Charles Krauthammer:
Charles nailed the “Clintonian response” from the White House! If you want a quick catchup on the key issues raised by the allegations of a White House bribe of Congressman Joe Sestak, spend a few minutes with Charles Krauthammer.
PHOTOS: Charles Krauthammer in pictures
From Friday’s panel discussion on Fox News Special Report: The White House statement on Sestak Gate is here .
VIDEOS: Charles Krauthammer in videos
It is a very well crafted document, but as Krauthammer points out it’s even more interesting for what it does NOT say. From the...
White House Memo Creates More Questions
By Floyd and Mary Beth Brown
Obama's memo raises more questions than it answers
The news media, intimidated until now, have finally started challenging Obama and his stonewalling Administration. The issue is the bribe Rep. Joe Sestak alleges the White House offered in exchange for exiting the U.S. Senate primary in Pennsylvania. In response to tough questioning, the Obama Administration issued a report they promised would answer all. It has failed to stop the queries.
On the...
Questions Abound on Political Job Offers
The White House admitted recently that it offered Colorado Senate Candidate Andrew Romanoff a job at the U.S. Agency for International Development, but it has never said specifically what it offered Rep. Joe Sestak to keep him from challenging Arlen Specter in the Pennsylvania Senate primary.
"Efforts were made in June and July of 2009 to determine whether Congressman Sestak would be interested in service on a presidential or other senior executive branch Advisory Board," counsel Robert Bauer...
The End Of The Obama Era
I really hate to see things end horribly. Yes, some people sow what they seed, and in the case of our naive and arrogant President he has no one to fault but himself (and maybe those voters who put him in this spot). But you hate to see what was a moment of hope and success end in scandal and ruin.
Like I said many times, I did not want to see this President fail. I wanted to see him grasp the seriousness of his challenges and learn and grow into the job.
Misdemeanors" or crimes?
On this matter of offering federal jobs to potential Candidates to induce them not to run against Senate Democratic Incumbents, this White House is drifting dangerously close to the falls.
Colorado's Andrew Romanoff has now confirmed that White House Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina trolled three federal jobs in front of him, if he would desist and not run against Incumbent Sen. Michael Bennet.
And Romanoff has produced an e-mail where Messina presents the three-job menu, one of which might...
Misdemeanors -- or Crimes?
On this matter of offering federal jobs to potential Candidates to induce them not to run against Senate Democratic Incumbents, this White House is drifting dangerously close to the falls.
Colorado's Andrew Romanoff has now confirmed that White House Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina trolled three federal jobs in front of him, if he would desist and not run against Incumbent Sen. Michael Bennet.
And Romanoff has produced an e-mail where Messina presents the three-job menu, one of which might be...
Transparency or Transparent Cover-ups?
President Barack Obama promised that he “won’t stop fighting to open up government,” and that he would have “the most transparent administration in history.” Really?
Of course, it’s one thing to keep that promise when you think it’ll help you politically. The real test of a man’s word is if he keeps it when it’s inconvenient, embarrassing or potentially damaging. On this test, the President and his People have...
Sestak Bribe Allegations Could Sink His Candidacy
Joe Sestak , the former U.S. Navy admiral and member of Congress who bested party-switching Arlen Specter in last week’s Pennsylvania Democratic Senate primary, may have torpedoed his candidacy with his own big mouth. Some months ago, as he was beginning his Senate campaign, Sestak let it slip that someone in the White House might have offered him a job in exchange for dropping out of the primary against Specter, whose bid for a sixth term had the backing of President Barack Obama. And...
Rasmussen: Just 19% of likely voters see WH's Sestak bribe as something unusual
Not a total disaster — an angry 19 percent can decide a lot of close races if it comes mostly from Independents — but not quite the national upswell of outrageous outrage we dreamed of. In fact, Ed and I were debating over e-mail just a few days ago whether this story would have legs. He took the optimistic view, I (of course) the pessimistic one. Advantage: AP?
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters finds that 61% say the job offers are a least...
