Federal Judge: "He should be strung up."
PHOTOS: Jared Loughner in pictures
The speaker: one very angry Federal Judge furious at the cynicism displayed by both Arizona Sheriff Clarence Dupnik and the Mainstream Media in the shootings that took the life of one federal judge, wounded Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, and killed or wounded 17 others.
VIDEOS: Jared Loughner in videos
The judge, a personal friend of the murdered Federal Judge John Roll, declined to be cited by name but was brimming with anger at what he termed the "cynicism and downright evil" of the liberal medi...
Loughner Could Receive Death Penalty
MSNBC reports:
PHOENIX, Ariz. — Jared Loughner, head shaved, a cut on his right temple and his hands cuffed, stared vacantly at a packed courtroom Monday and sat down. His attorney, who defended “Unabomber” Ted Kaczynski, whispered to him.
It was the nation’s first look at the 22-year-old loner accused of trying to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.
The three-term Democrat lay about a 100 miles away in a Tucson intensive care unit, gravely wounded after being shot throug...
A tragedy in Tucson, and more arguing on talk TV
NEW YORK (AP) — In the wake of the Arizona shootings, conservative talk-show host Glenn Beck issued a challenge to all Americans to reject violence. Liberal talk-show host Keith Olbermann voiced his own call for repudiating violence. Has Saturday’s rampage inspired a measure of consensus and a softening of Rhetoric among cable TV’s more confrontational hosts? Not that you could tell from Monday’s clash of TV pundits, even as they reacted to accusations that the polarized ...
Arizona gunman in court as Obama leads mourning
The man accused of trying to assassinate a congresswoman in an Arizona Shooting Spree that left six dead appeared in court Monday but said nothing to shed light on his motive. President Barack Obama led the Americans in a somber minute of silence to honor the 20 people gunned down in Tucson -- where he will attend a memorial service on Wednesday, the White House announced. Flags were at half-staff at the Capitol in Washington, where hundreds of aides and lawmakers crammed the storied steps of Co...
Rachel Sklar Pushes Back Against Wingnut Radio Host Steve Malzberg's False Equivalencies
As soon as I heard Sheriff Dupnik decry the Extremist talk that has turned his state into a "mecca of prejudice and Bigotry", I knew that the right would make this all about them. Funny that Dupnik never mentioned a party nor any specific individuals, but the right immediately went into defense mode, scrubbing sites and immediately denouncing Dupnik as "politicizing" the event. Sigh. Allow me for a moment to put on my mommy hat. "Both sides do it" is not an excuse. Wrong is wrong, no matter who...
Have gun, Will talk: Arizona Sheriff Clarence Dupnik not speechless over Tucson shootings or much else
For a chief Law Enforcement officer who's supposed to be assembling the complex Criminal Investigations of six sudden homicides against a local 22-year-old suspect, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik sure has found ample time the last couple of days to appear all over national News Media, spouting prickly opinions on pretty much anything asked.
The sheriff, who celebrates his 75th birthday today, is understandably defensive. He had no officers at Rep. Gabrielle Giffords ' Saturday ope...
Was the Arizona Shooting Sheriff Dupnik's Fault?
By RightKlik
It's pretty clear at this point that Jared Loughner was the Lone Wolf shooter solely responsible for the carnage in Tuscon, Arizona on Saturday. But without a shred of evidence, liberals in this country want to blame the "usual suspects," including Sarah Palin, the tea partiers and conservative Talk Radio.
Let's cast the net wider.
On Saturday, we began asking pointed questions about Tuscon Sheriff Clarence Dupnik:
A congresswoman got shot point-blank in the head in Pima County, A...
Gun control, tone of rhetoric take center stage after Arizona shooting
The Tuscon shooting Saturday that left Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords severely wounded, six dead and 13 others injured, is shaking Washington politically as much as it is emotionally.
Health Care is off, for now. A debate about Gun Control may be back on.
But the biggest breakdown, it seems, is over conduct rather than content.
Several lawmakers (mostly Democrats) are blaming a poisoned political discourse and thinly veiled incitements to violence for having created an environment that...
Talk Radio, Blamed For Shooting, Blames Others
Conservative commentators and the liberal Media who tried to indict them seem to have created a Gordian knot of fingers, as they attempt to point at each other and find blame after the shooting in Arizona of a Congresswoman and more than a dozen others.
