Nancy Pelosi:
Charles Krauthammer slammed Speaker Pelosi today on Special Report for her outrageous comments on the Ground Zero Victory Mosque. Pelosi wants to investigate those who oppose the Mosque. Krauthammer called her comments “pure lunacy.”
Here’s the video:
Charles Krauthammer on Speaker Pelosi:
“Well, I spent the afternoon wrapping my mind around Pelosi’s remark about looking into the finances of those who oppose the Mosque saying “I want to join with...
PHOTOS: Nancy Pelosi in pictures
VIDEOS: Nancy Pelosi in videos
Politico rushes to do Nancy Pelosi's bidding, investigating funding of Ground Zero mega-mosque foes
Cost of New York bus ads: $10,000
Cost of Press Release: $1,500
Cost of watching the lapdog media track the sources of these sums while ignoring the questionable funding of a $100 million dollar Mosque: Priceless
I just got a call from Kenneth P. Vogel of Politico, asking me a series of questions about donations to our efforts against the Ground Zero mega-mosque, and growing increasingly hostile and belligerent when I declined to answer.
Well, Politico can be very proud of itself. Instead of...
Pelosi and Reid at odds over Ground Zero Mosque
For a project that is intended to unite, it sure is causing a lot of division in our nation. The mega Mosque to be build just a couple of blocks away from Ground Zero is causing much controversy despite claims by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, Chairman of Cordoba Initiative , that the intent is to improve relations between the West and the Muslim community. Many are outraged at the mere idea that a Mosque would take residence so close to the location in which so many lives were taken by Muslim...
Video: Charles Krauthammer Demolishes Obama on Ground Zero Mosque Flip-Flop
Video: Charles Krauthammer Demolishes Obama on Ground Zero Mosque Flip-Flop From last night’s edition of the O’Reilly Factor. Charles Krauthammer dissects Obama’s attempt to have it both ways on the Ground Zero Mosque in the brilliant Fashion which can only be delivered by the K man. Quote at 3:52… “He’s not a leader.” Watch it all…
Krauthammer on Pelosi Statement "Sheer Lunacy"
Krauthammer: "I’m trying to decide if her statement was out of malice or sheer lunacy, and I, being of the generous spirit that I am, I am going with lunacy
From Fox News Special Report
Bombshell: Olbermann debates guy who disagrees with him; Update: Compromise near on mosque location?
Well, sort of disagrees with him. This is true-blue Howard Dean, who subscribes with Olby to 99 percent of leftist dogma — note the repeated knocks on Palin and Right-wing hatemongers to prove his good faith — but who’s shootin’ for Compromise on the endless drama surrounding the Ground Zero Mosque. Dean-o’s message in a nutshell: Why can’t we get both sides together to talk about this? Naturally we should exclude neo-fascist Conservatives from the...
Now Geraldo Reporting Deal in Works to Move Ground Zero Mosque " Video
Here is video of Geraldo Rivera tonight on with Bill OReilly, where he reported that a deal may be in the works to move the Ground Zero Mosque outside of what is generally thought of as the Ground Zero area. Rivera said his sources will not confirm that a deal has been struck, but the framework appears to be very promising. Via Gateway Pundit
Nancy Pelosi Wants To Investigate Opponents of the Ground Zero Mosque
The Good Ship San Fran is just grinding on the rocky bottom of the Mariana’s Trench at this point .
I know this seems like she’s just asking to get hammered in the conservative Media. But I don’t think she much cares. This wacky broad has tripled down on the hard-left stance at this point. I guess she figures handing yet anotherbox of rhetorical ammunition for the Right isn’t going to matter one way or the other.
Dave Reaboi makes a great point further along...
Pelosi wants to investigate the Ground Zero mosque opposition
Not the funding sources (one doesn’t just come up with $100,000,000 out of the blue, outside of Nancy’s World), not the whereabouts of the traveling Imam , not even the destinations to which his Taxpayer-bankrolled tickets will take him (to use Claudia Rosett’s phrase) or who approved his trip at the State Department. No.