The Knee-Jerk Election Year
2010 is fast becoming a “knee-jerk” Election year—one in which voters angrily react to the status quo and do the unexpected.
That certainly was the case in Arkansas, where Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln roared back from presumed doom, defied the polls and Big Labor’s War-chest, and won renomination. And in never-expected results in South Carolina’s 4th District, Republicans]GOP Rep. Bob Inglis found himself running second to a challenger and headed for a Runoff after..
Are Disgruntled Democrat Insiders Sabotaging The Obama Administration?
From Doug Ross:
Inquiring minds are considering the surprising series of self-inflicted gaffes that have plagued the White House of late:
The Jobs Report Blunder
King David Rules
Posted by Jeff Huber
While I was taking a week off to celebrate Memorial Day the story broke about "King David" Petraeus secretly giving himself authority back in September 2009 to start a war anywhere from the Horn of Africa to the Bananastans*. His secret directive allows him to bury America in another quagmire any time his black little heart desires without so much as a yes-you-may from the commander in chief or Congress. In a May 25 article , New York Times Pentagon...
An Open Letter to the Turkish Embassy
Dear Embassy of Turkey --
In early 1995 as an associate lawyer at Arnold & Porter
(I was later elected a partner, and eventually left practicing
law in early 2006), I had the pleasure and honor of representing
the Government of Turkey to defend against an effort by the
Motion Picture Assn. of America to have certain U.S. government
import and trade preferences taken away from Turkey to punish
Turkey for alleged failures to enforce Copyright protections over
motion pictures -- especially...
Romanoff Cracks: Secret White House Jobsgate E-Mail Revealed
By Jeffrey Lord on 6.3.10 @ 6:09AM
Can you say James McCord?
In a revelation that will send shock waves through the
American political landscape, the Denver Post last night revealed
that Colorado Senate Candidate Andrew Romanoff has now
reluctantly admitted he discussed "three possible jobs with the
deputy Chief of Staff of the Obama Administration -- all
contingent upon a decision by Romanoff not to challenge U.S. Sen.
Michael Bennet."
The White House Deputy Chief of Staff is...
Statement By White House Official Shows Contempt for Electoral Process
Ben Smith of Politico says that
Rahm Emanuel
a senior White House official called him last night and condemned Labor Unions for pumping money into the Arkansas Democratic Senate primary.
Incumbent Blanche Lincoln, who had the support of President Obama and former President Bill Clinton, defeated challenger Bill Halter in a run-off Elections]election. Labor Unions strongly backed Halter.
Lincoln opposes several initiatives backed by Labor groups, and she has sparked criticism among more liberal...
Blanche Lincoln beats George Soros backed Bill Halter in Arkansas Democrat primary runoff
Blanche Lincoln beats George Soros backed Bill Halter in Arkansas Democrat Primary Runoff
In a bit of a surprise Blanche Lincoln beat Bill Halter in the Arkansas Democrat Primary Runoff. This despite all the money and backing from George Soros and his organizations like Blanche will have to wait until November to go bye bye when she gets destroyed in the General Election. From Fox News :
Defying expectations, Lincoln had been on the ropes against Halter, who had the support of big...
Charles Krauthammer talks more about the Democrats' Civil War
Here’s a little video blurb of Charles Krauthammer talking about the Democrats’ Civil War.
This is something we’ve talked about here for a long time, based on things we’ve noticed anecdotally being involved in Democrat politics for the majority of our adult lives.
We told you that when the DNC and the Leftist wing of the party went all-in for Obama and savaged Hillary Clinton in the 2008 primaries, the things the Obama campaign did to take the nomination from her...
Bill Clinton Campaign Letter: Sen. David Vitter Is a Sinner For Illicit Sex
Perfect. Bubba Clinton is sending out literature calling Senator David Vitter (R-LA) a “sinner” for engaging in illicit sex.
The New York Post reported:
Former President Clinton has sent out a Fundraising letter on behalf of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee under his own name warning that Republicans are trying to “derail’ President Obama’s agenda.
