Talk Radio: ( - Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee on Thursday defended his decision to ban state officials -- including himself -- from conducting interviews on Talk Radio, except in emergencies.
PHOTOS: The Providence Journal in pictures
When talk radio hosts engage in vitriolic political Rhetoric, "advertisers should shut them down," Chaffee said, according to the Providence Journal-Bulletin Chafee.
VIDEOS: The Providence Journal in videos
A spokesman for the governor's office earlier said the decision is not related to the Tucson shootings and was considered before the tr...
Chafees Talk Radio Ban
Former U.S. Senator (and newly elected Rhode Island Governor) Lincoln Chafee issued an Executive Order on Thursday banning State Employees from having any contact with radio broadcasters. Chafee’s bizarre move is the latest liberal overreaction to the tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona last weekend that left six people dead and another fourteen (including U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords) wounded. Earlier this week, U.S. Assistant Minority Leader Jim Clyburn said that America should “ re...
Chafee Wants Ad Boycott Of Talk Radio
From Rhode Island’s Providence Journal
RI Gov. Chafee: Stop paying for vitriolic commentary
Felice Freyer
Thu, Jan 13, 2011
When Talk Radio hosts use harshly divisive language, "The advertisers should shut them down," Governor Lincoln Chafee said this morning.
Chafee said the solution to the vitriolic Rhetoric — which some have linked to the shooting of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords over the weekend — is for people to stop paying for it, including not buying...
Curtis Sliwa And Buddy Cianci Talk About Talk Radio On Talk Radio
Whoa, I'm having flashbacks: I lived in Rhode Island for nine years, five of which were spent as a reporter for The Providence Journal and all of which were spent with Vincent "Buddy" Cianci as mayor. I've been away from R.I. and back home in New York for almost 11 years, but I just had to share this Curtis Sliwa interview with Cianci about how Ocean State Gov. Lincoln Chafee has barred state workers, including himself, from appearing on Talk Radio. It's a fascinating deci...
Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee Bans Talk Radio
In what could only be described as a bizarre and illogical first move as the newly elected Governor of Rhode Island, Lincoln Chafee (I) announced a ban on State Employees having any contact with radio broadcasters. The move is part of a broader attack on radio broadcasters by liberals across the nation in the wake of the tragedy in Arizona.
Shortly after the heartbreaking incident in Tucson, liberals across the spectrum immediately began assigning blame for it, without evidence, to conservativ...
Governor Orders: No Talk Radio
No Talk Radio. That is the order from Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee, who has banned state officials from conducting interviews on talk radio, except in emergencies. A spokesman for the Governor's office says the decision is not related to the Tucson shootings and was considered before the tragedy. Some have blamed talk radio for the deadly shooting in Arizona, even though talk radio defenders say there is no evidence that it influenced the suspect at all, or even if Jared Loughner listene...
Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee Orders State Workers To Stay Off Talk Radio
Governor Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island has ordered state workers not to appear on Talk Radio. (h/t TALKERS) Chafee will continue to talk to reporters from local stations and the nonprofit local NPR affiliate, Michael Trainor, a spokesperson for the Governor, told the newspaper. Trainor explained that the governor wants to avoid “Ratings-driven, for-profit programming.” “We don’t think it is appropriate to use Taxpayer resources” to pay State Employees to appe...
Did the "Healer-In-Chief" blame America for the Tucson tragedy?
Liberal pundit Kirsten Powers, writing in the Daily Beast, makes some interesting, and highly pertinent, points on Obama's Speech at Wednesday night's "Together We Thrive" memorial service/pep rally for the Victims of last Saturday's shooting rampage in Tucson. Although she was clearly impressed with the speech, generally, she saw through the Rhetoric that Barack Obama essentially assigned the blame ... "to all of America." Powers writes: True, as always, he delivered as "Healer-in-Chief" and pr...
Tucson Aftermath: Not the Lefts First Political Witch Hunt
As he sits behind bars awaiting trial, Jared Loughner is undoubtedly relishing every moment of the ruckus that he managed to stir up with his deadly rampage in Tucson. In addition to murdering six innocent human beings and wounding more than a dozen others in an act of sheer evil, the deranged gunman has set off a media and political frenzy that refuses to abate. By various accounts, this is precisely what Loughner was hoping for. As his close friend Bryce Tierney told Mother Jones, “I thi...
