Charles Krauthammer: Charles Krauthammer analyzes President Obama's new health plan.
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VIDEOS: Charles Krauthammer in videos
Charles Krauthammer Says Obamacare Proposal a ""travesty masquerading as an outreach to the Republicans"
Charles Krauthammer saying Obama's new Health Care Proposal is a "travesty masquerading as an outreach to the Republicans."
Krauthammer said the plan has nothing in it about lawsuit reform. He said it is even more expensive that the bills passed by the House and Senate. Krauthammer said the "Summit" on Thursday is only "theatre." Obama will say on Friday that the Republicans would not work with him, and will move to push his bill in the Senate and the House. He believes Obama may get it through...
Rep. Hoyer: No Comment On Tax Hikes in Obama Health Plan, Calls Idea 'A Suggestion'
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) (AP Photo)
( – House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) would not say whether he supported a proposal from President Barack Obama to use certain Tax Increases to pay for Health Care reform, but described the idea as “a suggestion” at his weekly press briefing on Tuesday.
Hoyer said the plan, the first offered by Obama, was “an alternative” that amounted to a “positive step.” But...
Obama's Health Care Summit Unlikely to Produce Bipartisan Plan
Washington (AP) - President Barack Obama and his Democratic allies are pleading their case for Health Care overhaul in an extraordinary summit with Republicans, broadcast live to a divided public on daytime TV.
But Democrats are already looking beyond Thursday's meeting at historic Blair House. With GOP lawmakers remaining steadfast in their opposition, the president and his party are preparing to move on alone.
At stake in the high-risk strategy is the Democrats' stalemated...
Valerie Jarrett says busy Obama's done nothing, not the single itty-bittiest thing to plan a 2012 campaign
Two completely conflicting stories emerged from Washington in the last 24 hours about what, if anything, President Obama is doing or has or has not done yet about already preparing what is shaping up to be a hard-fought 2012 Campaign to extend his White House lease.
First, we had the highly-respected Mike Allen of Politico writing that planning is underway and preliminary assignments have been made for Obama's expected re-election bid, most likely from a Chicago headquarters....
Cartoon: Obama's New Health Care Compromise
Cartoon: Obama's New Health Care Compromise :: Political News and commentaries :: Hyscience Cartoon: Obama's New Health Care Compromise
Obama to hold summit on health care Thursday
Washington (AP) - President Barack Obama will hold a televised bipartisan summit Thursday on Health Care as he tries to keep his overhaul effort alive.
The White House has invited 22 high-ranking lawmakers to the meeting at Blair House, across the street from the White House. The session will begin with an opening statement from Obama, followed by remarks from a Republican chosen by the GOP leadership and a Democrat selected by that party’s leadership.
Obama will then moderate the...
Live from Washington: Obama's health care summit
Washington (AP) - President Barack Obama and his Democratic allies are pleading their case for Health Care overhaul in an extraordinary summit with Republicans, broadcast live to a divided public on daytime TV.
But Democrats are already looking beyond Thursday's meeting at historic Blair House. With GOP lawmakers remaining steadfast in their opposition, the president and his party are preparing to move on alone.
At stake in the high-risk strategy is the Democrats' stalemated legislation to...
Compromise, Obama Style
Many words will be spoken about President Obama’s Health Care legislation. Robert Gibbs undoubtedly will argue that it represents real Compromise. It isn’t. Charles Krauthammer explained why last night:
Krauthammer: The plan that the President unveiled today is really a travesty masquerading as an outreach to the Republicans. First of all, it has nothing about tort reform, which is an important element. We know why because Howard Dean has said that the Democrats don’t want to...
She says her Dad was a hero...
Charles Krauthammer has instructed us that if you have the "slightest belief" that Torture will save a *single* life then you are morally bound to do it. Surely, there is at least the *chance* that this woman is linked to other extremists and terrorists. She was, after all, raised by an extremist and terrorist and she publically acclaims him as a hero. So according to the Krauthammer Doctrine, we are obliged to Torture her for life-saving info that she may (or may not) possess. Sure, she ...
