"Fireworks" - Are You Kidding Me?

Deaths : Since the highly published occurrence of 3,000 to 5,000 blackbirds falling to their death on January 1st 2011, more bird and fish mass Suicides have occurred.

Just yesterday, a new report telling of millions of dead fish surfaced in Maryland's Chesapeake Bay.

On Tuesday, similar unexplained mass fish Deaths occurred across the world in Brazil and New Zealand. On Wednesday, 50 birds were found dead on a street in Sweden. The latest mass suicide is found in England where more than 40,000 Velve...

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PAKELIKA posted 6th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Funny..that brazil-new zealand-England(40000 crabs)-Sweden all have massive deaths of birds and fish..too.. fireworks huh..quit lying to us..

jonah ng'ang'a posted 6th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

"Mysterious bird deaths " Madness is believing that fireworks caused birds in parts of US to die.

Maxxe (OG Bobby J.) posted 7th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

"Officials suggest fireworks are likely responsible for many of the bird deaths " the government really think we dumb

Kimberley Jahn posted 7th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Though I highly doubt it is a sign of the end times, I also don't buy fireworks as an explanation for the mass blackbird deaths .

Emma Ridling posted 7th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Wow if fireworks caused all the bird deaths we need to stop using them immediately!

Rick Sebok posted 7th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Ok, what's causing all these bird and fish deaths ? It can't be fireworks , so what then? Solar flares/magnetic pulses, global cooling, what?

Amy posted 7th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

I don't buy for one second, 7 days after New Year, that it's fireworks causing all these massive bird deaths .

Persephone posted 7th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

'At least 9 incidents of mass animal deaths across the globe' We need to stop blaming ' fireworks ' and realise the world's ending soon!

sfeldstein posted 7th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

It's really not any more reassuring when experts explain that mass animal deaths are caused by fireworks n poison vs divine intervention.

Ari V ✔ Verified posted 7th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

So they tried to say that all the bird deaths were do to fireworks , but I don't believe it...explain the thousands of dead fish..smh

Wally Earl posted 7th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

Fireworks explosions cause bird deaths , huh? How come Walt Disney World isn't waist-deep in dead birds then?

darren marsden posted 7th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

the guy on sky news saying the bird deaths was the result of fireworks is chatting shite, why dont they die every year then?

lil Misfit posted 7th Jan 2011 (via twitter)

pakelika10: Funny..that brazil-new zealand-England(40000 crabs)-Sweden all have massive deaths of birds and fish..too.. fireworks huh..qu ...

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