Criminal Investigation: ...
PHOTOS: Justice Department in pictures
Polish Air Traffic control in Warsaw confirmed the regular use of the Szymany Air Base by two Aircraft used in the CIA’s extraordinary renditions program, and prosecutors have apparently collected substantial additional evidence that the CIA used the facilities to house and interrogate Prisoners.
VIDEOS: Justice Department in videos
Public pressure to continue the Criminal Probe is growing. Polish Radio reports that a new billboard has appeared in Poznan featuring a person hooded and bound to a chair with a tattered America...
US Refuses to Help Poland Probe Illegal CIA Prisons
The Obama Administration rejected efforts by the Polish government to secure Justice Department help in the Probe of illegal CIA “black sites” operating in Polish territory, and allegations that the sites were used to Torture Detainees.
According to officials the US refused to participate in the investigation because they “consider the matter to be closed.” Polish officials denied having any knowledge of the secret CIA site but records show CIA flights heading into a se...
Assange claims Arab officials spy on their own countries for the CIA
In an interview with al-Jazeera's Arabic language network on Wednesday, Wikileaker Julian Assenge claimed to have names of Arab Diplomats who are spying on their own countries for the CIA. “These officials are spies for the U.S. in their countries,” Assange said, according to Qatar's Peninsula newspaper. More: The interviewer, Ahmed Mansour, said at the start of the interview which was a continuation of last week’s interface, that Assange had even shown him the files that contained the
Federal No. 1 criminal probe continuing
Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is shown during an August 2009 visit to Patriot Coal’s Federal No. 2 Mine, an operation that she and other Regulators touted as a model mine that now faces a Criminal Investigation.
It’s been a while since we had any new information on the federal criminal investigation of safety practices at Patriot Coal’s Federal No. 2 Mine up in Monongalia County, W.Va.
Some news was expected new week, when a sentencing hearing was scheduled for former Federal N...
Feds Probe Christine O'Donnell's Campaign Spending
Federal authorities have opened a Criminal Investigation of Delaware Republican Christine O'Donnell to determine if the former Senate Candidate broke the law by using campaign money to pay personal expenses, according to a person with knowledge of the investigation.
The person spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to protect the identity of a client who has been questioned as part of the Probe. The case, which has been assigned to two Federal Prosecutors and two FBI agents i...
Christine ODonnell claims liberal conspiracy behind criminal probe (Video)
Christine O’Donnell has lashed out against much of the liberal world following news that of a Criminal Investigation into her Fundraising activities. In an interview on Fox News O’Donnell implicates Vice President Joe Biden and liberal philanthropist George Soros in a plot to undermine her political credibility using the FBI Probe. Citing an anonymous source, O’Donnell claims that she was told that the Democrats would use everything at their disposal to try and brin...
Irony Alert: US Expresses Concern Over Pakistan Holding Prisoners Without Charges, Torture and Extrajudicial Killings
Without even a hint that they realize the deep irony in their story, the New York Times yields front page space on Thursday to a report that the Obama Administration now suddenly is concerned about Prisoners who are being held without being charged, possibly subjected to Torture or even killed without a judicial pronouncement of guilt. The irony, of course, is that although there is strong documentation that the US engages regularly in these same acts, the US now condemns Pakistan for these inju...
Air traffic control errors soar in 2010
Published: Dec. 31, 2010 at 12:18 PM Errors by U.S. Air Traffic controllers rose by half in 2010, Federal Aviation Administration records show. UPI/Alexis C. Glenn WASHINGTON, Dec. 31 (UPI) -- Errors by U.S. Air Traffic controllers rose by half in 2010, Federal Aviation Administration records show. The FAA also warned this week that tracking systems aboard more than 9,000 planes may not be sensing all nearby planes, The Washington Post reported. The FAA wants mandatory software upgrades to ensur...
Plane Passenger Punches Teen Over iPhone
(NewsCore) - Police in Boise, Idaho, arrested a man who punched a teenager in the arm for refusing to turn off his iPhone during a flight from Las Vegas, local media reported Wednesday. Passengers on the flight said the dispute began as Flight Attendants announced the final approach to land late Tuesday and instructed passengers to turn off cell phones and electronic items, according to The 15-year-old -- who was listening to music and playing games on his iPhone at the time -- did no...
O'Donnell says accusations 'thug' tactics
BALTIMORE Failed U.S. Senate Candidate Christine O’Donnell said Thursday that accusations she misspent campaign funds are politically motivated and stoked by disgruntled former campaign workers.
