Repeal : Jeffrey Anderson, taking issue with the Wall Street Journal, worries that partial Repeal of ObamaCare will reduce the political vulnerabilities of the remainder.
PHOTOS: Anderson Cooper in pictures
He doesn’t want Republicans to restore funding for Medicare Advantage, for example.
VIDEOS: Anderson Cooper in videos
I don’t want them to do that all by itself, either. But how about restoring the funds and making up for the added cost by delaying the start of Obamacare’s subsidies and the implementation of its rules? That’s Budget neutral, prob...
Chairman Ryan: The Democrats Worst Nightmare
This week, the Democrats’ worst nightmare came true: Paul Ryan became the Budget Committee Chairman. It’s their worst nightmare because he’s the two things they can’t deal with: calm and logical. Thursday afternoon, I got this statement from Chairman Ryan’s office on the Democrats’ Duplicity with regards to ObamaCare:
WASHINGTON - House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan issued the following statement with respect to House Republicans’ continued efforts ...
Repubicans: 'Obamacare' Impedes Job Growth
Republicans promised voters they would try to Repeal the new health law they have dubbed 'ObamaCare' and Friday the new House leaders made their first official move in that direction.
Republicans came up with a new way to brand President Barack Obama's Health Care law.
"We move on to the 'Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act,'" said Rep. David Dreier, R-Calif.
Members of the GOP say that's exactly what the new law has done.
"We believe that a significant impediment to job growth in t...
Rep. Guinta: 'I'd Like to See What Happens' With Repeal before Supporting Ban on Funding Obamacare
Friday, January 07, 2011
By Dan Joseph
Washington ( - Freshman Rep. Frank Guinta (R-N.H.) said he opposes ObamaCare, but he would not say whether he would definitely support a proposal by Rep. Steve King to defund the law. asked Guinta - and is asking all members of Congress - this question: “Rep. Steve King advocates including language in every appropriations bill to prohibit money from that bill funding implementation of Obamacare. Do you support defund
Paul Ryan: We Do Plan on Defunding ObamaCare
Friday, January 07, 2011
By Matt Cover
Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., speaks at a news conference on Capitol Hill in this March 19, 2010, photo. Republicans are promising to Repeal and replace President Barack Obama's Health Care overhaul if they win control of Congress. (AP File Photo/Harry Hamburg)
( - House Budget Chief Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said that Republicans would use the appropriations process, along with the budget process, to deny funding for the Controversial ObamaCare ...
Repeal effort defines GOP House debut
The president's Health Care overhaul may already be done, but some Republicans want it undone. Just ten months after the Democrats' reform Legislation was signed into law — and before most of its major elements have been implemented — the House of Representatives is kicking off the new year and the new Congress by trying to undo what was done last year. Next week, the House, now under Republican rule, will vote to Repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) signed ...
GOP allows Dem's 'doc fix' amendment to repeal bill
Republicans on the House Rules Committee decided late Thursday night to allow debate on one Democratic amendment to the bill repealing the Healthcare Reform law.
The GOP, which has been promising a speedy process to Repeal the reform law, allowed an amendment from Rep. Jim Matheson (D-Utah), one of 13 surviving Democrats who voted against the healthcare overhaul last Congress. Meanwhile, Republicans rejected 30 other Democratic amendments.
Republicans wanted to avoid amendments that would re...
Dems pounce on CBO repeal estimate
Democrats head into the first House Health Care reform Repeal vote today with fresh ammo: a Congressional Budget Office estimate that Repeal would increase the Deficit by $230 billion by 2021.
Hours after the number dropped Thursday, Democrats had spun it into a strong, new talking point: Repealing Health Care will wreak havoc on The Economy. Republicans, meanwhile, cried foul, taking shots at the CBO’s Accounting methods.
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The House Rules...
