Charles Krauthammer:
Charles Krauthammer called the Obama Administration “lawless” after a Top Official today announced that the Administration will not process illegals processed by Arizona.
PHOTOS: Charles Krauthammer in pictures
VIDEOS: Charles Krauthammer in videos
Charles Krauthammer and Bill O'Reilly on the Columbia, Missouri SWAT Raid Video
A couple of years ago, I had a telling IM exchange with an
aspiring young conservative pundit. (I like the guy personally, so
I'm not going to mention his name.) He had just gone on a Cable
Network and said something things about an issue in the News that
were completely wrong. So I sent him some links that showed why he
was wrong. He thanked me and replied, "One of the really hard
things about being a journalist is going on TV to talk about things
you're not really read up on."
Well, no....
Krauthammer Lawless Administration: ICE May Refuse Illegals (Video)
Krauthammer Lawless Administration: ICE May Refuse Illegals (Video) When is an Illegal Alien not an Illegal Alien? The answer: Anytime a powerful liberal deems it so. The head of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), John Morton, says he may not accept Illegals apprehended by Arizona's new Illegal Immigration law. The Arizona law is identical to the federal law, so Morton is essentially nullifying federal law. It should be startling, but laws mean little in this country these...
Bill Maher: New Rule: The Republican Leadership in America Must Produce Their Birth Certificates
New Rule: The Republican leadership in America must produce their birth certificates! Not because I doubt they're Americans, I just want to make sure they're not eight-years-old. I mention this because a major talking point on Fox News and hate radio these days is that, after a year and a half of Obama, it's time to bring the "adults" back into power, so they can rein in our Deficit, defeat Terrorism, and focus on America's real enemy: cleaning ladies in Arizona. But I must Protest the premise,...
Top Official Says Feds May Not Process Illegals Referred From Arizona
Top Official Says Feds May Not Process Illegals Referred From Arizona
Fox News
A Top Department of Homeland Security Official reportedly said his agency will not necessarily process Illegal Immigrants referred to them by Arizona authorities.
John Morton, assistant secretary of Homeland Security for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, made the comment during a meeting on Wednesday with the editorial board of the Chicago Tribune, the newspaper reports.
"I don't think the Arizona law, or...
Arizona Sing-a-Long: Gov. Brewer Sends Musical Message to Obama Administration
GatewayPundit: Hereâ
Great Merciful Zeus: Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is kind of our new hero
Seriously, this is the sort of campaign ad we’d make if we worked for Brewer’s campaign.
And had puppets.
Who are we kidding, we’ve already got the puppets.
We just need to work on figuring out how to make campaign ads…that are chock full of awesome, like this one.
We’ve seen much speculation on exactly why our race-baiting Attorney General Eric Holder and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano (and seemingly everyone in the Obama Administration) keep...
Chris Matthews Admits "The President Scares Me," James Carville Laments Obama's "Lackadaisical" Response and Kevin Costner to the Rescue on the BP Oil Spill
The Huffington Post, of all places, carried two surprising news items critical of The One. The first as reported by Danny Shea tells us Chris Matthews...
The MSNBC anchor, once so enamored with Barack Obama that he admitted a Campaign speech sent a thrill up his leg, has now told Jay Leno that Obama scares him.
“The President scares me,” Matthews said of Obama’s response to the Gulf Oil Spill disaster. “He’s been acting a little like a Vatican Observer here. When...
Krauthammer: ICE Situation Shows "Near Lawlessness" Of Obama Admin.
Charles Krauthammer: "I think it's a perfect example of the arrogance and the near lawlessness of this administration." "[The Arizona law] is as legal a law as any other law in the land. And for the executive to say we're going to ignore it, or we're going to unenforce Immigration essentially in this state on account of this, is lawless." Posted by RCP Staff
The Fruits of Weakness
by Charles Krauthammer, Townhall
Turkey and Brazil side with Iran because of Obama's weakness
It is perfectly obvious that Iran’s latest Uranium maneuver, brokered by Brazil and Turkey, is a ruse. Iran retains more than enough Enriched Uranium to make a bomb. And it continues enriching at an accelerated pace and to a greater purity (20 percent). Which is why the French Foreign ministry immediately declared that the trumpeted temporary shipping of some Iranian Uranium to Turkey...
Weakness and incoherence everywhere you look
Posted by Paul at 4:59 PM
Charles Krauthammer catalogs the fruits of President Obama's bizarrely counterintuitive approach to dealing with other countries.
Bill Otis catalogs the Obama Administration's bizarrely counterintuitive approach to dealing with the threat of Terrorism, the fruits of which are likely to be worse than bitter.
Charles Krauthammer and Bill O'Reilly talk about SWAT teams and the drug war.
Over at Reason, I o...
Charles Krauthammer and Bill O’Reilly talk about SWAT Teams and the Drug War .
Over at Reason , I offer some commentary .
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: The Fruits of Weakness....
Charles Krauthammer: The Fruits of Weakness .
Charles Krauthammer Does Not Smoke Marijuana
Shocking, isn’t it? He doesn’t come right out and say that in this video but it’s certainly inferred. The best part comes at the end when Dr. K advocates a “test market” for the legalization of Marijuana in a small place like… Rhode Island.
Watch the latest news video at
Hedge Fun
From Charles Krauthammer's WaPo column today, discussing the new alliance of Turkey and Brazil -- once our allies -- with Iran (hat tip to Scott "Big Johnson" Tunk at Power Line ):
Given Obama's policies and principles, Turkey and Brazil are acting rationally. Why not give cover to Ahmadinejad and his nuclear ambitions? As the U.S. retreats in the face of Iran, China, Russia and Venezuela, why not hedge your bets ? There's nothing to fear from Obama, and everything to gain by ingratiating...
