The Washington Post: Within minutes of the news breaking that Jared Lee Loughner had killed six and wounded 12 in a rampage outside a Tucson safeway store, including a critically injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the news media immediately leapt to the conclusion that the harsh tone of our political discourse – led by conservative Talk Radio -- surely must be to blame.
PHOTOS: The Washington Post in pictures
That narrative turned out to be hogwash, but another one has emerged during the investigation into Loughner’s psyche, yet virtually no one...
VIDEOS: The Washington Post in videos
No Tucson Lectures for 'Artists'
Friday, January 14, 2011
By L. Brent Bozell III
Within minutes of the news breaking that Jared Lee Loughner had killed six and wounded 12 in a rampage outside a Tucson safeway store, including a critically injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the News Media immediately leapt to the conclusion that the harsh tone of our political discourse - led by conservative Talk Radio -- surely must be to blame.
That narrative turned out to be hogwash, but another one has emerged during the investigation i...
No Tucson Lectures for "Artists" (Brent Bozell III)
Creators Syndicate – Within minutes of the news breaking that Jared Lee Loughner had killed six and wounded 14 in a rampage outside a Tucson Safeway store, including a critically injured Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the News Media immediately leaped to the conclusion that the harsh tone of our political discourse — led by conservative Talk Radio — surely must be to blame.
That narrative turned out to be hogwash, but another one has emerged during the investigation into Loughner&...
How liberals exploited a mass murder for political points
U.S. President Barack Obama’s unofficial motto was coined by his first Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Emanuel was talking about the banking crisis that Obama used to nationalize General Motors and Health Insurance. And so last weekend when a lone gunman in Arizona killed six people and wounded 13 more, including a congresswoman, the Democrats saw their chance. Clarence Dupnik, the Democrat who is the sheriff for the crime scene, knew what t...
Most endangered species in America? Reality.
Let’s also face another tragedy: The only two civic reforms that might have actually stopped him — tighter Gun Control and an effective Mental Health safety net — won’t materialize even now.
Gun and ammunition sales spiked last week, especially for the specific varieties given the Loughner imprimatur. No editorial — or bloodbath — will move Congress to enact serious Gun Control (which Giffords herself never advocated and Obama has rarely pushed since 2008). Enhanced Men
Unhinged Lefty Wounded In Tucson Shooting Arrested For Yelling Death Threat At Tucson Tea Party Leader
J. Eric Fuller, an unhinged Leftist who was shot at the Tucson town hall last week, did more than rant lies to the Socialist Democracy Now! TV show about Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and others being responsible for last Saturday's tragedy.
Today, he was arrested for making a Death Threat to Tucson Tea Party Leader Trent Humphries (who has received many death threats this past week), as well as disorderly conduct (KGUN).
ABC News Anchor Christiane Amanpour hosted a remarkable gathering of Victims, ...
Geraldo Rivera: Town Hall Death Threat 'Ironically Came from a Hard-core Liberal'
On the evening of the tragic shootings in Tucson, Fox News's Geraldo Rivera, like so many other liberal media members, went out of his way to connect the event to the Tea Party. Seven days later, the host of "Geraldo at Large" told his viewers, "There was a very public Death Threat today in Tucson that prompted police action. Ironically, it came from a hard-core liberal" (video follows with transcript and commentary): GERALDO RIVERA: This is a Fox News alert. Despite Mr. ...
Tucson gun show attracts big crowd
TUCSON, Jan. 15 (UPI) -- An area gun show Saturday attracted thousands of people one week after a Tucson Shooting Spree left six dead and U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords among 13 wounded. The "Crossroads of the West" gun show at the Pima County Fairgrounds was held about 10 miles from the Tucson shopping center Parking Lot where a young man suspected of being mentally unbalanced, Jared Loughner, is accused of going on a rampage with a semiautomatic Glock 19, causing widespread anguish and stirring ...
Giffords moves from ventilator to breathing tube
Stumble This! TUCSON, Arizona - Doctors performed a tracheotomy on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords on Saturday, inserting a breathing tube through a hole in her neck and removing her from a ventilator, Hospital officials said. It was the first time Giffords was removed from the ventilator since last Saturday, when she arrived at University Medical Center after a gunman shot her through the head. Giffords, 40, remains the only patient in critical condition from the shoo...
