Charles Krauthammer:
Dr. Charles Krauthammer.
PHOTOS: Charles Krauthammer in pictures
Super genius.
VIDEOS: Charles Krauthammer in videos
Charles Krauthammer Discussss Obama's 17-minute, 2,500-word Response to Woman's Question of Being 'over-taxed'
Charles Krauthammer discusses Obama's 17 minute answer to a tax question at a Townhall event last week...
"It's only nine times longer than the Gettysburg Address."
Charles Krauthammer on the president's jibber-jabbering:
"I don't know why your surprised. It's only nine times longer than the Gettysburg Address. And, after all Lincoln was answering an easier question on the higher purpose of the union and Soldiers that fall in battle. Look the president had an easy answer. He...
Video of Charles Krauthammer: Obama's New Nuclear Policy "Is Either Insane or Ridiculous - I Can't Decide"
I would go with the insane. Ridiculous just doesn't quite cut it here. Roger Simon had a pretty strong word too - deranged (via Instapundit ):
This is indeed astonishing. The President of the United States — whose most important duty is to protect the citizens of this country — is publicly abjuring the use of Nuclear Weapons if we are attacked by chemical or Biological Weapons — both of which are known to all of us as Weapons of Mass Destruction, the dreaded WMDs....
Charles Krauthammer: With friends like Obama...
What's it like to be an ally of Barack Obama's America?
If you're a Brit, your head is spinning. It's not just the personal slights to Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
Nor is it just the symbolism of Obama returning the Churchill bust that was in the Oval Office. Query: If it had to be out of Obama's sight, could it not have been housed somewhere else on U.S. soil rather than repatriated?
Perhaps it was the State Department official who denied there was a special relationship between the...
From the Annals of Politics and the English Language
Laura Ingraham, as guest host of the O’Reilly Factor , takes on the Obama Administration’s possible ban on the term "Islamic Extremism" in our National-security strategy. She does a very nice job of carving up former Clinton NSC adviser Nancy Soderberg, a woman who is both ignorant and tendentious. Over on Special Report with Bret Baier , Charles Krauthammer offers some intelligent and insightful comments on this subject. But I'll report; you decide.
Lost illusions, and the LEGO way of making new words /
A reader has written in to invite my attention to the punch line of a recent Charles Krauthammer column : "You can only be disillusioned if you were once illusioned." The columnist's subject was the Obama healthcare proposal, and his point was that you can't be disappointed if you don't expect much in the first place. The reader, for his part, suggested that disillusioned should have a more positive connotation than it does. After all, it's rooted in the idea of "undoing an...
Will We Get a V.A.T.?
Everybody on the right seems convinced that a Value-added Tax is on its way. Sometimes this conviction is framed in alarmist, “look what the Democrats are going to do next” terms: See, for instance, this Allahpundit post today, following up on this Charles Krauthammer column from last month. Sometimes it’s couched as advice to President Obama, delivered more in sorrow than in anger, explaining what he’ll have to do if he wants to pay for the new entitlement he’s...
Krauthammer predicts coming of national sales tax
On a recent episode of The Factor , Charles Krauthammer predicted that the Democrats will push for a national Sales Tax to help pay for the healthcare law and the annual $1.5 trillion federal Budget Deficit. This will be on top of state and local Sales taxes and in addition to state and federal Income Tax.
Illinois taxes are among the highest
State Tax in Illinois is currently 3 percent, but if the Springfield Democrats have their way, this may increase to 4.5 percent. The Cook County Sales...
Value-added tax inches closer via Volcker
Obama economic advisor Paul Volcker spoke yesterday at a New York Historical Society event and noted that America should consider raising taxes to curb Deficits and improve our financial standing. But even more interesting is the suggestion by Volcker, a former Fed chair under Bush, that Congress should enact a Value-added Tax (VAT) in the style of European taxation schemes.
Charles Krauthammer noted a few weeks ago that with the passage of President’s Obama’s Health Care bill,...