The Delaware Republican appeared on several network morning shows to defend herself a day after The Associated Press reported federal authorities have launched a Criminal Probe to determine whether she broke the law by using campaign money to pay personal expenses.
“There’s been no impermiss
Christine ODonnell Calls Campaign Probe Thug Tactic, Predicts More To Come
Appearing this morning on ABC’s Good Morning America, Christine O’Donnell flatly denied any misuse of campaign funds in her Senate campaign, and suggested reports of a federal Criminal Investigation could easily be tied to Delaware’s Most Powerful politician, Vice President Joe Biden .
O’Donnell said her campaign had not been contacted by any federal officials, and described the reports as part of a “thug politic tactic,” promising she’d be cleared of ...
O'Donnell: Spending accusations are 'thug' tactics
(12-30) 07:46 PST WASHINGTON (AP) --
Failed U.S. Senate Candidate Christine O'Donnell said Thursday that accusations she misspent campaign funds are politically motivated and stoked by disgruntled former campaign workers.
The Delaware Republican appeared on several network morning shows to defend herself a day after The Associated Press reported federal authorities have launched a Criminal Probe to determine whether she broke the law by using campaign money to pay personal expenses.
"There's b...
Christine O'Donnell Investigation: Criminal Probe Into Campaign Finances Reportedly Underway
Baltimore — Federal authorities have opened a Criminal Investigation of Delaware Republican Christine O'Donnell to determine if the former Senate Candidate broke the law by using campaign money to pay personal expenses, according to a person with knowledge of the investigation.
The person spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to protect the identity of a client who has been questioned as part of the Probe. The case, which has been...
Report: Taliban Presence Growing Steadily in Northern Afghanistan
A new report released today by the Washington Examiner cites US and Afghan officials as confirming that the Taliban’s presence in northern Afghanistan has seen a “steady increase” through the past year.
Afghanistan’s northern reaches have long been the domain of the Northern Alliance, and even before the 2001 US invasion, when the Taliban was the accepted government of the nation, the north was only nominally under their control, and often contested.
Now the Taliban is ...
Rebels Claim Declaration of War as Sudan Abandons Darfur Peace Talks
Following through on a threat by Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to end the Qatari Peace Talks with the Darfur rebels if progress wasn’t made by today, the Sudanese government has withdrawn from the talks and plans for its delegation to leave the country on Friday.
Members of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), the rebel faction involved in the talks, slammed the move as a “declaration of war” and said that it proved al-Bashir’s goal was to aim for a Military sol...
Hillary Clinton Robs Bank at Gunpoint
(Loudoun Times) — A gun-wielding man wearing a Hillary Clinton mask robbed a Sterling bank on Dec. 27, authorities said. The man walked into the Wachovia bank in Community Plaza about 9:14 a.m., approached a teller, brandished a firearm and demanded cash , according to Loudoun County Sheriff’s office reports. The robber then fled the bank in an unknown direction with an undisclosed amount of cash. No injuries were reported, according to Kraig Troxell, spokesman for the Loudoun County...
2011 the Latest Make-Or-Break Year for Afghan War
In December 2009, when President Obama announced his massive escalation of the War in Afghanistan, most agreed it came with a 12 month timetable to show meaningful progress, and throughout early 2010 the year was described as a “make-or-break” year.
12 months of record death tolls and record violence later, 2010 was nothing if not a “break” year, and now the administration is cheerfully spinning the calamity as “progress.” So now, 2011 is the make-or-break y...
Taliban Seeks Office in Neutral Country for Peace Talks
According to a former ambassador for the Taliban government, the leaders of the insurgent faction are seeking permission to set up an “office” in a neutral country as a precondition to new Reconciliation talks.
The ambassador, Mullah Zaeef, insisted that it was impossible for the Taliban to negotiate from inside Pakistan and Afghanistan, both because they could not ensure the safety of their negotiators and because Pakistan would insist on setting the agenda.
Pakistan’s gover...
Israel Confirms Another Drop in Palestinian Attacks
Though tensions are clearly on the rise again and the Israeli government continues to point to the “threats” posed by the Palestinians as stalling points in the peace process, Shin Bet confirmed that once again the number of attacks by Palestinian Militant attacks dropped in 2010.