When Talk Radio hosts use harshly divisive language, "The advertisers should shut them down," Governor Lincoln Chafee said this morning. Chafee said the solution to the vitriolic Rhetoric -- which some have linked to the shooting of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords over the weekend -- is for people to stop paying for it, including not buying books from people who use such language. Chafee made his comments in response to reporters' questions after a meeting on Health Care. He noted that he had been...
Holy Hatefest! Only 15% Agree With Libs That Heated Rhetoric Caused Tucson Shootings
Despite the constant media smears this week - only 15% of Americans believe heated Rhetoric caused the Tucson shootings. Far Left Sheriff Dupnik was wrong. Only 15% of Americans believe that heated Rhetoric had anything to do with the shootings Saturday by a leftwing pothead that killed 6 people in Tucson. Maybe the state-run media will remember this next time before they start smearing Conservatives after a mass Murder. Saturday’s shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford...
Heavy snowstorm slams New England
NEW YORK, Jan. 12 (UPI) -- A winter storm Wednesday brought blizzard-like conditions to southern New England, fouling roads and knocking out power to thousands of people. Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick declared a State of Emergency, the Boston Herald reported. Snow totals ranged from more than 2 feet in Chesterfield in Western Massachusetts to 5 inches in Bourne on the Cape Cod Canal. As many as 100,000 homes and businesses were without electricity for at least part of the day. David Procopio,...
Who bears the guilt of the Tucson shootings?
The good news of the Catholic faith is that Christ has chosen to take upon himself the guilt and sin, not only for his own Murder, but for the murder and suffering of those poor folks in Tuscon. The lunatic who pulled the trigger in Tuscon bears his responsibility for his act of pounding the nails through the hands and feet of Christ. But rather than making cynical political capital out of his act by blaming Rush Limbaugh or Sarah Palin, Lefties would be better employed contemplating their own c...
Clear Channel Pulls Limbaugh's 'Straight Shooter' Billboard In Tucson
What is this? Several weeks before the shooting rampage in Tucson, local Radio Station KNST put up a Billboard for Rush Limbaugh's show. Rush Limbaugh. Rush Limbaugh. It said: Rush Limbaugh, Straight Shooter. And scattered across the billboard were eight graphical bullet holes. After the shooting, the billboard quickly became part of the discussion about whether or not political Rhetoric had gone too far. In reaction to the billboard, Susan Campbell at the Hartford Courant asked simply, "Is this...
Kirsten Powers: Why did Healer-In-Chief blame America for Tucson tragedy?
Liberal pundit Kirsten Powers, writing in today’s Daily Beast, makes some interesting points I didn’t think of in the aftermath of Obama’s Speech at Wednesday night’s “Together We Thrive” memorial service for the Victims of last Saturday’s shooting rampage in Tucson.
I guess I was so wrapped up in just making sure that he didn’t turn it into a campaign rally a la the Wellstone “memorial service” - and I was also tuning in to see ...
Mark Levin To MSNBC Crew: Im Going To Drag Your Asses Into Federal Court if You Accuse Me of Inciting Mass Murder in Tucson
deez on Dem Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr: Giffords Shooting an “Act of Terror” Because Loughner is an “Anti-Government Activist”… deez on Dem Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr: Giffords Shooting an “Act of Terror” Because Loughner is an “Anti-Government Activist”… Word to the wise. Don’t mess with Mark Levin. (Mediaite)-Radio host Mark Levin is fed up with claims that heated political Rhetoric of the sort found on Talk Radio shows like his are ...
Hillary Clinton Must Either Recant Or Resign
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has her own obsession with supposed right-wing conspiracies, going back to the days of her husband’s administration. But her continued attempt to attribute the insane actions of the mentally deranged alleged shooter Jared Loughner to political Extremism and mentioning his actions in the same breath as al Qaeda is beyond the pale.
Clinton should recant at once. Otherwise, if President Obama really meant what he said in his Tuscon Speech about moving b
Tucson to bury judge slain in shooting rampage
By Tim Gaynor
Tucson, Arizona | Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:08pm EST
Tucson, Arizona (Reuters) - Hundreds of mourners, some clutching roses, said farewells on Friday to respected Federal Judge John Roll, who was among six people shot to death outside a Tucson grocery last weekend.