Jared Lee Loughner, based on postings on the Internet, is mentally unstable. But, according to Reuters, that hasn't stopped both ultra-left-wing and Right-wing Media from blaming each other, trying to put the tragedy at the other's doorstep.
It's diffi
A tragedy in Tucson, and more arguing on talk TV
In the wake of the Arizona shootings, conservative talk-show host Glenn Beck issued a challenge to all Americans to reject violence. Liberal talk-show host Keith Olbermann voiced his own call for repudiating violence. Has Saturday's rampage inspired a measure of consensus and a softening of Rhetoric among cable TV's more confrontational hosts? Not that you could tell from Monday's clash of TV pundits, even as they reacted to accusations that the polarized environment in which they operate may ha...
The latest updates on the Gabrielle Giffords shooting incident in Tucson
The shooting of United States Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and 19 others is still the dominant story in news and is expected to remain so for the coming days. Six people have died from the shootings, which took place while the Congresswoman was hosting a public event in Tucson, Arizona. Fourteen people were injured, including the Congresswoman who was shot in the head. Below readers can see the latest updates on the story. - The parents of the shooting suspect, Jared ...
Chris Matthews Asks: What Is the Cause-Effect Relationship Between Derangement and "Right-Wing Crazy Talk"?
Despite the fact that we now know quite a bit about Jared Loughner's twisted background, the nincompoops over at MSNBC continue to feign ignorance, holding out hope it would seem for some shred of evidence showing that the Tea Party, Sarah Palin "target" maps, and conservative Talk Radio made Loughner go on a murderous rampage, or something. It is reprehensible beyond words. And yet, not surprising at all given what we know about the Left and their shamelessly dishonest cohorts in the media. So ...
Cause and effect and Tucson
The News Media once again scrambled this past week to find the deep underlying causes of shocking events. We saw this impulse in the rush to explain the tragic Murder of six people at a shopping center in Tucson. And we saw it in the rush of stories about mass die-offs of birds and fish across the country. In the case of the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, attention has turned to the motives of the alleged shooter, 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner, whose political ramblings about re...
Politicizing Tragedy
The Left quickly assigned blame for this weekend’s tragic shooting in Arizona to Sarah Palin, the Tea Party, conservative Talk Radio, and Fox News. Left-wing pundits are screaming for an end to the “heated Rhetoric” surrounding Immigration Reform, tax policy, and health policy. According to the Left, this weekend’s mayhem is symbolic of the “culture of violence” the “right” inculcates. Quite surprising to the Left must be the revelation by a forme...
Zandar's Thought Of The Day
We saw the same phenomenon following the Oklahoma City bombing and the Holocaust museum shooting when MSNBC hosts and liberal pundits blamed the incidents on radio Talk Show hosts. These exercises in blame-mongering inevitably run aground when inconvenient details muddle the "talk show hosts did it" mantra (e.g. Did radio Talk Show hosts tell the Holocaust museum shooter to target the conservative Weekly Standard offices?) The same is true in this incident. You can almost hear the disappointment...
Loughner Appears in Court; Giffords Gives 'Thumbs Up'
A court room sketch from Loughner's appearance.
Photo: BILL ROBLES/AFP/Getty Images
Suspected gunman Jared Loughner appeared in court for the first time on Monday. He'll be represented by public defender Judy Clarke. Meanwhile, congresswoman Giffords gave doctors a "thumbs up." Her brother-in-law, Scott Kelly, mourned from Outer Space. And President Obama is heading to Tucson. The latest on the Arizona shooting case, below:
• Jared Lee Loughner appeared before a Federal Judge for the fir...
Molloy: 'Crazy talk encourages crazy people'
We've let the haters and bullies lead the political and moral conversation for far too long.
The national dialogue has descended into a fusillade of hate from politicians, political operatives and TV and radio pundits.
There's no doubt Jared Loughner heard some of it before madness overtook him and he murdered six people and nearly killed Rep. Gabrielle Giffords outside a Tucson Supermarket on Saturday.
"People who are unbalanced are especially susceptible to vitriol," says Pima County...
Whos Guilty of Inciting Violence, Mr. President?
