Charles Krauthammer:
Comedy GOLD from Doctor K. via Breitbart. Charles Krauthammer, who is a Psychiatrist, is referring to this testy situation which was well documented by Allahpundit.
PHOTOS: Charles Krauthammer in pictures
Short, but awesome video. Krauthammer/Palin 2012? Imagine the media confusion over that ticket.
VIDEOS: Charles Krauthammer in videos
Dr. Krauthammer Offers to Write Obama an Rx for Valium
Politico: "The more he [President Obama] talked [with Senate Republicans in a closed-door meeting Tuesday], the more he got upset," Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) said. â
GOP senator on Obama: "He needs to take a Valium before he ... talks to Republicans"
Afterthougts from today’s tete-a-tete between The One and Senate Republicans. Remember, one of Cool Hand Luke’s big selling points during the campaign was that “first-class temperament” of his. A man so chill and charming that he’d meet with the Ayatollah Khamenei himself if he thought it’d result in something productive.
Here’s what “first-class temperament” means after 15 months in office.
President Obama traveled to Capitol Hill on...
Republicans Say 'Thin Skinned' Obama Should 'Take A Valium'
Washington - President Barack Obama and Senate Republicans called a high-noon cease-fire in their long-running political feud Tuesday, holding a rare, private meeting on Capitol Hill to discuss what legislation can be achieved during this volatile Election year.
"We want to see if we can get some more work done," Obama told reporters on the way into the session.
The question went unanswered, according to early readouts from those in the room. Obama gave opening remarks before a...
Senator Says President Obama 'Needs to Take a Valium'
President Obama paid a visit to the Senate Republican Conference today to have a direct give-and-take on current issues like Immigration, the Oil Spill, and Financial Reform. Though Obama called the meeting "a good, frank discussion on a whole range of issues," and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said it was "a good exchange, a candid exchange," some people were left more bitter than before. "The more he talked, the more he got upset," said Senator Pat Roberts of Kansas. “He needs...
Obama Audacious, Duplicitous, Partisan, Thin-Skinned, Valium Recommended say Republicans
Obama Audacious, Duplicitous, Partisan, Thin-Skinned, Valium Recommended say Republicans Bob Corker, a freshman senator from Tennessee, attended the 80-minute meeting between Senate Republicans and Barack Obama. The meeting was reportedly heated, with Corker telling the President there was a "tremendous disconnect from his words and the actions of his administration." Bob Corker I told him I thought there was a degree of audacity in him even showing up today after what happened with...
Kansas Senator Roberts says "thin-skinned" POTUS needs to medicate before he "talks to Republicans."
Comes after "Bipartisan" lunch at which Obama was to his face accused by Senators of displaying "audacity" and "Duplicity."
Read Gibbs parallel-universe statement here.
Obama Applauded, But Also Chastised, At Private Meeting With Republicans
President Barack Obama, escorted by Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Terrance Gainer, arrives on Capitol Hill to meet with Senate Republicans behind closed doors on Tuesday, May 25, 2010. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
Washington (AP) – President Obama walked into a remarkably contentious 80-minute session with Republicans on Capitol Hill Tuesday, in which GOP senators accused him of Duplicity, audacity and unbending Partisanship.
Lawmakers said the testy exchange left legislative logjams...
Krauthammer, Dominatrix
Charles Krauthammer fulminates against President Obama's Foreign Policy speech:
Obama's adopted Third World narrative of American misdeeds, disrespect and domination from which he has come to redeem us and the World. Hence his foundational declaration at the U.N. General Assembly last September that "No one nation can or should try to dominate another nation" (guess who's been the dominant nation for the last two decades?) and his dismissal of any "world order that...
The Administration Is Lawless
Charles Krauthammer is not a bomb-thrower. Sure, he is conservative but he gives credit where credit is due so when he says that this administration is "near lawless", it is shocking.
New security strategy to lay out Obama doctrine
President Barack Obama's administration will unveil a new Security strategy Thursday that places the focus on homegrown Extremists and steps back from the Bush era's "War on Terror" terminology.
The administration is also likely to stress that US Military superiority must be matched by muscular Diplomacy and all the tools of statecraft, from development aid to Intelligence gathering.
The new document will be released with the United States still with a huge Foreign Military commitment, in Iraq...
New security strategy to lay out Obama doctrine
President Barack Obama's administration will unveil a new Security strategy Thursday that places the focus on homegrown Extremists and steps back from the Bush era's "War on Terror" terminology.
The administration is also likely to stress that US Military superiority must be matched by muscular Diplomacy and all the tools of statecraft, from development aid to Intelligence gathering.
The new document will be released with the United States still with a huge Foreign Military commitment, in...
A Sestak Job Offer? Criminally Stupid, Not Criminal
If it's true that the White House offered Pennsylvania Congressman Joe Sestak a job to try to clear the Democratic Senate Primary for Incumbent Arlen Specter, that's disturbing.
But not because anyone is "participating in the cover-up of a possible crime." This doesn't sound like a "potentially devastating accusation of political Corruption," much less an "impeachable offense," no matter what nonsense Michael Steele or Sean Hannity are peddling. Republicans may be calling for a special...
Who's to Blame for the Gulf Oil Spill?
