Jared Loughner: Liberals and Conservatives have rushed to frame Jared Lee Loughner’s motives – in hopes of gaining the upper hand in the debate over the Arizona rampage early, and for months to come.
PHOTOS: Jared Loughner in pictures
But despite the attempts on both sides, the picture that crystallized this weekend of Loughner was not of someone who identified neatly with politics on the left or the right.
VIDEOS: Jared Loughner in videos
Continue Reading Text Size - + reset In fact, about the only thing that could be said for certain about Loughner – base...
Searching for answers to Tuscon tragedy
Image via CrunchBase
From New York newspaper columnists to an Illinois senator, the liberal left is blaming the Tea Party and conservative stars for the shooting of an Arizona congresswoman. How about blaming the Communist and Nazi-loving shooter?
It didn't take long for New York Times columnist Paul Krugman to blame the Tea Party and Sarah Palin for the shooting outside a Tucson Supermarket that seriously injured Congresswoman Gabriel Giffords and left six others, including a 9-year-old,...
Sheriff Knew About Death Threats By Suspect...
The FBI is investigating whether the man is the same person who posted a rambling Internet manifesto accusing the government of mind control and demanding a new currency. Jared Lee Loughner, 22, of Tucson, was taken into Custody moments after the shooting at a political meeting held by Democratic Representative Gabrielle Giffords in a Supermarket Parking Lot. Six people died and Giffords had a critical head wound. [ID:nN08246649] Sheriff Clarence Dupnik of Pima County, where the shooting happene...
Here, In Reality
A lot of memes are dying a bitter death as more information comes about about Jared Loughner's rampage at Gabrielle Giffords' townhall. Despite dishonest attempts by a corrupt media and their Left Wing allies to blame Conservatives and the Tea Party movement for the shootings, the truth has emerged.
Loughner—according to those who knew him in High School and college—was very liberal when he was younger, but began displaying behavior that became increasingly erratic, and his obsess...
A moment of silence
The talking heads started in right away after the shooting. Once again they had no idea what they were talking about. This article will not be seen by many because it doesn’t cover Cleveland, Oh politics. The real reason is the truth. The truth is powerful and national politics affect everyone otherwise you would not pay federal Income Tax. The examiner review team obviously doesn’t understand that. The talking heads, the same people who are always asked when it comes to politics, ar...
Arizona Sheriff Dupnik Was Aware of Loughners Mental Illness, Did Nothing
From Reuters:
The suspect in Saturday’s shooting rampage in which a U.S. congresswoman was critically wounded was unstable and had been known to make Death Threats in the past, the local sheriff said.
The FBI is investigating whether the man is the same person who posted a rambling Internet manifesto accusing the government of mind control and demanding a new currency.
Jared Lee Loughner, 22, of Tucson, was taken into Custody moments after the shooting at a political meeting held by Dem...
Jared Loughner Charged
Jan. 10, 2011 Jared Lee Loughner Charged with 5 Counts of Murder, Attempted Murder and murder involving a member of Congress. He indicated he understood the charges in court and his lawyer spoke to him offering her guidance. The same lawyer Judy Clarke who has defended another mass murderer the Unabomer Ted Kaczinski has seen insanity defenses before. Loughner has said nothing about why he did the murders and what drove him to trying to assassinate a US congresswoman in...
Yes, There is a Political Climate of Hate
While millions of Americans are privately praying for Representative Gabrielle Giffords and the rest of the Victims of a crazed gunman and their grieving families, those on the left have been repeatedly calling for an end to the politics of hate. Not the hate filled heart of a lunatic.
No, they want to shut up those with whom they disagree. So they classify anyone with a differing point a view a hate-monger. It’s appalling and I don’t even want to link to any of it because I’...
The Left Never Wastes a Tragedy
Ben Johnson, FloydReports.com
The Left never stands so tall as when it stands upon dead bodies. Whether it is Bill Clinton blaming the Oklahoma City bombing on Rush Limbaugh, Democratic mayors suing gun manufacturers after school shootings in Arkansas and Colorado, Democrats turning Senator Paul Wellstone’s memorial into a campaign rally, or Cindy Sheehan vastly overstaying her 15 minutes of fame, the Left never lets a tragedy pass without blaming it on its political enemies and pushing ...
The Arizona Shooting: The Last Assassination of the 60s
Ben Johnson, FloydReports.com
As the media and left-wingers spin the attempted Assassination of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords as an act of Tea Party violence, perhaps even they have a nagging little voice telling them they are overlooking the factors that really led to this tragedy, which claimed the lives of six people — including three septuagenarians and a nine-year-old girl. While the Left has predictably tried to use this attack to smear its political opponents, Conservatives hav...