Rep. Pelosi calls for investigation of WTC Mosque opposition (emphasis added)
“There is no question there is a concerted effort to make this a...
Video: Krauthmmer on Pelosi's Comments: "Sheer Lunacy"
Charles Krauthmmer says he spent all day trying to wrap his head around Pelosi’s comments…like many of us, he wants to know who these “others” are that want to do an investigation. He also asks the question so many of us have asked while watching these Demorons operate: malice or lunacy? Charles votes for the latter: video via: Hot Air Pundit
CNN Trots Out Brand Spanking New Argument In Favor Of Mosque; So Delighted With Its Novelty, They Run With It All Day
The new argument? The argument put forth in an column that is a "must-read," CNN editorializes?
What is this new argument, you ask?
Well, here is the new argument. As promised.
Are you ready?
No, I mean, are you really ready?
Because this is quite new.
Okay, enough preamble. CNN's new argument, their new take is...
You're all Racist.
Okay, it's not new -new, but certainly it is new enough for CNN to spend an entire day on.
Question: Is it time to return the Stars and Bars to the...
Slate: Newt's Mosque Comments Are Wrong
Brian Palmer of Slate explains why Newt Gingrich’s latest comments about the Cordoba House are completely wrong:
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, in arguing against the proposed Mosque near the World Trade Center site on Monday, noted that “ Nazis don’t have the right to put up a sign next to the Holocaust museum in Washington.” Since then, Gingrich has been under fire for equating Muslims with Nazis. Is he right on the law?
No. The overriding principle in free...
Video: Geraldo Says A GZ Mosque Compromise In The Works
Geraldo told Bill O’Reilly that the Mosque organizers realize that they’re in an uphill battle, and are now willing to consider another location, (with lots of caveats):
I think Bill Kristal called it a couple of days ago. This thing ain’t gonna happen.
Meanwhile, over on another channel…..
Hat tip: Weasel Zippers
Nancy Pelosi calls for investigation on who is funding, OPPOSITION to the mosque
The great leaderof New Jersey, Christie, spoke of how the issue of a Mosque, to be built in the shadow of Ground Zero in lower New York should not be politized. Well, it seems that another politician thinks the same way he does. Nancy Pelosi believes that not only should the subject of the Mosque not be politized, but she feels that the whole uproar is a Conspiracy that is being driven by a Right Wing agenda. She wants an investigation into who is funding this opposition to the Mosque....
Pelosi Believes There Is A Conspiracy Behind Ground Zero Mosque Critics
“ There is no question there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some. And I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the Mosque being funded,” she said. “How is this being ginned up that here we are talking about Treasure Island, something we’ve been working on for decades, something of great interest to our community as we go forward to an election about the future of our country and two of the first three questions...
The Nancy Pelosi Tinfoil Hat Cat Video.
Erick Erickson over at RedState has already covered the story of how Nancy Pelosi has Embraced The Crazy by claiming that the Right is sending people over to her local events to ask questions about the Ground Zero Mosque… but I could not resist putting those comments in, as they say, context .
Look on the bright side: Embrace The Crazy is only Stage Two of Conspiracy Theory Thinking. She hasn’t hit Stage Three yet (It’s All Because Of The...
The Nancy Pelosi Tinfoil Hat Cat Video open thread.
Erick has already covered the story of how Nancy Pelosi has Embraced The Crazy by claiming that the Right is sending people over to her local events to ask questions about the Ground Zero Mosque… but I could not resist putting those comments in, as they say, context .
Look on the bright side: Embrace The Crazy is only Stage Two of Conspiracy Theory Thinking. She hasn’t hit Stage Three yet (It’s All Because Of The Joooooooooooooos…).
Open thread.
Moe Lane
CBS, NBC Skip Pelosi Threat to Investigate Opposition to Ground Zero Mosque
Only Good Morning America's Jake Tapper on Thursday mentioned the call by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to investigate those who oppose the construction of a Mosque near Ground Zero. CBS's Early Show and NBC's Today both skipped any discussion of the subject. So didWednesday night's network newscasts.