If Joe Stack's Daughter Were A Muslim
Mark Shea does a thought experiment :
Although she said that act was "inappropriate", she hopes that "now maybe people will listen." Charles
Krauthammer has instructed us that if you have the "slightest belief"
that Torture will save a *single* life then you are morally bound to do
it. Surely, there is at least the *chance* that this woman is linked to
other extremists and terrorists. She was, after all, raised by an
extremist and terrorist and she...
Joseph A. Palermo: A "Center-Right" Country?
We hear repeatedly that President Obama and the Democrats' shouldn't attempt any boldly progressive reforms because we live in a "center-right" country. Pundits like Charles Krauthammer, when they're not warning us about the danger of deficits they helped Bush create, constantly tell us that any problem in Washington stems from the Democrats not accepting that America is a "center-right" country. Implicit in this view is that the majority of Americans look to the Republicans for leadership....
More on Obamacare [sigh]
Sorry to keep harping on Obamacare. You all must be as tired of this subject as I am. But it seems that we're in the homestretch, so we'll keep slogging on. William Jacobson reminds us that now is not the time for weakness . Updates and commentary:
Charles Krauthammer on Obama's god-awful healthcare plan:
What the president has done here is he tries to reconcile House and Senate. But he does it by
throwing money at every difference
. For example, the Nebraska kickback, which is federal...
Republicans squabble with White House over invitations to hyped-up health care summit
In a sign that Thursday's much-hyped Health Care summit at the White House would amount to nothing more than a partisan grudge match, the Obama Administration and congressional Republicans spent the last hours before the meeting squabbling over how many members of the minority party had been invited.
The White House on Wednesday evening sent out a schedule and list of the 38 lawmakers scheduled to attend the roughly six-hour meeting " all of which will be televised " and said Republican...
Crunch time for Obama's landmark health reforms
Barack Obama's bid to overhaul the US Health Care system reaches a dramatic climax Thursday as the president gathers Democratic and Republican leaders for a last-gasp televised debate.
Almost nine months after proposals were first tabled in Congress, Obama is challenging opposition Republicans to stop obstructing his top domestic priority and come on board a plan to cover 31 million Uninsured Americans.
The president has invested too much political capital to delay further and faces a pivotal...
Compromise, Obama Style
Many words will be spoken about President Obama’s Health Care legislation. Robert Gibbs undoubtedly will argue that it represents real Compromise. It isn’t. Charles Krauthammer explained why during last night’s roundtable:
Krauthammer: The plan that the President unveiled today is really a travesty masquerading as an outreach to the Republicans. First of all, it has nothing about tort reform, which is an important element. We know why because Howard Dean has said that the...
Cool Heads -- By: Jay Nordlinger
Below, we print some remarks that Charles Krauthammer made on television about Afghanistan and its president. The question was whether “
airstrikes should be limited given Hamid Karzai’s criticism of civilian casualties in Afghanistan.” Krauthammer said, “The answer is no. We have to be adult about all of this.”
Those words rang a bell with me. Two years ago, a group of us had a sit-down — a “coffee” — with Karzai in Davos. I have gone back...
Coast Guard pick wants to refine homeland mission
Washington (AP) - President Barack Obama's pick to lead the Coast Guard wants to make major cuts to the agency's Counterterrorism mission over the next five years.
An internal memo from Vice Admiral Robert J. Papp Jr., Obama's nominee to become Coast Guard commandant, says that starting in 2012, he would slash funding for programs in the agency's Homeland Security plan, including patrols and training exercises.
The memo, marked "sensitivefor internal Coast Guard use only," was obtained...
Administration, GOP both easing stances on finance regulations
Washington — The Obama Administration is no longer insisting on the creation of a stand-alone consumer protection agency, once a central element of the plan to remake Regulation of the Financial System, in hopes of clearing away obstacles to quick congressional approval. In opening the door to Compromise, officials are making a concession to lawmakers concerned about creating a new bureaucracy, according to congressional and some Administration sources. President Barack Obama's economic...