Victor Davis Hanson, The Washington Times
Very few Americans are fans of both The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf, as 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner, the purported Tucson killer, apparently was. Fewer still post on the Internet fears about “brainwashing,” “mind control,” and “conscience dreaming”; have long records of public disruption and aberrant behavior; were expelled from community college; or were rejected summarily for Military service.
No matter. ...
Judges Purpose in Seeing Giffords Could Be Legally Significant
Was U.S. District Court Judge John M. Roll just being sociable when he dropped by an appearance by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) in Tucson on Saturday, or was he planning to discuss official business? Does it even matter, given the horror of that morning? Yes, it could matter, legally speaking. At first glance, Roll’s state of mind might appear irrelevant, given the tragedy that unfolded on Saturday morning, when Roll was shot dead and Giffords gravely wounded in a rampage that killed ...
Liberal media promoting big lie against Tea Party, Palin in AZ shooting
There is an old saying - tell a lie often enough and eventually it becomes the truth. The "big lie" technique, originally named by Adolf Hitler in his book Mein Kampf was instrumental in what eventually became known as the "Final Solution" - the State-sanctioned Murder of millions of Jews. The same technique is apparently at work in many of today's newsrooms, as shown by the baseless attacks against Sarah Palin and Conservatives in general. Consider: The man under arrest for the shoot...
Arizona gunman in court as Obama leads mourning
The man accused of trying to assassinate a congresswoman in an Arizona Shooting Spree that left six dead appeared in court Monday but said nothing to shed light on his motive. President Barack Obama led the Americans in a somber minute of silence to honor the 20 people gunned down in Tucson -- where he will attend a memorial service on Wednesday, the White House announced. Flags were at half-staff at the Capitol in Washington, where hundreds of aides and lawmakers crammed the storied steps of ...
A Tragedy Will Breed More Loss Of Liberty
You can take that to the bank.
Who said, "You never want a good crisis to go to waste"?
Already power hungry statists in Congress are pushing Legislation to capitalize on the tragic incident in Arizona, and further restrict law abiding citizens everywhere. That is the next biggest tragedy.
The shooting in Tucson of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her constituents, was NOT in fact "caused by the Tea Party", or "caused by Sarah Palin" or any other entity that Paul Krugman and his ilk would ...
Poisonous Politics
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
By Patrick J. Buchanan
On Feb. 15, 1933, Giuseppe Zangara, delusional and a loner, fired his .32-caliber pistol at FDR in the Bayfront Park area of Miami.
Five feet tall, Zangara could not aim over the crowd. So, he stood on a folding chair and was piled on after the first of five shots. He wounded four people, including Mayor Anton Cermak of Chicago.
In two weeks, Zangara, who pled guilty, had been sentenced to 80 years. When Cermak died on March 6, Zangara was re...
Slain Federal Judge Was Champion for Greater Court Resources
U.S. District Judge John M. Roll, who was killed in the Arizona shooting Saturday, was a bystander in the attack aimed at Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, according to news reports. It was not a coincidence, however, that he had come to the Grocery Store where Giffords was holding a meet-and-greet that morning; he came to talk with Giffords about greater resources for his court, The National Law Journal reports. "Such a discussion would have been typical for Roll," The NLJ explains. "He ...
One wonders what we will learn from these senseless shootings
The moment of silence came and went Monday, and I tried to set aside my own anger and heed President Barack Obama's call "for us to come together as a nation in prayer or reflection, keeping the Victims and their families closely at heart." The quiet passed, and I was revisited by the uneasy sense we are unlikely to learn anything from Saturday's tragedy in Tucson. Is the lesson of the deadly shooting destined to be buried with the dead in a country that day by day watches its ability to reason ...
Will AZ Shooter Kill the First Amendment?
Joe Guzzardi, FloydReports.com
Immediately after crazed gunman Jared Lee Loughner gravely wounded Arizona U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords, killed U.S. Judge John M. Roll, and six other people while wounding 12 innocent bystanders, the Immigration Rhetoric subtly ratcheted up.
Denouncing Gifford’s shooting, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik and others made it clear that what they referred to as “inflammatory Speech” had made the political atmosphere in Arizona so toxic that acts
Dear Democrats: Pray The Tuesday Group Is Heard
Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
On MLK Birthday, Some Think Obama Helped Race Relations
Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
Wisconsin's Reince Priebus Already Shaking Up RNC
Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
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