Speech : Martin Luther King Jr.
PHOTOS: Facebook in pictures
Day is Monday, honoring one the greatest Civil Rights leaders of all time.
VIDEOS: Facebook in videos
Celebrated this year on January 17, 2011, the holiday falls on the third Monday of January every year, right around King's birthday, which is January 15. King would have been 82 this year. His "I Have A Dream" Speech was recited on August 28, 1963 during the March on Washington. King spoke in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Perhaps the most famous of King's speeches, the repetition "I have a dream"...
In Memoriam
So while we remember Martin Luther King, and the many incredible accomplishments of his all-too-short leadership of the Civil Rights Movement, we should also realize that in the year 2011 some of our highest-paid and most respected members of society are blatantly, openly Racist.
We still have so far to go.
Outcry over schools' use of holiday
Sen. Bennet: Education's a civil right COLUMBIA, S.C. — Civil Rights leaders said Friday that School Districts across the Southeast should scrap plans to use the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday to make up for snow days, calling the decision an insult to the icon's legacy. The Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, among others, said schools in Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina should find other ways to make up days lost after a winter storm coated the region in snow and ice, maki...
Time Out New York Kids: Weekend Picks
NEW YORK (CBS 2) - It may be cold but there are some hot events great for the whole family this weekend. “Time Out New York Kids” has some wonderful suggestions. Subway: near the 1 train (18th or 23rd Street stop), F/V train (23rd Street stop) or the C/E train (23rd Street stop). We are also only 5 blocks from Union square Description: Popular local performer Erin Lee presents a wintery concert that will have kids rocking to songs about snowflakes, snowsuits and even loud sneez...
Today's Love is for John Lewis Approach to Non-Violence
On Monday, some of the country will take time to celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights movement he symbolized. Earlier this week Barbara Ransby wrote of how to keep King’s legacy alive. And as a reminder of an important part of that legacy, we bring you recent comments by Rep. John Lewis. In the video above, Lewis uses his experiences as a long time member of Congress and hero of the Civil Rights movement to reflect on how the movement’s emphasis on...
We'll Be Off On MLK Day
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., waves to supporters from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on Aug. 28, 1963. That day, he delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" Speech. The nation honors the memory of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday. We're not planning to post again until first-thing Tuesday Morning — but as always, if there's important news between now and then we'll pop back into the blog. Have a good weekend, everyone. What is this? Please note that all comments must adhere to the NP...
Presidential proclamation for 'one of America's greatest visionary leaders'
Here is the proclamation signed by President Obama on Friday for the Martin Luther King Jr. federal holiday:
Half a century ago, America was moved by a young preacher who called a generation to action and forever changed the course of history. The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. devoted his life to the struggle for justice and equality, sowing seeds of hope for a day when all people might claim "the riches of freedom and the security of justice." On Martin Luther King, Jr., Federal Holida...
For Some Students in the South, a King Day Lacking That Holiday Feature
Source: The New York Times
Atlanta Put yourself in the shoes of Michael Murray, the associate superintendent of a small School District in the North Carolina foothills.
He has to provide 180 days of education for his 6,000 Students by June 10. This past week of unusually brutal ice and snow in the South put the district behind schedule, and he suspects that more snow days are coming.
By state law, the only holiday he cannot cancel is Veterans Day. His solution? Make Children go to school on M...
Providence seeks nominees for city Martin Luther King Jr. Hall of Fame
Letters of nomination will be accepted until Jan. 31. Nominees should be “local individuals who have made a substantial contribution to acceptance, social justice, Civil Rights and equality in the City of Providence or as a resident of the community,” the mayor said in a news release. Letters of nomination should be less than two pages long, specific about how the nominee qualifies, and addressed to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Hall of Fame Committee, c/o the Mayor’s O...
Kennedy library puts archives online
Stumble This! WASHINGTON (AFP) - The John F. Kennedy library has put thousands of papers, photographs and recordings of the former US president online to mark the 50th anniversary of his inauguration. The digital collection at jfklibrary.org is the largest online digitized archive of any former US president, the Boston-based John F. Kennedy Library Foundation said. It was unveiled on Thursday by Kennedy's daughter, Caroline Kennedy, the president of the foundation. "My parents believed that his...
