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PHOTOS: Jared Loughner in pictures
One thing that seems clear about Jared Lee Loughner, the apparent shooter behind the Arizona massacre, is that he is not one of those people where people can say "nobody saw this coming."
VIDEOS: Jared Loughner in videos
A classmate of his explicitly saw this coming. "We have a mentally unstable person in the class that scares the living crap out of me. He is one of those whose picture you see on the news, after he has come into class with an automatic weapon. Everyone interv...
Loughner's parents are 'hurting'
The parents of Jared Loughner are devastated by their son's actions and can't talk about the Arizona shooting without crying, a neighbor of the man charged with the attack told a Radio Station.
"It's just as bad on them as it is anybody else," the neighbor, Wayne Smith, said in an interview with KTAR-620. "It wasn't them that did this heinous thing. It was an individual who's their son."
Smith added: "They can't talk without breaking down and just crying, doing their b...
Nihilism or Sarah Palin: What motivated Arizona shooting suspect? (The Christian Science Monitor)
Atlanta – Initial reports about Jared Loughner, the 22-year-old College Dropout charged with killing six and gravely wounding Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, Ariz., Saturday, so far present a picture of a person inspired by a tangled and in some ways nonsensical web of philosophies more than any one person, political movement, or line of thought.
Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik suggested Saturday that the shootings might have been influenced by "vitriolic Rhetoric" in t...
A History Of Assassins And Would-Be Assassins
Check out this post by Beamish of The Crank Files.
Excerpt:There’s been a lot of nonsense talk attempting to smear the right-wing for the murderous passions of Jared Lee Loughner, who was arrested on scene for a Killing Spree in Arizona which targeted Democratic Congresswoman Gabreille Giffords. Leftism, the field of inter-related political, social, and economic philosophies which have the collective historical distinction of being responsible for the violent deaths of over 300 million peopl...
Poll: Despite Left's Lust to Pin Blame on Right, Only 32% Believe AZ Shootings Were Politically Motivated
After a 48-hour orgy of venom and hatred directed at the right in the wake of the massacre in Arizona Saturday, a CBS poll reveals only 32% of Americans actually believe the ludicrous accusations. This suggests a couple of possibilities: Either the next poll will show 100 of Americans accept the truth or the media and kook left will double down with the wild conjecture. Sadly, I think it's too late for these people to regain any credibility, so I learn toward the latter.Nearly six in 10 American...
What if 31 Shots Had Been Only 10?
Tue Jan. 11, 2011 3:00 AM PST Glock's "superior firepower" clip The Tucson shooter's killing frenzy finally came to an end on Saturday after he allegedly emptied his semiautomatic Glock Handgun of its 31 bullets. According to witness reports, as he was changing the clip, a wounded woman tried to grab the gun from him. His next shot jammed before two men wrestled him to the ground. Before 2004, when the Federal Assault Weapons Ban expired, the shooter never would have been able to get ...
Pawlenty jabs Palin over 'crosshairs'
Possible Republican presidential hopeful Tim Pawlenty took a jab at Sarah Palin, saying he wouldn’t have used gun crosshairs to target Rep Gabrielle Giffords and others.
“I wouldn’t have done it,” the former Minnesota Governor told The New York Times on Monday when asked if he would have created a map like the one posted last year on Sarah PAC’s website showing crosshairs on lawmakers who supported Health Care reform.
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Arizona gunman in court as Obama leads mourning
The man accused of trying to assassinate a congresswoman in an Arizona Shooting Spree that left six dead appeared in court Monday but said nothing to shed light on his motive. President Barack Obama led the Americans in a somber minute of silence to honor the 20 people gunned down in Tucson -- where he will attend a memorial service on Wednesday, the White House announced. Flags were at half-staff at the Capitol in Washington, where hundreds of aides and lawmakers crammed the storied steps of Co...
Poisonous Politics (Pat Buchanan)
Creators Syndicate – On Feb. 15, 1933, Giuseppe Zangara, delusional and a loner, fired his .32-caliber pistol at FDR in the Bayfront Park area of Miami.
Five feet tall, Zangara could not aim over the crowd. So, he stood on a folding chair and was piled on after the first of five shots. He wounded four people, including Mayor Anton Cermak of Chicago.