Metro Watch
On Metro Watch , we have guests as varied as Charles Krauthammer to Howard Zinn . My philosophy is, I don't exclude voices no matter how I may agree or disagree.When you listen to WPFW 89.3 FM, you will get what everyone else is saying AND what everyone else WON'T say. Gloria Minott , host of Metro Watch, hails from Jamaica. She has worked in both commercial and non-commercial radio, and is the Director of WPFW 89.3 FM's Public Affairs programming. To me, the Public Affairs segment...
Charles Krauthammer - Ain't feelin' the love for Rand Paul
As a writer for News Hounds and my own blogsite, Liberal TKO , I don't often find Fox News' Charles Krauthammer all that appealing. He's a bright guy. He's savvy. But he generally takes the Right-wing road I wish were much less traveled. However, given Rand Paul's recent comments about the Civil Rights Movement (you know, when he basically said business owners should be able to discriminate on the basis of race), I'll take pushback where I can get it. And Krauthammer minced no words in his...
O'Reilly to Obama Official: Why did Obama hire Posner? Was Raul Castro not available?
Bill O’Reilly had PJ Crowley, a spokesman for Obama’s State Department, last night. When O’Reilly brought up Michael Posner’s boneheaded remarks in China, Crowley accused him of demagoguery. Figures, you can’t bring up anything anyone in the Obama Administration says without it being turned back on you. The O’Reilly pointed out what a radical left winger Posner is and asked why he was hired, was Raul Castro unavailable? It would be funny if it weren’t...
Attack on southern Afghan NATO base
Insurgents have launched a rare ground assault against NATO's main Military Base in southern Afghanistan, wounding several international service members in the second such Attack on a major Military installation this week.
A Canadian Press news agency report from the Base said artillery and machine gunfire reverberated through the area, about 500km southwest of Kabul, several hours after the Attack began on Saturday.
No-one immediately claimed responsibility for the Attack - the third major...
Obama Doesn't Need Teflon: He's A Democrat - How a president with the oil spill, terrorist attack and non-action in Tennessee avoids scrutiny
In my latest Pajamas column I talk about how President Obama is forgiven anything and everything simply because he’s a Democrat. Also, I talk about the media elites ignoring stories that don’t matter to them .
Here are some of my thoughts:
As in Houston in 2008 and Nashville in 2010, there is real bias in the national media against "hick" towns. New Orleans has panache. Yes, it's a liberal bastion of crime, squalor, and destitution, but all that evil happens on an...
Dr. Sludgelove: Or How I Learned To Stop Junk Shotting And Love Teh Bomb
Maybe those wacky Russians had it right and the best chance at actually shutting off the bleeding earth below the once and future Deepwater Horizon platform is to bomb the damn thing shut. From Jeremy Hsu via CSM :
Using a Nuclear Explosion to try to plug the gushing Oil Well in the Gulf of Mexico might sound like overkill, but a Russian newspaper has suggested just that based on past Soviet successes. Even so, there are crucial differences between the lessons of the past and the current...
Amid immigration debate, illegal re-entry cases increasing in Waco
Source: Tribune-Herald
Twin brothers Jose and Pedro Medina stood silently outside Waco's federal Courthouse with solemn, blank stares on their faces.
Next to them, their younger sister, Erica, cried quietly and frequently dabbed at a steady flow of tears.
She, too, seemed stunned.
The siblings, all students at Waco High School with aspirations of going to college, watched as their father was sentenced to 10 months in Prison on a felony count of illegally re-entering the United States after...
New Rule: The Republican Leadership in America Must Produce Their Birth Certificates
You can view this video Right here by getting the latest version of Flash Player!
PLAYS: (111)
Bill Maher hit the Right Wing hate talkers pretty hard in his New Rules segment and I agree with him on Republicans saying no to everything for the sake of being obstructionists. I've got to take him to task for one thing he said though. The notion that going along with that Debt commission is being "an adult" is just wrong. As Susie pointed out , those "adults" don't have most of...
2010 Arizona Governor Election: Illegal Immigration Law Governor Jan Brewer Skyrockets in Polls Ahead of Democrat & Republican Challengers
Misguided, eh President Obama? Maybe Obama just has poll envy!
President Barack Hussein Obama, you wish that you had Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer’s poll numbers. Of course, you might if you were not on the wrong side of ever issue, against the will of the people and not a Left Wing Socialist.
Every since AZ Governor Jan Brewer signed the new Arizona Immigration Bill into law her poll numbers have been on the rise. Brewer is now above the 50% mark according to the most recent Rasmussen...
Jan Brewer Makes Arizona Law More Understandable for Obama and Company
Reading is fundamental!
Oh and 71% of Arizona voters favor the new law according to recent polling.
John Morton, Head of ICE Says He Will not Process Illegals Sent by AZ Immiration Law
The ICE-man cometh, or not in this case … Think the position by the Obama Administration is not completely political when it comes to Illegals, think again?
Head of ICE refuses to do the job he was sworn to do. Since when are they allowed to pick and chose the laws they wish to enforce? It is his job to enforce the law, not to determine whether it is god or not.
John Morton, assistant secretary of Homeland Security for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, says he will not...
Step Aside Schwarzenegger: Brown's Back in Town
Former Pentagon Official's Body Found in Landfill
Accidental Frequency Switch Leads to Evacuation of U.S. Capitol
Brazil's First Female President Looks to Gas & Oil for Future
Schwarzenegger May Return to Movies
Three Dead After New Year's Eve Tornado
Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits Spike During New Year's
Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
Criticism of Bloomberg Mounts as Snow Mountains Remain
Porn King Offers Relief to Octomom
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