"He was a fair man, everyone loved him ... everyone in Tucson's feeling it," said Mary Kool, 58, an arts store owner, who turned out for a service for Roll at a Catholic Church in north Tucson.
A devout Catholic, Roll, 63, ...
Kyl, McCain To Introduce Legislation Naming Yuma Courthouse For Slain Judge
A senior aide for Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., tells Fox News that Kyl and his colleague Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz, will introduce Legislation to rename the federal Courthouse in Yuma, Arizona in honor of Judge John M. Roll. Roll and five others were killed in Saturday's shooting massacre in Tucson that wounded 14 others, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz. The Tucson Courthouse where Judge Roll kept his chambers is already named for Evo DeConcini former State Attorney General, Supreme Court Jud...
Officials: Loughner Took Photos Of Himself With Guns
What is this? Law Enforcement officials tell NPR that the suspect in Saturday's Arizona shooting rampage went to a store that morning to get prints made of photographs he had taken of himself posing with guns. Those officials, who have knowledge of what's shown in photographs, say that Jared Loughner took them either the day before or night before the shooting. Officials who have seen the photographs say that they were not as menacing as those taken by the Virginia Tech Student who killed 32 peo...
Officials: Loughner Took Photos Of Himself With Guns
What is this? Law Enforcement officials tell NPR that the suspect in Saturday's Arizona shooting rampage went to a store that morning to get prints made of photographs he had taken of himself posing with guns. Those officials, who have knowledge of what's shown in photographs, say that Jared Loughner took them either the day before or night before the shooting. Officials who have seen the photographs say that they were not as menacing as those taken by the Virginia Tech Student who killed 32 peo...
Poll: Only 15% Feel Tucson Shooting Was Related To Political Rhetoric
That makes three polls now indicating similar results. A CBS poll taken a few days ago indicated that only 32% of the public agreed with leftist talking points about the Tucson shooter Jarred Loughner being motivated by an “atmosphere of hate” created by conservative dissent to liberal policies. In a Gallup Poll, that number was just 35%. Saturday’s shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, in which six people were killed, could not have been prevented, 40 percent ...
Blankley: Tucson is a teaching moment for the media
In the aftermath of the shootings in Tucson, the media instructed us that we needed to have a series of national conversations — on “extreme Rhetoric,” gun, and more appropriately on the handling of the mentally ill. Tony Blankley, former editor in chief at the Washington Times, says that the conversation that needs to take place is about the media:
Because even though the Tucson shooting did not cause the media irresponsibility — this time — continued media misreportin
McCarthy "no reason that these devices should be available to general public."
One of the reasons I repeat over and over again that "freedom is choice" is to give context to stories like the one that follows and to give the reader an idea of why I am usually against anything that limits choice.
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy’s (D-NY) bill would limit the magazine capacity for pistols. It is another "freedom traded for security" bill which limits choice simply because it makes some people uncomfortable for that choice to be available to you. They simply do...
Air Raid (REPOSTED): Why Conservative Talk Radio Succeeds More Than Liberal Talk
EDITOR’s NOTE: This post was mistakenly deleted so it is being reposted.
Air Raid
by Peter Funt
During a recent Radio Interview I was asked why it is that conservative broadcasters are so much more successful than their progressive, or liberal, counterparts.
The question was particularly intriguing considering its source: the host of a progressive Radio Show in Central California.
In terms of audience size, the canyon between right and left on radio’s political spectrum is huge. Top co...
Sharpton: He, And Others, Should Not Be 'Defensive' About Their Rhetoric
What is this? As the national conversation continues about whether last Saturday's shooting rampage in Arizona is a wake-up call for politicians of all persuasions telling them to dial-down their Rhetoric, the Rev. Al Sharpton has weighed in to suggest that we need "dialogue that's passionate, but not poisonous." He made that case earlier this week on the op-ed page of The Washington Post, and again today in a conversation with Tell Me More host Michel Martin. In The Post and in his discussion w...
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No talkradio for Chafee, and on-duty state workers, too | Rhode Island news | | The Providence Journal