Volcker: US needs Euro-style VAT to combat fiscal crisis
Former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Paul Volcker, who currently serves as economic adviser to President Obama, adjusts his glasses while testifying on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, March 17, 2010, before the House Financial Services Committee. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
Paul Volcker, current White House adviser and former Chairman of the Federal Reserve under Presidents Carter and Reagan, had some sobering news for U.S. consumers.
Obama Slams Palin In ABC News Interview On Nuclear Treaty
In The News Rep. Aaron Schock On GOP Making Gains In 2012 Rep. Aaron Schock (R-IL) discusses how the GOP is preparing to make the Sen. Specter Says He Would Still Vote For Health Bill If He Was A Republican Sen. Arlen Specter (D-PA): "As you know from my record, I frequently crossed Obama Seeks "Secure, Strong & Tough Sanctions On Iran" This Spring President Obama: "My expectation is that we are going to be able to Send a Tip
Republican Party sizing up incumbent Obama
New Orleans – Let the 2012 race begin.
Little more than a year into
President Barack Obama
's first term, Republicans considering a challenge to the Democrat in his re-election Bid were gauging their political strength at the first GOP candidate "cattle call" far from Washington — the three-day Southern Republican Leadership Conference.
Yet as
Sarah Palin
Haley Barbour
Newt Gingrich
and several others gather in Louisiana, they face a stark reality: The Republican Party's...
Israel could opt for nuke strikes on Iran
Tel Aviv, Israel, April 8 (UPI) -- U.S. President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, may have signed a landmark Arms-control treaty, but a U.S. Think Tank is suggesting Israel could resort to using tactical Nuclear Weapons to destroy Iran's deeply buried Nuclear facilities.
Whether this is all part of a U.S. effort to crank up the pressure on Iran to be more compliant on the Nuclear issue by using scare tactics or if the Right-wing government in Israel is actually...
Republicans predict November gains, blast Obama
New Orleans (Reuters) –
Republicans boldly predicted gains in November congressional Elections on Thursday and rallied loyalists with sharp criticism of
President Barack Obama
over issues from healthcare to Foreign Policy.
Liz Cheney, a rising Republican star who is the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, led the charge at the opening session of the
Republican Leadership Conference, a four-day pep rally in New Orleans that comes as the party tries to recover from...
Republicans gather for rhetorical war dance as Obama signs arms pact with Russians
Laissez les bon temps rouler!
With that whoop from partisan warrior and local girl Mary Matalin , the Southern Republican Leadership Conference got underway Thursday night in New Orleans with -- what else? -- a Mardi Gras of Pelosi-Reid-Obama-and-assorted-other-Democrat-bashing.
Liz Cheney , daughter of the former vice president, got things roiling with a scalding attack on President Obama , calling passage of the epic healthcare bill - without a single Republican vote -- "one of the...
Nuke Negotiator Under George H.W. Bush Counters GOP Critics of Obama Treaty
Washington -- As President Obama signed a new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia on Thursday, former President George H.W. Bush's lead negotiator for the original accord called Republican senators concerned about the deal "obstructionists" who are "outliers" in the goal of Nuclear Weapons reductions.
Richard Burt, a former U.S. diplomat and lead negotiator for START I, said Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., and other lawmakers who raised objections to the president about provisions they fear...
Obama on ABCNews: "Sarah Palin Is Not Much of An Expert on Nuclear Issues"
Obama says he has no response, then immediately gives a response to Sarah Palin
Obama: "I really have no response, the last time I checked Sarah Palin is not much of an expert on Nuclear issues...If the Secretary of Defense Chairman of the Joint Chiefs are comfortable with it, I'm probably gonna take my advise from them and not from Sarah Palin"
In Prague to sign a Nuclear Disarmament treaty with Russia, President Obama pushed back against who say that his new Nuclear...
Meredith Jessup: Obama Mocks Sarah Palin's Lack of Expertise
President Barack Obama
lashed out at
Sarah Palin
today after she criticized his decision to enter into a mutual arms reduction agreement with Russia. In an appearance in Minnesota yesterday, Palin likened the agreement to a scene on the playground, with "a bunch of kids getting ready to fight, and one of the kids saying, 'Go ahead, punch me in the face and I'm not going to retaliate.'"