Chilling Video: Jared Loughner's video walking through Pima Community College.
Scary video made by killer Jared Loughner as he takes his video camera through his school and rants about what a terrible place he is in. Chilling: Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Google Buzz Please Support COMMON CENTS by doing your Christmas Shopping here. Thank You!! Watermark template. Powered by Blogger. ...
The link between Jared Loughner and Lee Harvey Oswald
An American politician takes a bullet to the head in broad daylight. Three days later, under the headline “The spiral of hate,” The New York Times editorial board has this to say about it: “None of us can escape a share of the fault for the spiral of unreason and violence that has now found expression in [gunfire].” In the same spirit, the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court blames the act on “the hatred and bitterness that has been injected into the life of our...
DC Public Affairs Firm Dumped Tunisia Last Week
Fri Jan. 14, 2011 11:05 AM PST A week before the Tunisian government collapsed on Friday, with its longtime dictator fleeing the country in the face of massive popular Protests, a Washington, DC Public Relations firm that had been hired by the government abruptly severed its relationship the North African nation. Last May, the Tunisian regime retained the Washington Media Group, which also represents Private Equity funds, aerospace companies, unions, and Medical Research companies, and banking g...
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Helped Plant the Seeds for Environmental Justice Movement, Says Attorney General Holder
Friday, January 14, 2011
By Nicholas Ballasy
(CNSNews.com) -- Attorney General Eric Holder on Friday said Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. helped “plant the seeds” of the “environmental justice movement,” which Holder called a “Civil Rights issue” that is a “high priority” for the Justice Department.
At the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Civil Rights, in an Affirmative Employment and Diversity Staff event to honor Dr. King, Holder said: “
Weather creates M.L. King Day controversy
Various federal and state statutes mark Jan. 17 as a public holiday to honor the birthday of the black Civil Rights leader who was assassinated in 1968. However, unusual winter weather has created a problem for some southern school boards, The New York Times reported from Atlanta. So-called snow days that closed schools created a shortage of class time, and some School Districts in Georgia, North and South Carolina have decided to make up for them by requiring attendance on Monday, which would h...
One Portsmouth church falls, another rises from ashes
The congregation of a historic downtown church that burned down in 2007 has found a new home, and it does not involve a proposed land swap with the city.
Zion Baptist plans to buy the church that another longtime Portsmouth congregation, Park View Baptist, will soon vacate because of declining membership, said Joseph Wetherbee Sr., a trustee at Park View who was part of the discussions.
Zion Baptist's leaders had been considering at least one other deal in which they would have rebuil...
From Dallas to Tucson
An American politician takes a bullet to the head in broad daylight. Three days later, under the headline “The spiral of hate,” The New York Times editorial board has this to say about it: “None of us can escape a share of the fault for the spiral of unreason and violence that has now found expression in [gunfire].” In the same spirit, a U.S. Supreme Court justice blames the act on “the hatred and bitterness that has been injected into the life of our nation by bigots.”
PA Civil Rights Agency Head Homer Floyd Retires After Nearly 41 Years
HARRISBURG, Pa., Jan. 14, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Governor Edward G. Rendell today announced the Retirement of Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission Executive Director Homer C. Floyd, who has led the agency since 1970. "Homer Floyd has seen our commonwealth and our nation through times of tremendous progress in Civil Rights," Governor Edward G. Rendell said. "After having suffered the humiliation and injustice of the Jim Crow era, he vowed to work for change so others didn't hav...
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday cancelled at some schools
Two counties in the northern part of the state of Georgia, Fannin and Gilmer Counties, have cancelled the day off this Monday which is a national holiday in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Due to the extremely poor weather in Georgia this winter, the School Districts have decided to make up one Snow Day in replacement of the scheduled day-off to honor the former Civil Rights leader. Civil rights groups are severely criticizing the schools’ plans to have school in sessi...