The narrative of the hateful left
The Murder of six people, the shooting of twelve more, including Congresswoman Giffords, and the politization of the incident:
Andrew Klavan writes about The Hateful Left
Where incendiary political Rhetoric truly resides in America
Indeed, the Left’s hysterical response to all who disagree with it—that they are Racist or sexist or “phobic” or somehow reminiscent of Hitler—has become so predictable that satirists, from the Libertarian Greg Gutfeld to the liberal Jon Stewart, h
Big News Events Make Blatherers of Us All
The New Yorker, reputedly one of America's smartest magazines, exemplifies (and not always in a bad way) some of the incoherence created amongst the chattering (and, alas, governing) classes with big news events that seems to DEMAND REACTION!! and yet are at the same time either too impossibly overdetermined or too obvious--like the decision by one deluded ass to open fire on a crowd--for there to be much fresh, interesting, or relevant to say, or do.
First, George Packer takes one tack. Of cou...
Angry words about angry words -- is the Giffords debate helping?
The debate on overheated political Rhetoric is becoming overheated. The Post's George F. Will and other Conservatives denounce any implication that the right bears any kind of responsibility for the violence in Arizona. Liberals such as Paul Krugman, they argue, simply don't have any evidence connecting Jared Loughner's alleged decision to kill Giffords with anything any conservative politician or commentator has ever said. Therefore, politicizing the shootings is cynical. But now Krugman isn't ...
Redstate: Outspoken Sheriff Accused Of Dismissing Loughner Death Threats
Jared Loughner has been making death threats by phone to many people in Pima County including staff of Pima Community College, radio personalities and local Bloggers. When Pima County Sheriff's Office was informed, his deputies assured the Victims that he was being well managed by the Mental Health system. It was also suggested that further pressing of charges would be unnecessary and probably cause more problems than it solved as Jared Loughner has a family member that works for Pima County. Th...
Leftists Attack Parents Of Murdered 9-Year-Old
How low will some people stoop to play at partisan politics by exploiting the weekends tragic events? Weve already seen the bar set pretty damn low by elements of the media and some public officials, yet its hard to imagine how much further anyone can go than to verbally attack the parents of the slain 9 year old Christina Taylor Green . Seeing the couple on Dateline NBC last night, my first inclination was to grit my teeth and ask what kind of parent is ready to go on national...
Calls for softer tone in politics gets cool reception
By Ed Stoddard
DALLAS | Mon Jan 10, 2011 7:21pm EST
DALLAS (Reuters) - Calls to reset the tone of politics in the aftermath of Saturday's shooting rampage in Arizona got short shrift on Talk Radio and elsewhere as left and right traded blame for the massacre.
From the right, Bloggers and pundits labeled suspected shooter Jared Lee Loughner a "leftist" while critics of conservative super-star Sarah Palin accused her of creating a combustible political atmosphere with her behavior and Rhetoric....
A tale of two shootings
Some good news is emanating tonight from University Medical Center in Tucson, Arizona, where Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ neurosurgeon, Dr. G. Michael Lemole, reports that the congresswoman is showing no signs of further brain swelling, which is a positive indicator. Sadly, the same cannot be said for the six Victims of Jared Lee Loughner who perished on Saturday. Or for the twelve Victims who died at Ft. Hood on November 5, 2009, when Major Nidal Malik Hasan shouted “Allah akbar” ...
FNCs Brit Hume rips left-wing habit of equating disagreement with liberalism with hate (Daily Caller)
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FNC's Brit Hume rips left-wing 'habit' of equating disagreement with Liberalism with hate
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Will Gates address Chinese rare earth strong arming?
Tea Party Express raising money in aftermath of Arizona shooting
Barbara Walters: 'I'm feeling bad for Sarah Palin'
Among the most astonishing things to come out of the attempt on the life of Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords have been the knee-jerk reac...
He is an MSNBC liberal.
What really caused the Democrats, liberals and Left Wing media to go nuts was, the announcement that the shooters favorite book was the Socialist/Communist Manifesto. They immediately went into blame Palin, the Tea Party,Republicans and Conservatives.Continue Reading--7 words totally...
Was the Tucson shooting a product of the Tea Party?
Georgians join the people of Arizona in condemning the senseless act of violence and mourning the Victims of the recent Tucson shooting. Georgians also wonder what Jared Lee Loughner’s motive was. Was he trying to make a political point or was he simply deranged? In the days since the shooting in Tucson, leftists have rushed to denounce the Murders as the result of radical right-wing Rhetoric. Specifically, left-wing Bloggers on Politico.com cited a “Veteran Democra...
There Is Yet No Loughner / Far-Right Connection
It is worth stating again that there is at present no — zero — evidence that purported Tucson shooter Jared Loughner was affiliated with any Tea Party group or other mainstream conservative cause. But nor is there any reason to think that Loughner was aligned with even far-right or radical political causes. Some people who study right-wing Militia groups and those who align themselves with the so-called Patriot movement said Mr. Loughner’s comments on subjects like the Am...
Times Goes to Left-Wing SPLC to Suggest Shooter Had 'Far-Right' Leanings
Monday’s front-page story from Tucson, the site of the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and Murder of six others, began with concerns from suspect Jared Loughner’s college classmates about his bizarre and aggressive behavior, but the Times switched to the role of politics in his life.