Coast Guard pick wants to refine homeland mission
Washington (AP) - President Barack Obama’s pick to lead the Coast Guard wants to make major cuts to the agency’s Counterterrorism mission over the next five years.
An internal memo from Vice Admiral Robert J. Papp Jr., Obama’s nominee to become Coast Guard commandant, says that starting in 2012, he would slash funding for programs in the agency’s Homeland Security plan, including patrols and training exercises.
The memo, marked “sensitive - for internal Coast...
House OKs removing antitrust exemption for health insurers
Washington — Democrats and Republicans in the House of Representatives came together Wednesday and overwhelmingly approved a measure removing a 60-plus-year-old federal antitrust exemption for Health insurers. If not exactly a new era, passage of a Health reform bill with bipartisan support marked a small victory for Democrats in their effort to find common ground with Republicans heading into today's Health Care summit hosted by President Barack Obama. "Today, Washington finally took a...
Obama trade talk cheers business groups
Washington (Reuters) -
President Barack Obama on Wednesday made his second high-profile pitch in a matter of weeks for approval of free-trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama, raising U.S. Business community hopes for action this year on the long-stalled deals.
Barack Obama | South Korea
In a speech to the U.S. Business Roundtable comprising top corporate executives, Obama acknowledged that trade has long been a divisive issue "between Business and...
Obama needs to get his poll numbers up -- in Israel
Washington (Reuters) -
U.S. President Barack Obama needs to get his poll numbers up -- in Israel -- if he hopes to make peace between Israelis and Palestinians, a senior Israeli official said Wednesday.
Barack Obama
Obama, who has made outreach to the Muslim world a feature of his presidency, has left many Israelis skeptical about his support for the Jewish state, particularly in comparison to his predecessors, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.
"We are literally taking the security future of...
Planning final push to pass Obama's bill, Democrats look beyond televised session with GOP
— President Barack Obama and his Democratic allies are pleading their case for Health Care overhaul in an extraordinary summit with Republicans, broadcast live to a divided public on daytime TV.
But Democrats are already looking beyond Thursday's meeting at historic Blair House. With GOP lawmakers remaining steadfast in their opposition, the president and his party are preparing to move on alone.
At stake in the high-risk strategy is the Democrats' stalemated legislation to...
ABC Pushes Obama's Insurance Demonization; Couric Asserts Summit 'Much-Anticipated'
A night after ABC anchor Diane Sawyer demanded to know who will "keep Insurance Companies from jacking up premiums while making huge profits?", on Wednesday night she again put ABC into service for the liberal spin machine the night before President Obama's Health summit, teasing: "Big Insurance executives forced to answer why they're raising your premiums while raking in big profits." World News devoted a full story to a hearing held by House Democrats to demonize WellPoint:
SEIU Boss Open to Serving on Obama Deficit Reduction Commission, Supports More Deficit Spending
Andy Stern, president of the Service Employees International Union, speaks with the Associated Press during an interview in his Washington office, Friday, Oct. 9, 2009. (AP photo)
( – Service Employees International Union (SEIU) President Andy Stern said he was open to serving on President Barack Obama’s proposed Deficit reduction commission, after it was reported that the White House was considering him for the post. He was on Capitol Hill on Tuesday advocating for...
Step Aside Schwarzenegger: Brown's Back in Town
Former Pentagon Official's Body Found in Landfill
Accidental Frequency Switch Leads to Evacuation of U.S. Capitol
Brazil's First Female President Looks to Gas & Oil for Future
Schwarzenegger May Return to Movies
Three Dead After New Year's Eve Tornado
Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits Spike During New Year's
Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
Criticism of Bloomberg Mounts as Snow Mountains Remain
Porn King Offers Relief to Octomom
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