HOW BAD WAS THE MEDIA COVERAGE OF TUCSON? So bad that Charles Blow is writing about The Tucson Wit
HOW BAD WAS THE MEDIA COVERAGE OF Tucson? So bad that Charles Blow is writing about “The Tucson Witch Hunt.”
Within hours of the shooting, there was a full-fledged witch hunt to link the shooter to the right.
“I saw Goody Proctor with The Devil! Oh, I mean Jared Lee Loughner! Yes him. With The Devil!”
The only problem is that there was no evidence then, and even now, that overheated Rhetoric from the right had anything to do with the shooting. (In fact, a couple of people who s...
Would Congressman Bob Brady want to ban Angry Birds?
We've been hearing a lot of references in the media to an iPhone game called "Angry Birds". Thomas Drayton mentioned it in passing on the Fox 29 News a few days ago and it seems to keep coming up in discussions about cell phone apps and games in general. The Philadelphia Libertarian Examiner wouldn't dare say that we constantly read the pulse of Pop Culture - for most of Pop Culture these days is really mind-numbing drivel and quite annoying. However, we just had to ask the following question la...
Police: Argument Led to Boys Shooting
DALLAS - Details about how and why an 8-year-old boy was shot and killed Thursday afternoon while playing at a friend’s apartment are beginning to emerge. Dallas police said there were four young boys alone in the apartment in the 4000 block of Harvest Hill Drive at the time of the shooting. A woman who lives there was supposed to be watching them, but police said she left. Keiveon Johnson, whose nickname was Bubba, apparently got into an argument with his 11-year-old friend. That 11-year-...
Conservative Talk Radio recap: Jan 10-14
My NEW Talk Radio Watch column is now up! and much more! "I was going to name my first child Krauthammer, even if it was a girl. But no more." "One thing on the pep rally-disguised-as-a-memorial on Wednesday night. I happened to, as I have been told, anger a lot of people yesterday by saying that the president delayed the memorial while waiting for the polling data to come in and the T-shirts to get printed. Well, guess what? I was right on both counts." ALSO: Affiliate station's "bullet-hole ...
Petty NH Gov. Bans Talk Radio Appearances for State Workers
Lincoln Chafee was the bane of conservative Talk Radio when he was the RINO Senator from New Hampshire. Now that he is a newly minted "independent" and has become the Governor of the Granite State, Chafee is in a position to take his revenge on the medium. And boy has this petty man used his power to do just that by banning his State Employees from talking to talk radio. Chaffee has revealed some pretty warped logic to sustain his ban on talk radio, too. Through his spokesman, Chafe said that he...
Audio of Randi Rhodes: Glenn Beck 'Wants To Poison' Nancy Pelosi, Others
Will, it's a good thing that liberals don't use the Rhetoric of violence like those on the right. And yes, Randi Rhodes is essentially irrelevant, but the point that the Rhetoric of the left far outweighs anything on the right stands:
UPDATE: Liberal Talkers’ Vitriolic ‘New Civility’
Radio Equalizer: After a week of holier-than-thou preaching from state-run media scolds and Obamists aimed at conservative Talk Radio, one would imagine their "progressive" counterparts would happ...
Petty NH Gov. Bans Talk Radio Appearances for State Workers
Lincoln Chafee was the bane of conservative Talk Radio when he was the RINO Senator from New Hampshire. Now that he is a newly minted “independent” and has become the Governor of the Granite State, Chafee is in a position to take his revenge on the medium. And boy has this petty man used his power to do just that by banning his State Employees from talking to talk radio. Chafee has revealed some pretty warped logic to sustain his ban on talk radio, too. Through his spokesman, Chaffe ...
Liberal Talkers Vitriolic New Civility
Radio Equalizer: After a week of holier-than-thou preaching from state-run media scolds and Obamists aimed at conservative Talk Radio, one would imagine their "progressive" counterparts would happily demonstrate civility for all to see, right? Guess again: libtalk is meaner than ever and we're willing to bet our establishment media friends will look the other way....
Meanwhile ...
Meanwhile ...
Topic: Media Research Center
The Media Research Center's Brent Bozell was on "Fox & Friends" trying to deflect accusations that vitrolic conservative Rhetoric played a part on the Arizona shootings, as he's been wont to do lately. Bozell then said, "Politics had nothing to do with this. This is a man who never even listened to Talk Radio or watched the news." But if "politics had nothing to do with this," why is Bozell's organization t...