GOP Promises
Gosh, those "cut spending" slogans sounded so good during the campaign season. It swept them into office, but now that they're in charge of the purse strings, I've yet to see a single GOPer make even one suggestion for a specific program cut. That most especially includes our new Speaker. When asked the question, John "Big Gavel" Boehner came up empty:
In an interview set to air tonight, NBC’s Brian Williams asked Boehner to name a specific item he’d cut, and Boehner couldn’t deliver:
Veto threatened for healthcare repeal
Published: Jan. 7, 2011 at 8:01 AM U.S. President Obama will Veto House Republicans' attempt to Repeal the healthcare law if the Repeal Legislation reaches his desk, the administration said. UPI/Olivier Douliery/POOL WASHINGTON, Jan. 7 (UPI) -- U.S. President Obama will Veto House Republicans' attempt to Repeal the healthcare law if the Repeal Legislation reaches his desk, the administration said. In a statement of administration policy released Thursday by the Office of Management and Bud...
Dems Still Working Hard To Thwart The Will Of The People On Health Care Reform
As most of us know, the American People were dead set against the passage of the so-called “Affordable Care Act,” which started out with the notion of reducing Health Insurance costs and providing coverage to the 30-45 million Americans that had no health Insurance, and escalated to a 2,000 page bill that none who voted “Yea” actually read nor understood, and did anything but reduce Health Insurance costs. We’ve all seen the fallout, that insurance costs would go up...
Dems Still Working Hard To Thwart The Will Of The People On Health Care Reform
As most of us know, the American People were dead set against the passage of the so-called "Affordable Care Act," which started out with the notion of reducing Health Insurance costs and providing coverage to the 30-45 million Americans that had no health Insurance, and escalated to a 2,000 page bill that none who voted "Yea" actually read nor understood, and did anything but reduce Health Insurance costs. We've all seen the fallout, that insurance costs would go up while coverage would go down....
Paul Ryan: "I Will Eat My Tie" If Obamacare Reduces the Deficit
Funny, I don't recall Obama making it interesting like that back when he was running around promising Americans that his healthcare monstrosity was 'Deficit-neutral'.
Obama could have said: "I'll eat my golf glove if this bill adds one dime to the deficit!"
But he didn't. Hmmm...
So here is Paul Ryan on tonight's Mark Levin Radio Show, explaining for the umpteenth time that the CBO's output is entirely dependent on the data that is spoon-fed to them and the set of assumptions they are instruct...
CBO: Health care repeal would add $230B to debt
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- It's one of the promises on which House Republicans campaigned: If elected, we will Repeal Health Care reform. One problem: Rolling back the law would probably increase federal Budget Deficits by a total of about $230 billion by 2021, according to a preliminary estimate released Thursday by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. The long-run outlook isn't any better. The CBO warns that long-term projections are highly uncertain, but said a Repeal would increase fede...
Republicans seek repeal of financial rules
WASHINGTON — A group of Republican lawmakers demanded the Repeal of the financial regulatory law coauthored by Representative Barney Frank of Newton yesterday, saying the measure is hurting The Economy and should be jettisoned along with the Health Care law.
The law is a costly burden to business and a power grab by the government, said Representative Michele Bachmann, a Minnesota Republican and Tea Party Leader who introduced the Repeal measure with four cosponsors. “[It] grossly e...
The Morning Plum
* White House talking points on Bill Daley: The White House is distributing a set of talking points to outside allies -- sent over by a source -- on how to sell the Bill Daley pick:
Talking Points: Bill Daley
* Bill Daley brings with him tremendous experience, strong values and a forward-looking vision to this White House. He will be critical to the President's mission of growing our economy and moving America forward.
* From his time as President Clinton's Commerce Secretary, Bill Daley has ...
Conservative Star Paul Ryan: I Will Eat My Tie If Obamacare Reduces the Deficit
The democrat’s latest lie is that covering 30 million more people under ObamaCare is going to save the country money and reduce the Deficit. It is complete nonsense and we all know it. Yesterday, conservative number-cruncher Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) told radio host Mark Levin that he would eat his tie if ObamaCare reduces the Deficit. So here is Paul Ryan on tonight’s Mark Levin Radio Show, explaining for the umpteenth time that the CBO’s output is entirely dependent on the data t...
Health care repeal could deepen govenment red ink
Repealing President Barack Obama‘s landmark Health Care overhaul would add billions to government red ink and leave millions without coverage, Congress’ nonpartisan Budget referees said Thursday ahead of a politically charged vote in the House. House Speaker John Boehner brushed off the Congressional Budget Office analysis as emboldened Republicans, now in the majority in the House, issued their own report arguing that Obama’s coverage expansion would cost jobs and increase bud...