In two weeks, Zangara, who pled guilty, had been sentenced to 80 years. When Cermak died on March 6, Zangara was retried for Murder and se...
AZ Sheriff Dever: Killer Alone Responsible for Shooting, Frightening To Try To Lay Blame On Anyone Elses Doorstep
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
By Penny Starr
Sheriff Larry Dever of Cochise County, Ariz. (Cochise County Sheriff's Department photo)
(CNSNews.com) - Cochise County Sheriff Larry Dever said he does not understand why his friend and colleague, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, would suggest at a news conference following Saturday's shooting in Tucson that political ideology played a role in the tragedy.
At a Press Conference on Saturday, Dupnik said Arizona had become the “mecc
Wild West mythology feeds Arizonas weapon culture
Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik addressed the cameras. The news was grim. Here was a lawman, telling his country, and the world, that the America he knew was falling to pieces. Six lay dead in Tucson. Another 13 were wounded. A Congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords, was fighting for her life. And the sheriff let fly with both barrels, blasting the ugly tone of political Rhetoric in the United States and bemoaning Arizona Gun Control laws that put a semi-automatic pistol in the hands of an appare...
Insanity defense harder now than for Hinckley
WASHINGTON—In an earlier time, the deeply troubled past of Jared Loughner might have led his lawyers to mount an insanity defense. But that would be harder now, because Congress raised the bar for that claim after a jury found John Hinckley innocent by reason of insanity for shooting President Ronald Reagan.
And the federal system is not alone in posing high hurdles to insanity defenses. State officials plan to charge Loughner as well, and Arizona law does not allow a verdict of not guilt...
Media Knew Killer Probably Wasnt Politically Motivated
Ben Johnson, FloydReports.com
The Left has gone out of its way to blame Saturday’s tragic shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords on anyone to the Right of the Mensheviks. Among the first to pile on the blood Libel was New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, who pinned the shooting on an alleged conservative “climate of hate.” Most of us countered that the murderer, Jared Lee Loughner, clearly seemed mentally ill, addicted to mind-altering drugs, or perhaps the Victim of ...
Insanity Defense Harder Now Than for It Was for Reagans Would-Be Assassin
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
By Mark Sherman, Associated Press
This Saturday, Jan. 8, 2011 photo released by the Pima County Sheriff's Office shows shooting suspect Jared Loughner. (AP Photo/Pima County Sheriff's Dept. via The Arizona Republic)
Washington (AP) - In an earlier time, the deeply troubled past of Jared Loughner might have led his lawyers to mount an insanity defense. But that would be harder now, because Congress raised the bar for that claim after a jury found John Hinc...
Abbreviated pundit round-up
Bob Herbert:
For whatever reasons, neither the public nor the politicians seem to really care how many Americans are murdered — unless it’s in a terror attack by foreigners. The two most common responses to violence in the U.S. are to ignore it or be entertained by it. The horror prompted by the attack in Tucson on Saturday will pass. The outrage will fade. The Murders will continue.
Unsupported by data of his own, George F. Will decries a spot-on assessment of wingnuttia:
Three d...
Making Sense Out of the Violence in Tuscon: Reflections From A Migrant
It's not about
win or lose
Cause we all lose
when they feed
on the souls of the innocent
blood drenched pavement
keep on moving
though the waters stay raging.
Matisyahu - 2009
The reactions I've witnessed to the violence in Tuscon have made me physically sick. Ever since I heard the news on Saturday, I've been glued to twitter, the television, and my computer screen, looking for someone to say something that makes some kind of sense. It seems the only people that have anything worthwhile ...
Yes, We’re Putting Liberals In The Crosshairs
The Left can take their sanctimonious, politically correct, hypocritical horseflop about militaristic language being applied to politics and they can turn it sideways and shove it straight up their candy asses. Here at Right Wing News, where our slogan is "Kneecapping Barack Obama at every opportunity," not only are we targeting liberal politicians for defeat, we want to beat Liberalism to death with a shovel. Like our President said, when the other side pulls out a knife, our side should pull o...
Loughners Family May Break Silence
The Wall Street Journal reports:
The father of shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner has prepared and may release a public statement, according to a neighbor who met with Mr. Loughner’s parents Monday.
