Matheson finally confirmed for Utahs 10th Circuit Court

Circuit Court: If the Senate had not confirmed the nomination, it would have lapsed.

PHOTOS: Scott Matheson in pictures

Matheson’s only comment was “I’m thankful, honored, excited, and very please that it’s finally done.” Scott Matheson, Jr. is the son of former Governor Scott Matheson and the brother of Utah District 2 Representative Jim Matheson-D.

VIDEOS: Scott Matheson in videos

He is also a former democratic Gubernatorial Candidate. Matheson is former dean of the SJ Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. He has al...

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Larry Sabato posted 4 days ago (via twitter)

Congrats to college friend, Scott Matheson Jr(UT). Just confirmed by Senate to 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. Will make great judge.

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