Tapper explained, "And the House top Democrat also called for transparency for who is funding the opposition to the Islamic center." He then featured a clip of Pelosi advocating,...
Pelosi wants to investigate Ground Zero mosque opponents
Glenn: I want you to hear the words of your representative. What is the meaning of that word, your representative? Somebody that represents you.
PAT: That means there are masters, right? A representative, that means they control every aspect of our lives and they rule over us?
Glenn: A representative generally is not defined as someone who knows better than you and so they will tell you to sit down and shut up.
PAT: What, really?
Glenn: If you have a representative go and do business...
Pelosi supports mosque, but wants info on funding
Quicksilver-1950805 1. I agree that the key word here is American. But it is not we who are making the distinction. It is the Muslim community. It is just like Black American, Hispanic American, Chinese American. Why put something in front of American. As long as we do that, division will continue. It is the groups that are dividing our nation. 2. This is not a religious issue!!!!!!!! No one is objecting because it is a religious issue. It's not! It is a moral issue. Would anyone...
Pelosi wants to investigate Ground Zero mosque opponents
Glenn: I want you to hear the words of your representative. What is the meaning of that word, your representative? Somebody that represents you.
PAT: That means there are masters, right? A representative, that means they control every aspect of our lives and they rule over us?
Glenn: A representative generally is not defined as someone who knows better than you and so they will tell you to sit down and shut up.
PAT: What, really?
Glenn: If you have a representative go and do business...
Speaker Pelosi calls for probe into opponents of ground zero mosque
According to an article published in Politico earlier Wednesday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called for an investigation into the opponents of a Mosque to be constructed at the site of the 9/11 attacks in New York. I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the Mosque being funded, she said. As Rasmussen reported in July, 58 percent of New Yorkers and 54 percent of all Americans oppose the planned Mosque. Recently, ABC News reported Senate Majority...
Nancy Pelosi wants those that oppose the Ground Zero mosque investigated
Many People have askedfor an investigation into where the funding for the Ground Zero Mosque was coming from but as of yet nobody with the authority in theCongress has been willing to begin investigating where the funding for this Mosque is actually coming from. This news is all the more troubling mow that we have learned that the developers will not rule out accepting money from Saudi Arabia and even Iran.
Now we have learned that there is a group of People thatNancy Pelosi is...
Pelosi raises questions on mosque funding
Washington (AP) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she supports questioning who is funding the opposition to a proposed Islamic Center near the site of the Sept. 11 Terrorist Attacks in New York.
The California Democrat on Wednesday said Muslim leaders have the right to build a proposed Islamic Center, including a Mosque, two blocks from the World Trade Center site and that the decision should be made by local leaders. But she says there should be transparency on who is paying for the...
When A Mosque Is Not A Mosque
When the president of the United States takes the oath of office, he swears to “...preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” The president does not swear to try to satisfy the constantly changing opinions of the citizens or the needs of Special interest Groups. The Constitution was forged to provide a framework within which the United States could uphold the standards it was built upon: life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, Religious Freedom.
We now find...
No Sainthood For Shirley Sherrod?
Many in the Media spent their time yesterday apologizing to Shirley Sherrod. While the Media’s mass mea culpa was happening,
Ms. Sherrod spoke to Media Matters
. Here’s what she said:
She said FOX showed no professionalism in continuing to bother her for an interview, but failing to correct their coverage.
“I think they should but they won’t. They intended exactly what they did. They were looking for the result they got yesterday,” she said of FOX. “I am...
Step Aside Schwarzenegger: Brown's Back in Town
Former Pentagon Official's Body Found in Landfill
Accidental Frequency Switch Leads to Evacuation of U.S. Capitol
Brazil's First Female President Looks to Gas & Oil for Future
Schwarzenegger May Return to Movies
Three Dead After New Year's Eve Tornado
Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits Spike During New Year's
Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
Criticism of Bloomberg Mounts as Snow Mountains Remain
Porn King Offers Relief to Octomom
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