My favorite metaphor, among the myriad gushing forth from the Great Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico, is the "junk shot." The notion that the propulsion of man-made garbage chunks of metal, knotted ropes, Golf Balls (!) and so forth into the mess of busted pipes might stanch the flow of liquid-carbon garbage had a certain ring to it. Let the junk bury the junk. It seemed so perfectly polluted, but then everything about the Disaster reeked of garbage. British Petroleum, the...
Tea party candidate is Nevada hopeful on the rise
PAHRUMP, Nev. (AP) - Sharron Angle wants to wipe out Social Security, shutter the Education Department and return to the days almost a century ago when the Federal Income Tax was Unconstitutional.
A Tea Party conservative testing the limits of Anti-Government sentiment, she's also the Republican on the rise in an unpredictable race to pick an opponent for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a top Democrat in Washington who's in trouble at home.
What's more, she is evidently the Republican whom...
Bruised feelings after Obama-GOP talk
Washington — President Obama traveled to Capitol Hill for a rare meeting yesterday with Senate Republicans, but the 75-minute session yielded little progress on hot-button topics and left some senators with bruised feelings.
“He needs to take a Valium before he comes in and talks to Republicans,’’ Senator Pat Roberts, Republican of Kansas, told reporters. “He’s pretty thin-skinned.’’
Republican Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas described the meeting...
Obama, Senate Republicans spar at rare meeting
Washington — President Obama traveled to Capitol Hill on Tuesday for a rare meeting with Senate Republicans, but the 75-minute session yielded little progress on hot-button topics and left some senators with bruised feelings.
"He needs to take a Valium before he comes in and talks to Republicans," said Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan. "He's pretty thin-skinned."
Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., described the meeting as "testy," and Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., called it a "lively discussion." Others...
Obama Tells Republicans to "Stand Up to Your Base"& Pass More Radical Leftist Legislation
63% of American voters want Congress to Repeal the last piece of radical legislation rammed down their throats.
It doesn’t matter.
Barack Obama told Senate Republicans today to work with Democrats to pass more radical leftist legislation.
The Politico reported:
President Barack Obama battled with Senate Republicans in a tense closed-door meeting Tuesday, facing tough criticism from his GOP adversaries - including John McCain - on issues ranging from Health Care to Border...
After closed-door talks, GOP senator calls Obama 'thin-skinned'
President Obama traveled to Capitol Hill on Tuesday for a rare meeting with Senate Republicans, but the 75-minute session yielded little progress on hot-button topics and left some senators with bruised feelings.
"He needs to take a Valium before he comes in and talks to Republicans," Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kansas) told reporters. "He's pretty thin-skinned."
Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) described the meeting as "testy," and Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) called it a...
Obama to GOP: Let's work together
Washington, May 25 (UPI) -- U.S. President Barack Obama and the Senate Republican Conference had a "good exchange" at their Tuesday meeting, the White House said.
However, senators and other sources at the meeting called the session "testy," and one senator said Obama "needed to take a valium," Politico reported.
A White House account of the session said Obama asked for GOP cooperation "in finishing work on measures to help create Jobs and improve our economy." He also asked for swift action...
Temper Temper
Instapundit :
Sorry Insty for stealing your whole post ;).
ThinkFast: May 26, 2010
Following a meeting with the President yesterday, Senate Republicans snidely dumped on Obama to the press . “He needs to take a Valium before he comes in and talks to Republicans,” said Sen. Pat Roberts (KS). “ He’s pretty thin-skinned .” It was “pretty audacious that he would be here today as we move into election season using Republican senators as a prop to talk about Bipartisanship,” said Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN).
Obama will “deploy 1,200...
Obama Gets an Earful in Clash with GOP Senators
If President Barack Obama thought having a private lunch with Republican senators would ease partisan tensions in Congress, he grabbed the wrong recipe. The president walked into a remarkably contentious 80-minute session Tuesday in which GOP senators accused him of Duplicity, audacity and unbending Partisanship. Lawmakers said the testy exchange left legislative logjams intact, and one GOP leader said nothing is likely to change before the November Elections.
Obama's sharpest accuser...
MSNBC's Luke Russert Derides Republicans for Not Engaging in 'Elevated' Discussions With Obama
MSNBC's Luke Russert on Wednesday chided Senate Republicans for meeting with Barack Obama and using language that wasn't "exactly the things that we'd necessarily see as elevated Presidential dialogue."
The Network reporter highlighted the "tense" discussion between the President and the GOP members. "It was quite interesting to see some of these adjectives thrown about President Obama," Russert sniffed. He derided the GOP comments: "'Thin-skinned,'...
We are all but props in the Land of Oprecious
Politico :
President Barack Obama battled with Senate Republicans in a tense closed-door meeting Tuesday, facing tough criticism from his GOP adversaries - including John McCain - on issues ranging from Health Care to Border Security.
Senators and other sources inside the meeting described the gathering as "testy" and "direct" - and Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) accused Obama of acting two-faced by asking for GOP support on regulatory reform only to push forward with a bill supported...
Step Aside Schwarzenegger: Brown's Back in Town
Former Pentagon Official's Body Found in Landfill
Accidental Frequency Switch Leads to Evacuation of U.S. Capitol
Brazil's First Female President Looks to Gas & Oil for Future
Schwarzenegger May Return to Movies
Three Dead After New Year's Eve Tornado
Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits Spike During New Year's
Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
Criticism of Bloomberg Mounts as Snow Mountains Remain
Porn King Offers Relief to Octomom
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