Anti-reform Dems cool to repeal vote
Rep. Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) attacked the Health Care bill in March as a massive government overreach, weighted down with new taxes but short on real reforms.
But Repeal it, the way House Republicans would? No way, says Shuler, one of his party’s most conservative members.
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“There are some very good things in this bill that have already become law,” Shuler said this week, citing the ban on Pre-existing Conditions for Children a...
Obamacare Goes Under the Knife (
In the nearly 10 months since the Democrats' Health Care bill became law, Bureaucrats have been feverishly writing new Regulations, and the first wave of reform has arrived. There are Tax Credits for small businesses to cover employees; kids can stay on their parents' policies until they are 26; co-pays for preventive care went away. But to most Americans, the enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has felt less like the dawn of a new era and more like the start of a long ...
Today in the Fortune 500
The Fortune 500 comes out just once a year, but the companies on it make headlines every day. Here then are today's highlights of news and happenings coming from the biggest names in business. Facebook LIKES SHAREHOLDERS according to a document disclosing financial information that was given to a select group of Goldman Sachs (GS) employees who have the opportunity now to buy stock in Facebook. The document outlines how Facebook is striving to hit the 500 shareholder mark by the end of this yea...
Barney Frank vows to defend law from Tea Party, GOP
U.S. Rep. Barney Frank is going after yet another Republican who has vowed to dismantle his landmark financial-reform law.
The latest target of the Newton Democrat’s wrath is Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), a Tea Party favorite who’s now pushing to eliminate the sweeping Dodd-Frank reform Legislation that was passed last year while Democrats still controlled the House.
Republicans, who made big gains in the November Elections, are now in charge of the House - and they’re wast...
A.M. Roundup: Is Cuomo cold-blooded?
Good morning! Snow is falling today, meaning we can have a quiet, wintry weekend before the legislature re-convenes Monday. So batten the hatches, after you enjoy these headlines…
President Barack Obama will visit Schenectady Tuesday, his second trip to the Capital Region of Upstate America in fifteen months. (TU)
Assemblyman Jim Tedisco challenged Obama to a two-on-two Basketball game, offering to pair with Sheldon Silver. (Gazette)
On the state Senate: Welcome to the 2011 New York stat...
New Speaker John Boehner cannot name one federal program to cut (Video)
Last night newly installed Speaker John Boehner gave his first extended interview to Brian Williams of NBC Nightly News. With his election as Speaker Boehner becomes the new face of the Republican Party. Boehner was able to gain some media attention before, but being Speaker of the House elevates one to entirely differently level. Perhaps no one else besides the president can demand grab camera time like the Speaker. Boehner’s interview went fairly well, but he did ...
Cleanup in Article 6, Rules for Repeal, Price Tag: $230B, A Fight to the Debt, Outlaw Astroturf and the Designated Hitter, Vince
SNAFU: Republicans SKIP OATH, VOTE ANYWAY, INTRODUCE BILLS -- It's not exactly a constitutional crisis, but two Republican members-elect missed the swearing-in on the House floor Wednesday and proceeded to participate in the legislative process -- voting, introducing bills, participating in committee hearings and speaking in the chamber -- for more than a day before the mistake was caught. "Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas) chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, and Rep. Mi...
DNC ad takes on House GOP over spending pledge
Washington (CNN) - The Democratic National Committee is firing away at House Republicans for what appears to be a backtracking of a pledge they made during the Midterm Election campaign. The DNC is out with a new web video Friday morning that attacks GOP lawmakers for now saying that the $100 billion in Spending Cuts in the federal Budget that they promised to cut is likely out of reach, blaming it on the fiscal calendar among other things. The video uses clips from cable newscasts, including CN...
Former Congressman Tom Delay Sentenced To Three Years
Talk Radio, Blamed For Shooting, Blames Others
Second Congressional Shooting Staved Off With Arrest
Jerry Brown: California Budget Is Austerity Measure
Second Southern Snowstorm Levels Homeowners
Seven Shot, One Cop Dead In Baltimore Shootout
Deficit Reduction Could Force Pentagon To Limit Budget
Anti-Healthcare Repeal Vote Gets Democratic Support
Al Qaeda Splinter Group Alleged To Have Killed Two French Hostages
Arizona Male Who Shot Congresswoman Had Radical Links
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