J. Eric Fuller, Tucson Shooting Victim Arrested at Town Hall Meeting For Threatening GOP Rep Terri Proud & Tea Party Spokesman
One week after the Tucson, AZ tragedy and there is an arrest at a town hall meeting for death threats … So much for that call for peace, calm and tranquility in the aftermath of the shooting last week at the hands of Jared Loughner.
Tucson Shooting Victim J. Eric Fuller threatened Trent Humphries, the Pima County Tea Party Leader, stood up to speak during the event. He was being very respectful. Trent told the audience that before we start placing blame on individuals we need to get al...
This Jared Kid (Part One)...
It's been a week since Jared Lee Loughner went completely off his nut and shot twenty people, killing six. When I first heard about that, I initially thought it was some good-for-nothing lay-about who spent more time reading articles from the Whirled Nut Daily website in his mother's basement than he did looking for a job to pay for room and board. Then I heard about that cross-hairs map Sarah Palin tried to erase from everyone's memory, and even though there was, and is, no evidence that Loughn...
A busy week as freshman Rep. Cicilline settles in
U.S. Rep. David N. Cicilline, shown on Jan. 5, is ready to participate in his committee assignments. WASHINGTON — It was a quiet week in the House of Representatives, overshadowed by grief over the Arizona shooting rampage that left a well-liked congresswoman gravely injured. But it was a busy time nonetheless for freshman Rep. David N. Cicilline, who has made progress on securing committee assignments and hiring staff, spoken of the Tucson rampage in his maiden Speech on the House floor, ...
Bipartisan group pushes gun control after Tucson shooting
Public opinion in Georgia overwhelmingly favors Second Amendment rights. The issue of Gun Control was noticeably absent from the platforms of most Georgia Democratic Candidates in the last election. Nevertheless, Gun Control remains a popular initiative in some parts of the country. “David’s Law” states that any prominent Violent Crime will be followed by an attempt to pass more Gun Control laws. This is true even if the crime does not involve a gun. Tru...
Business brisk at Tucson gun show week after rampage
Stumble This! Tucson, Arizona (Reuters) - Thousands of shoppers browsed for guns at a trade show in Tucson on Saturday, a week after a shooting rampage that killed six people and raised questions about permissive Gun Laws in the United States. "People see it as either guns are going to get banned, or I'm going to get shot," said stall holder Randall Record, 27, explaining the mood at the Crossroads of the West Gun Show on the outskirts of the city. "Either way, it drives sales." The show was he...
VA Tech and Tucson -- The Ties That Bind
What a week of political buzz surrounding Jared Lee Loughner’s (22) allegedly killing six people and injuring 13 others with a Handgun last Saturday (January 8, 2011) at a political event outside a Safeway store in Tucson, AZ. Among the injured, with a shot to the head, was the event sponsor and apparent primary target, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.). In 2007, Loughner attended a Giffords event that his friends said left him upset. He apparently didn’t like her response to h...
Tucson Shootings: Sympathy for the Mothers
When Gabrielle Giffords opened her eyes Wednesday for the first time since being shot, her husband was there, along with the congresswoman's Democratic colleagues, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who spoke to CNN about the moment. Also in the room were Gloria and Spencer Giffords, her parents. Picture the scene: Mark Kelly by the bedside urging his wife to open her eyes and touch his Wedding Ring. Her friends close by, encouraging. And her...
In the immediate aftermath of Saturday’s tragic shooting at the Tucson shopping center, the one person that citizens would expect to focus on a quick response to the violence, conduct a thorough investigation, and focus on finding the culprit is none other than Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik. Certainly, this occurred within his jurisdiction, therefore his office is the primary Law Enforcement agency to deal with this crisis. Jared Loughner’s actions, the takin...
Fancy Washington DC Dinners Aren't Masking China Issues
Governor Robert Bentley Apologizes For Inauguration Talk
House GOP Passes Healthcare Reform Repeal, Urges Debate
Philly Abortion Doc Killed 7 In Barbaric Fashion
Obama Orders Rules' Review To Boost Job Creation
Mr. Obama: Whither Your Anti-Bush Foreign Policy
How An Ex-President Gets Into A Mayoral Election
Camden, N.J. Cuts Overworked Police Force In Two
Barack Obama And Hu Jintao Set For Talks On China
Joe Lieberman, Having Gone Indie, Now Going Home