Times reporters treated as an objective source of facts an unlabeled left-wing group that reliably finds right-wing “hate” wherever it looks on the right. Sure enough, the Sout...
Politicizing Tragedy
The Left quickly assigned blame for this weekend’s tragic shooting in Arizona to Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, conservative Talk Radio, and Fox News. Left-wing pundits are screaming for an end to the “heated Rhetoric” surrounding Immigration Reform, tax policy, and health policy. According to the Left, this weekend’s mayhem is symbolic of the “culture of violence” the “right” inculcates. Quite surprising to the Left must be the revelation by a forme...
Redstate: Outspoken Sheriff Accused Of Dismissing Loughner Death Threats
Jared Loughner has been making death threats by phone to many people in Pima County including staff of Pima Community College, radio personalities and local Bloggers. When Pima County Sheriff's Office was informed, his deputies assured the Victims that he was being well managed by the Mental Health system. It was also suggested that further pressing of charges would be unnecessary and probably cause more problems than it solved as Jared Loughner has a family member that works for Pima County. Th...
Inside the Beltway
The hypersensitive public discourse on violence, Rhetoric, civility, guns, politics and the press barrels on, 72 hours after the Arizona shootings. With irony intact. Take, for instance, Fox News host Glenn Beck , vilified by partisan critics as an arbiter of hatemongering and aggressive culture, right along with Rush Limbaugh , the Tea Party and Sarah Palin . Mr. Beck - like his accused peers - seems mighty peaceful at this juncture, however. He has issued a challenge to "all Am...
In Tucson: 'Before they tighten up the state laws, I'm buying more guns'
Trade was roaring at the gun counter of the Sportsman's Warehouse in Tucson on Sunday afternoon, where roughly 30 types of shotguns competed for shelf space with 100 pistols, 50 rifles and enough ammunition to fuel more than one decent shootout at the nearby the OK Corral.
Just a day had passed since Jared Lee Loughner allegedly launched a deadly Shooting Spree using a gun purchased from the very same store, but patrons were undeterred. Richard Tucker and his eight-year-old daughter, Emily, sp...
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Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
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Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
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Jared Lee Loughner is being labled a Tea Party member .. He reads Mein Kampf and The Communist Manifesto... come on really? lol
Jared Lee Loughner listed Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto as favorite books on MySpace. Doesn't sound Tea Party to me.
Jared Lee Loughner read the Commie Manifesto & Mein Kampf . Pundits use that as a tool to blame either the Right or the Left. We never learn...
Jared Lee Loughner MySpace had Mein Kampf , Communist Manifesto as favorite books. One guy tweets "Peculiar... wasn't Hitler anti-communist?"
Rep. Giffords shooter, Jared Loughner likes Communist Manifesto, Mein Kampf , Wizard of Oz, Peter Pan, Animal Farm, Siddhartha.
Just read that Gifford's shooting was left's fault b/c Jared Lee Loughner liked Mein Kampf and was therefore "socialist". Really, guys?
Only a moron or a true believer admits their favorite books are: The communist manifesto (Marx) and mein kampf (Hitler). Jared Lee Loughner
2 of Jared Lee Loughner fav books are Mein Kampf (socialist) and The Communist Manifesto. How does that make this kook a right winger?
Jared Lee Loughner , 22, Who Shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford Yesterday Outside A Tucson Supermarket, Said Adolf Hitler's " Mein Kampf "
Another highlight: someone citing Jared Loughner 's favourite book being Mein Kampf , as evidence of left-wing sympathies. Bizarre.
The Right is already trying to paint Jared Loughner as a liberal loon. Apparently the proof is that his favorite book is Mein Kampf . ???
Jared Lee Loughner listed " Mein Kampf " as one of his favorite books on MySpace. What a shocker.
Jared Loughner has positioned Ayn Rand's "We, the Living" alongside Hitler's " Mein Kampf ."Mark this as a sad day in literature and progress
...Friend says Jared Loughner listed " Mein Kampf " as a favorite book in his YouTube profile just to push "people's buttons."
Think about this. Jared Lee Loughner listed "The Communist Manifesto" and " Mein Kampf " as his favorite books. Why would have list both?
"TheCommunist Manifesto" and Hitler's " Mein Kampf " were among the favorite reading materials of Jared Lee Loughner .
Jared Loughner 's fave books are mein kampf & the communist manifesto. Sounds like a confused and lost boy.
AZ Shooter Jared Loughner : heavy metal music, heavy marijuana use, favorite books listed as " Mein Kampf " and "The Communist Manifesto"
nonsensical outbursts, mind control, concience dreaming, gold as a currancy standard, Mein Kampf , Nazi's. Is it Jared Loughner or Glen Beck?
"The YouTube profile, identified as Jared Loughner , lists The Communist Manifesto + Mein Kampf among his favorite books."