Martin Luther King Jr. Gave His Life Supporting Workers Rights
Martin Luther King Jr., whose birthday we celebrate this weekend, died fighting for the freedom of Memphis sanitation workers to form a union with AFSCME. For King, economic justice went hand in hand with Civil Rights and the right to join a union was critical to gaining economic justice.
Writing on AlterNet, Laura Flanders says:
King saw public workers as the first line of defense. That’s why he went to Memphis to stand by striking sanitation members of AFSCME, the public worker
Holder promises to protect minority communities from environmental hazards
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder pledged Friday to work to protect low-income minority communities from environmental hazards.
Low-income communities have for decades borne the brunt of the country’s environmental problems. Studies show that Toxic Waste sites are almost always built near poor communities that often don’t have the resources to protect themselves.
In remarks commemorating Martin Luther King Day, Holder, the country’s first black attorney general, said the Justice Departme
A repeated lie is not change
“My policy toward Cuba will be guided by one word: Libertad. And the road to freedom for all Cubans must begin with justice for Cuba's Political Prisoners, the rights of free Speech, a free press and freedom of assembly; and it must lead to Elections that are free and fair.” - Obama speech to the Cuban American National Foundation in Miami (5/23/08) In spite of the combined treachery of the regime, the Catholic Church, the Spanish Government, "Cuba experts", and the MSM to conv...
The meaningless gesture of bipartisan seating at SOTU
In response to the shooting in Tucson, a number of Democrats (and a handful of Republicans) have put forward the notion of bi-partisan seating for the State of the Union address, as if that shooting were a product of the supposedly poisonous political climate.
Now, I’m wondering if any of those Democrats proposing this idea proposed it when a Republican was president subject to the vile vilification from the left. How many of these Democrats have confronted the nastiness on their side...
MSNBC Guest on the Rush Limbaugh Billboard in Tuscon: "We Don't Know If This Troubled, Deranged Young Man Drove Down That Partic
Listen to this absolute nonsense, The Ed Show has on Talk Radio consultant Holland Cooke to talk about the Rush Limbaugh billboard in Tucson, this guy says we don't know if that troubled deranged teen [Jared Loughner] drove down that highway. Yeah, maybe that billboard drove him over the edge. MSNBC is shameless...
Holland Cooke: "I just cringed when i saw that graphic the first time you showed it because in Tucson, of all places, this week of all times, how hurtful that had to be. Free Speech ...
Ohio school helps children communicate
At 18 months old, Phoebe Krause's silence was telling. The West Chester toddler did not babble. There were no "Mama's" or "Dada's," just silence and screams. Her mother, Stacy Krause, was worried. A pediatrician thought the problem was socialization and recommended putting Phoebe in day care. But at day care, Krause said, "Phoebe was withdrawing further and was constantly laying in a corner, clutching her stuffed pig and trying to soothe herself." Phoebe, now 4, was diagnosed at age 2 with child...
Uncanny resemblance
Getting off to a slow start today so a quick linkfest to kick myself into gear. Starting with this via Avedon. I basically agree with the points raised here about how Obama's Speech doesn't negate the problematic aspects of his presidency. However, neither do I think those problems negate the value of the speech. But the reason I'm posting it is I was just floored by the author, her picture on the left. Not only is her nym libbyliberal but we could be twins if we were the same age. I have a ph...
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Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
Thinking of taking N & his snow suit to the Lincoln memorial on MLK day to read him his copy of the "I have a dream" speech . Wanna join us?
Is it just me or is anyone else comparing obama's memorial speech to Pericles' oration and Lincoln 's Gettysburg address? Yeah,it never stops
Students from Watkins Elementary School in DC will recite 'I Have a Dream' speech on steps of Lincoln Memorial today in honor of MLK Day.
I am no fan, but Jesus Lincoln 's speech in Tucson was superb. Its too bad that the audience didn't know how to behave at a memorial service.
oh my god those children on the Lincoln Memorial reciting MLKs speech are too adorable.
Shoutout to Watkins Elementary, my old school in DC! The students read the "I Have A Dream" speech at the Lincoln Memorial today.
These little kids are soooooooo cute. They read the I Have A Dream speech at the Lincoln Memorial .