Not much unexpected there.
But along with the letter, Clinton has included a flyer from the DSCC...
Ax the hacks, Obama
By Kirsten Powers, NY Post
Rahm needs to go
The flap over the job offers to Joe Sestak in Pennsylva nia and Andrew Romanoff in Colorado shows that it’s time to move electoral politics out of the White House. Rahm Emanuel, this means you.
President Obama’s first step should be to shutter the Office of Political Affairs. Then he should jettison the various political henchmen — starting with Rahm — who’ve infested the West Wing and put them on the Democratic...
The center fights back
On the biggest Primary night of the year so far, the wild 2010 plotline took a turn for the familiar: The political center — and the conventional politicians that gravitate there — showed some enduring power.
Yes, the barbarians are at the gate. They do indeed have pitchforks. But the forces of rebellion they represent are looking less potent on Wednesday morning than 24 hours before.
Sen. Blanche Lincoln’s comeback victory over Labor and liberal favorite Bill Halter ...
Hey, union man: The White House speaks
Posted by Scott at 6:51 AM
Big Labor invested heavily in an astounding effort to unseat Incumbent Democratic Senator Blanche Lincoln in favor of Arkansas Lt. Gov. Bill Halter. Halter challenged Lincoln for the Democratic Senatorial nomination in the primary last night, and Big Labor proved to be Halter's foremost ally.
Halter was also the Candidate of the netroots. In good Orwellian style, however, they have flushed Halter down the memory hole . Ouch!
The New York Times described Big...
12 states hold primary elections
Sen. Blanche Lincoln survived a bitter Democratic Runoff Tuesday in Arkansas, fending off a strong challenge from Labor-backed Lt. Gov. Bill Halter to avoid becoming the third senator this year to lose a bid for Reelection.
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In a year of voter anger that has put Incumbents in both parties on the defensive, Lincoln battled back against Organized Labor and progressive groups that had targeted her for defeat, salvaging...
Arkansas Democrat Sen. Blanche Lincoln wins primary
Reporting from San Francisco and Las Vegas —
Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln edged past her Labor-backed Democratic rival Tuesday, withstanding an anti-incumbent tide that swept out Nevada's Governor and nearly swamped a Veteran Republican congressman in South Carolina.
In Nevada, Republicans chose Sharron Angle, a favorite of the "Tea Party" movement, to face Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in November, giving the embattled Democrat his preferred opponent. Addressing supporters in Las...
Something For Nothin'
When I put the pieces together it seems as though the Obama Administration has hit a new depth to their incompetency.
Yes, his foreign policies are incompetent. Yes, his domestic policies are incompetent. And yes, his crisis reactions are profoundly incompetent.
But now it appears that his alleged "job offers" are incompetent as well.
Let's take a look, shall we? And we'll start in an unusual place - Blago.
Yes, Rod Blagojevich. Why? Because here is the first public instance where Obama and...
Heal Thyself
Fox News reports:
Don’t point fingers. Don’t make excuses. Don’t pass the buck.
Barbara Boxer primary opponent announces 3 Obama job bribes he'd accept to drop his challenge
In an obviously effective attempt to attract free attention to his hopeless primary campaign against Incumbent Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer , California's Mickey Kaus has just announced the three backroom bribes that he would accept from the Obama Administration to drop his challenge.
The California primary is Tuesday.
The Obama Administration in recent days has been embarrassed to have to defend its job offers to at least two rebel Democrats challenging Incumbent Democratic senators...
Step Aside Schwarzenegger: Brown's Back in Town
Former Pentagon Official's Body Found in Landfill
Accidental Frequency Switch Leads to Evacuation of U.S. Capitol
Brazil's First Female President Looks to Gas & Oil for Future
Schwarzenegger May Return to Movies
Three Dead After New Year's Eve Tornado
Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits Spike During New Year's
Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
Criticism of Bloomberg Mounts as Snow Mountains Remain
Porn King Offers Relief to Octomom
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