Hillary Clinton and Hugo Chavez: the face of Obama's engagement

Hugo Chavez: A fundamental tenet of President Obama's change to believe in is diplomatic engagement with countries that are less than friendly toward los estados unidos.

PHOTOS: Hugo Chavez in pictures

The friendly outreach hasn't produced much but embarrassing rebuffs from Iran, which continues down its dangerous path toward nuclear armament.

VIDEOS: Hugo Chavez in videos

Without receiving anything in return, Obama used a Recess Appointment last week to return an American ambassador to Syria, which assassinated Lebanon's president, arms Militant groups t...

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Dima Khatib أناديمة posted 29th Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Will Hugo Chavez and Hillary Clinton bump into each other in Brazil on 1 Jan 2011 during swearing in ceremony of Dilma Rousseff ?

Olivia Lovag posted 1st Jan 2011 (via twitter)

After talking to Hilary Clinton, Dilma Rousseff talks to Hugo Chávez. :-)

Gary Duffy posted 1st Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Someone with sense of fun put Hugo Chavez immediately after Hillary Clinton in line up to meet Brazil's new President Dilma Rousseff

Eva Golinger posted 1st Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Perfect Political Moment: US SecState Hillary Clinton greets Brazil's new Prez Dilma Rousseff and is followed by Vzlan Prez Hugo Chávez!

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