Randy and Amy Loughner disappeared from view shortly after the shootings, and a statement would be the family’s first public comments since the attack.
Even in normal times, many on his block describe the elder Mr. Loughner as a reclusive man who had little time for neighborhood niceti...
Call it what it was: An Act of Domestic Terrorism
Good editorial cartoons rip the heart from the moment and always piss people off. … But even some Republicans sympathetic to Ms. Palin suggested that she needed to find a more substantive and nuanced means of addressing the criticism to avert any risk to her political standing and to maintain control of her political narrative. … But other Republicans said that if she was serious about becoming president, the shootings in Tucson might require Ms. Palin to step out of the political co...
Meet Jared Loughner
This is the rather bizarre mugshot of Jared Loughner that was released yesterday afternoon. He has been assigned lawyer Judy Clarke, who defended the Unabomber. One of the more interesting facts to emerge is that Loughner was expelled from his community college after complaints from classmates that he seemed on the edge of violence. In the meantime, the Sheriff is being attacked for criticizing right-wing commentators for their over-the-top Rhetoric, including conservative icon, Rush Limbaugh. ...
Answering an atheist's question
An atheist asks why believers are hostile toward atheists, then answers her own question in a manner she probably didn't intend:
Why are believers so hostile toward atheists? Is there anything atheists can say about our Atheism -- or even just about our lives -- that won't make people look at us with revulsion?
The short answer is no, because the self-styled atheist is usually an intrinsically repellent individual for the very reasons that caused him to label himself thusly. The reason that be...
More than mentally ill
I'm having a real problem watching the usual process of creating a palatable narrative about the Arizona shootings. The most recent "tragedy" isn't, after all, unique. It's really just one more violent act in a trail of damage that's part of our culture and our history. These events end up being tucked away as the act of someone who is "disturbed" or "a political nutcase influenced by Extremists" or, as in the case of "Wac...
Tucson and the Left's Online Orgy of Accusation
The Left's effort to link Jared Loughner's actions to conservative Talk Radio, Hate Speech, Sarah Palin's targets, etc. had nothing to do with urging us all to consider the consequences of political statements and symbols. Rather, it's part of a constant campaign to use the Web organize and energize its base around sensational narratives consistent with an ideological or cultural view as substitute for facts or events as they really unfold. The deliberate use of the Web to create instant mobs or...
Dems ready gun control legislation regulating ammunition clips
Stumble This! Democrats in the House and Senate are preparing to introduce Legislation that would limit purchases high-capacity gun ammunition clips like the one used Saturday in the tragic shootings of 20 people in Arizona. Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), two of the most outspoken Gun Control advocates in Congress, are sponsoring the Legislation in their respective chambers. "The only reason to have 33 bullets loaded in a Handgun is to kill a lot of people very q...
The heroesof Arizona
It's an ancient warfare tactic, and one Terrorists of every stripe employ to wreak violence on the innocent: The element of surprise. Once the attacker ambushes presumably unarmed civilians, in a peaceful setting, the Victims are usually paralyzed through shock and cannot defend themselves.
It takes remarkable presence of mind to survive – much less mount a unified offensive against the attacker and save other innocents. In the Arizona attack Saturday that killed six and injured 14, the...
Bill Ayers, communist provided Arizona shooters curriculum?
Here is a fascinating turn of events if true. WND is usually reliable, so we will see where this story takes us. The Progressives may be in for more than they figured when they started this witch hunt, though I doubt the left will cover this tidbit. Jared Lee Loughner, the suspected gunman in Saturday’s Arizona shooting, attended a High School that is part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group founded by Weatherman Terrorist Bill Ayers and fun...
Governor Pat Quinn Signs Off On Massive Tax Hike
Want A Republican President? How About Herman Cain
Kay Bailey Hutchison Promises To Call It Quits
Christina Green, Youngest Tucson Victim, Laid To Rest
Glenn Beck Supports Barack Obama. Seriously.
The Unemployment Rate's Not Going Down Anytime Soon
More Threats To Congress Keep Popping Up
Obama To Arizona, Congress In Mourning
Sarah Palin Does Exact Wrong Thing After Giffords Shooting
U.S. Budget Gap Narrows, Deficit Still High