Granted, this isn't the
articulate assessment I've heard about the president's plans to...
IEDs in Afghanistan double in past year
Washington – The number of crude roadside bombs in
has doubled in the past year, prompting U.S. officials to rush billions of dollars of new protective gear to Troops and double the number of road-clearing teams.
The campaign against the deadly devices, described Thursday by senior officials, follows Pentagon warnings of an increase in casualties in the months to come.
President Barack Obama
has ordered the Deployment of more than 30,000 Troops to Afghanistan, and already,...
Aw: Obamacare flack Linda Douglass resigns. Who will helm the federal HHS help desk now?
Shilling for the government Health Care takeover is hard work, apparently. After a “ grueling ” two years, former ABC News journalist-turned-official Obama mouthpiece Linda Douglass has announced that she is just plum spent. That Internet snitch brigade stuff she put together with Health Care czar Nancy DeParle really sapped her energy. Remember ?
Exhausting, grueling job. Poor thing.
Question: Who will helm the federal HHS ObamaCare help desk now?
No worries, I suppose. There...
Obama Dismisses Palin on Nuclear Issues
I've all but stopped paying attention to Sarah Palin, who can see Russia from her house and is a Nuclear Weapons expert too. She's so inept and such a nitwit. I'm almost embarrassed for her. It's strange that a person with so little to offer has so little fearlessness. Anyway, Obama responded to Palin's criticism, which you can read here :
Obama brushed off criticisms from former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin of his administration's recently announced Nuclear Policy by...
Gingrich: Obama administration most radical ever
New Orleans — Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is calling Barack Obama "the most radical president in American history."
Gingrich is a potential presidential candidate in 2012 who says his fellow Republicans must work together to stop what he calls Obama's "secular, socialist machine."
Highly charged words, for sure. But it's standard fare at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference, a gathering in New Orleans that is drawing presidential hopefuls like Gingrich.
Friday's headliner...
NPR archive describes Obama as 'Kenyan-born'
Those crazy "birthers" are citing National Public Radio.
Really? NPR?
Archives for the tax-supported organization reveal that a 2008 report described then-Sen. Barack Obama as "Kenyan-born" and a "son of Africa."
NPR's promotion for the story included a brief description of West African correspondent Ofeibea Quist-Arcton, who "describes the stories that have been exciting, including the U.S. presidential race of Kenyan-born Sen. Barack Obama."
After discussing various issues...
Anger over health-care reform spurs rise in threats against Congress members
Anger over the Health-care overhaul has led to a nearly threefold increase in recent months in the number of serious threats against members of Congress , federal Law Enforcement officials said.
The lawmakers reported 42 threats in the first three months of this year, compared with 15 in last three months of 2009, said Senate Sergeant at Arms Terrance W. Gainer, who had information about threats involving both chambers.
"The incidents ranged from very vulgar to serious threats, including...
Republican Party sizing up incumbent Obama
New Orleans—
Let the 2012 race begin.
Little more than a year into President Barack Obama's first term, Republicans considering a challenge to the Democrat in his re-election Bid were gauging their political strength at the first GOP candidate "cattle call" far from Washington -- the three-day Southern Republican Leadership Conference.
Yet as Sarah Palin, Haley Barbour, Newt Gingrich and several others gather in Louisiana, they face a stark reality: The Republican Party's task will be...
Step Aside Schwarzenegger: Brown's Back in Town
Former Pentagon Official's Body Found in Landfill
Accidental Frequency Switch Leads to Evacuation of U.S. Capitol
Brazil's First Female President Looks to Gas & Oil for Future
Schwarzenegger May Return to Movies
Three Dead After New Year's Eve Tornado
Alcohol-Related Emergency Room Visits Spike During New Year's
Schwarzenegger Rejects Parole for Dentist who Dealt in Death
Criticism of Bloomberg Mounts as Snow Mountains Remain
Porn King Offers Relief to Octomom
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