Over Palin Blame Game (video)
Carol's Blog! Illegal Aliens Now Get Free Heart Surgery and Cancer Treatment - Free heart surgery for illegals is insane unless it is an emergency. Providing emergence medical services wasn't good enough for the Obama administratio... Funny video: Cop mistakes penis for a weapon - If you have ever been "felt up" by a cop, you may find this funny video off color. Where did The Moon get water? - [image: Moon: A Brief History] New research indicates the moon's water came from comets. Sci...
Video of the brutal life in Gaza
Carol's Blog! Illegal Aliens Now Get Free Heart Surgery and Cancer Treatment - Free heart surgery for illegals is insane unless it is an emergency. Providing emergence medical services wasn't good enough for the Obama administratio... Funny video: Cop mistakes penis for a weapon - If you have ever been "felt up" by a cop, you may find this funny video off color. Delusional: RFK Jr. Alleges JFK Was Killed by a R... The Two Faces of Tingles: Giffords Shootings vs. F... Suspect Held in Rep...
Michelle Obama sees lessons after Arizona shooting
WASHINGTON | Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:40pm EST
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - First Lady Michelle Obama urged parents across the United States on Thursday to talk to their Children about the Arizona shootings and use the event to teach them a lesson about American values.
Mrs. Obama joined her husband, President Barack Obama, at a memorial service in Tucson on Wednesday for the Victims of Saturday's attack outside a Supermarket, where a gunman killed six people and critically wounded Representative Gabriel...
Michelle Obama sees lessons after Arizona shooting
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - First Lady Michelle Obama urged parents across the United States on Thursday to talk to their Children about the Arizona shootings and use the event to teach them a lesson about American values.
Mrs. Obama joined her husband, President Barack Obama, at a memorial service in Tucson on Wednesday for the Victims of Saturday's attack outside a Supermarket, where a gunman killed six people and critically wounded Representative Gabrielle Giffords.
Obama said Children would strug...
Tucson says farewell to youngest shooting victim
By Brad Poole and Tim Gaynor
TUCSON, Arizona | Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:38pm EST
TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) - Hundreds of people gathered to say farewell on Thursday to a bright 9-year-old who loved to dance and play Baseball, but was gunned down when she went to learn about politics from her congresswoman.
Christina Green was the youngest Victim of a Shooting Spree last Saturday that claimed six lives and left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords battling for her life. Her Funeral was the first to be held.
Tucson says farewell to youngest shooting victim
By Brad Poole and Tim Gaynor
TUCSON, Arizona | Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:38pm EST
TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) - Hundreds of people gathered to say farewell on Thursday to a bright 9-year-old who loved to dance and play Baseball, but was gunned down when she went to learn about politics from her congresswoman.
Christina Green was the youngest Victim of a Shooting Spree last Saturday that claimed six lives and left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords battling for her life. Her Funeral was the first to be held.
McCarthys Magazine Ban Bill
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy has released the text of the ban on high-capacity magazines like the one that was used by Jared Loughner in the Arizona shooting and also in the 1993 LIRR massacre in which her husband was killed and her son seriously injured. The bill will be introduced Tuesday. It closes a Loophole in the previous assault weapons ban in which anyone could still sell or transfer a high-capacity magazine if the magazine was manufactured before the ban was enacted, McCarthy’s spokesma...
McCarthy bill tougher than Clinton-era law
The fiercest gun-control advocate in Congress released the text of a bill she plans to introduce next week that would outlaw high-capacity magazines like the one a gunman used to shoot 20 people in a matter of seconds in Arizona this weekend.
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy’s (D-N.Y.) bill also goes further than than the assault weapon ban that expired in 2004, outlawing the sale or transfer of clips that hold more than ten rounds, even those obtained before the law takes effect, according to a co...
Democrat describes uphill battle for gun bill
I just spoke with Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., about where things stand on the Hill on her proposed ban on high-capacity magazines. The takeaway: It's going to be a tough battle to get any sort of new gun Legislation through Congress.
"The NRA is out there already saying it's a slippery slope -- that if we take away the large magazines we're actually going to try and take away their guns, forgetting to mention that the Supreme Court has already said that everyone has a right to own a...
Ex-Marine Stands by 'Official' Flag Display
Mike Merola erected a 20-foot flagpole in his backyard soon after he moved into his current home in March 2009. Merola, 60, a Marine from 1969 to 1977, has flown the American flag for years, typically replacing it twice a year to maintain its appearance. But now, Merola's Homeowners' association in Cypress, Texas, 40 minutes northwest of Houston, says he and his wife, Sylvia, need to stop. It filed a complaint last month saying its rules limit pole heights to six feet and only allow poles attach...
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body