Indeed, Shin Bet’s figures showed only nine Israelis killed in all of 2010 as a result of the Militant attacks, a drop from the 15 killed in 2009.Rocket Attacks also fell precipitously, from 569 in ...
Polish court sentences Swede over Auschwitz theft
KRAKOW, Poland | Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:52am EST
KRAKOW, Poland (Reuters) - A Polish court sentenced a Swedish man Thursday to nearly three years in Prison for masterminding the theft of the infamous "Arbeit macht frei" sign from the entry gate of the former Nazi death camp of Auschwitz.
The sign -- an enduring symbol of the Holocaust whose English meaning is "Work sets you free" -- was stolen last December, triggering international outrage, especially in Israel and among Jewish groups, but was s...
Polish court sentences Swede over Auschwitz theft
KRAKOW, Poland | Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:33pm EST
KRAKOW, Poland (Reuters) - A Swedish man was sentenced to nearly three years in Prison Thursday for masterminding the theft of the infamous "Arbeit macht frei" sign from the entry gate of the former Nazi death camp of Auschwitz.
The enduring symbol of the Holocaust whose English meaning is "Work sets you free," was stolen last December. The act triggered international outrage, especially in Israel and among Jewish groups, but the metal sign was so...
3 sentenced for stealing Auschwitz sign
Published: Dec. 30, 2010 at 3:16 PM Pope John Paul II enters the gates of Auschwitz Concentration Camp here 6/7. The sign above the gate reads, "Arbeit Macht Frei". The Pope visited the cell in block No. 11 where Father Kolbe died giving his life in exchange for one of the other Prisoners. KRAKOW, Poland, Dec. 30 (UPI) -- A Swedish man was sentenced to nearly three years Thursday for his part in stealing the "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign from the entrance to Auschwitz in Poland. Anders Hoe...
After O'Donnell, Recalling that Forgotten, Fruitless Investigation of Steele
It is quite possible that absolutely nothing will come of the reported FBI investigation of Christine O’Donnell’s Campaign Finances. We have a recent, quite comparable example, in a neighboring state.
Back in spring of 2009, almost immediately after Michael Steele became chairman of the Republican National Committee, the Washington Post hit him with a page one story stating that the FBI was examining unverified claims from the finance chairman of his Senate campaign, alleging payme...
ODonnell on defense in campaign funds probe
A possible federal Criminal Probe, charges of “thug politic tactics” and a foreboding feeling of more wicked tricks to come. No, it’s not a tease for a new novel filled with political intrigue — it’s the next chapter in the Christine O’Donnell story. The Tea Party politician from Delaware who famously declared: “I’m not a witch” now declares she’s not a crook. “There’s been no impermissible use of campaign funds whatsoever,&...
Report: Hamas Holds Eritrean Refugees
Approximately 250 Eritrean Refugees have been held captive and tortured for the past month by Hamas in Egypt's Sinai peninsula, Italian Human Rights organization EveryOne Group reported. The organization has issued a statement calling for the Egyptian government to intervene to stop the Kidnapping and exploitation of African Refugees in Egypt.
"The [Egyptian] authorities have still not carried out any inspections of the locations that have been pointed out to them (in the town of Rafah)," the s...
"Many Arab officials are US spies in their own countries"
"... Top Officials in several Arab countries have close links with the CIA, and many officials keep visiting US embassies in their respective countries voluntarily to establish links with this key US intelligence agency, says Julian Assange, founder of the whistle-blowing website, Wikileaks. “These officials are spies for the US in their countries,” Assange told Al Jazeera Arabic channel in an interview yesterday.
The interviewer, Ahmed Mansour, said at the start of the interview wh...
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Seven Shot, One Cop Dead In Baltimore Shootout
Deficit Reduction Could Force Pentagon To Limit Budget
Anti-Healthcare Repeal Vote Gets Democratic Support
Al Qaeda Splinter Group Alleged To Have Killed Two French Hostages
Arizona Male Who Shot Congresswoman Had Radical Links
Republicans Fail To Get Two Members Sworn In, Read Constitution
Dear Media: Michele Bachmann Is Not Presidential
Republicans Plugging Ears To Health Reform Repeals' Cost
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Mailbombs That Aren't Affect Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley
Feds probe Christine O'Donnell's campaign spending (AP): AP - Federal authorities have opened a criminal investigation of Delawa...
PJ SNOW PROBE : NY Gov calls for criminal investigation of union's snow clean-up 'budget protest':