White House: Bo takes his bow as latest White House pet The Obamas welcome their new dog, Bo, to the White House.
He joins the line-up of famous presidential pets Email
Latest White House Press Pool Report
After nearly 6 hrs at the private beach in Edgartown, potus and family arrived back at the farm at 5:16 pm. Pool didn't get a glimpse of the First Family. Memorable quote of the day came from member of the Press Pool, in reference to our lunch. "Lobster roll was the highlight, really."
Top 10 Things Overheard in the White House During Obama's First Term
7. “I’m not sure a Che Guevara wall flag in the Oval Office is a good idea, Mr. President.” 6. “Heads, we take over the Auto Industry. Tails, we nationalize the Oil Industry.” 5. “Apology list: Iraq - check . Saudi Arabia - check . Palestine - check . Syria…” 4. “Canada’s Health Care system is a perpetual money-sucking vortex that has resulted in bloated Bureaucracy, demanding unions, longer wait times, and a...
Election '12: Take back the victory mosque, formerly known as the White House
Bill Kelly’s Truth Squad is all about truth, justice, and all things America. Whether through humor or parody, or in just the facts, we are taking the side of those who have been continually shut out by the Mainstream Media. The Media seek to justify this position of dishonesty by perpetuating a storyline of Bigotry and prejudice; that those that oppose their thinking are backwards, illiterate, stupid, hateful, and dangerous.
This has been the case from the beginning of the Obama...
Dorsal Fins Surround White House
Obama Administration At the beginning of the year, retiring seven-term representative Marion Berry (D., Ark.) recounted a conversation he had with the president. Obama's unrelenting push for Health-care reform in the face of public opposition reminded Berry of the Clinton-era missteps that led to the Republican rout of the Democrats in 1994. "I began to preach last January that we had already seen this movie and we didn't want to see it again because we know how it comes out," Berry told a...
White House plans new housing push
From CNN Senior White House Correspondent Ed Henry
Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan revealed to CNN Friday that the Obama Administration plans next week to unveil two New initiatives to deal with the crumbling Housing Market.
Washington (CNN) - Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan revealed to CNN Friday that the Obama Administration plans next week to unveil two New initiatives to deal with the crumbling Housing Market, and he left the door open to also...
White House Adviser Summers Hopes History Forgets This Great Recession
With the U.S. economy apparently headed for another rough patch, the Obama Administration faces a growing chorus of complaint and opposition. Just this past week, House Minority Leader John Boehner called for Larry Summers and Timothy Geithner , Obama's top economics advisors, to resign. While Geithner is fairly well-known to the General public, Summers is not. Who is this insider who helps President Obama call the macroeconomic shots?
By most accounts, White House economic adviser Larry...
White House sees 'positive' GDP figure, says more needed
VINEYARD HAVEN, Massachusetts (AFP) – The White House said Friday the latest US Economic Growth data represented "positive news" but that the lowered estimates mean more work is needed to keep the recovery on track.
"Four consecutive quarters of Economic Growth is positive news, but the revised numbers mean there is still much more we need to do to continue on the path to recovery and that remains the focus of the president and the Economic team every single day," said...
White House Pushes #SaluteTroops On Twitter
The push followed a series of moves earlier in the day by House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio), who previewed an upcoming Speech he’ll give on the Iraq War by releasing an op-ed and Web video that slam Democrats for “seeking credit” for the end of the combat phase in Iraq. “With all due respect to them, our Troops who have served so courageously in Iraq deserve the credit for the success of the Surge and, along with the Iraqi people, the turnaround in Iraq,”...
White House already on a hunt to replace Souter
White House already on a hunt to replace Souter - LEADERSHIP CULTIVATION LEADERSHIP CULTIVATION Providing political insight consistently ahead of the curve. « Obama: Stamp out Credit Card 'abuses' |
Cenk Uygur: White House Circling the Wagons Around Alan Simpson
As Bob Shrum rightly responds, if the Democrats join with Republicans to destroy Social Security, it's going to spell big trouble for the party, and rightfully so. Alan Simpson and the whole commission need to go. Uygur: The White House is circling the wagons around former Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson, the co-chairman of the president`s Deficit commission after he went berserk about Social Security. Simpson likes to talk about the Budget in terms of farm animals. In an e-mail to an older voter...
White House press pool
Lousy is a Heinous Democratic Party who uses the Race Card against people with opposing Views.
Lousy is a Corrupt Government who is unfeeling towards the people still suffering from 9/11 and allows a Victory Mosque built for 19 hijackers. What a Trophy they will have to show off to other countries.
August 27, 2010 at 10:46 pm
A harsher way to say it
It centered on U.S. Sen. Blanche Lincolns getting a promise from the White House that $1.5 Billion would be found somehow in the Agriculture Department, absent any congressional appropriation, and sent to farmers in Arkansas, mostly for disaster relief from losses from 2009. My favorite recent letter to the editor came from a man responding to that column and asking disaster what disaster? He wrote that farmers need to strap on their helmets like everyone else. There...
The President Who Rides a Girl's Bike
Don Surber has the details here .
I have a girl's bike for sale . Maybe Obama would like to buy it to use at the White House.
A Republican House victory could mean open season on probes into the administration's actions
Revenge, they say, is a dish best served cold, but if the Republicans succeed in reclaiming control of the House this fall, the president may well burn his mouth on the feast two congressmen have planned for him. The meal will open with an investigation of the New Black Panther Voter Intimidation case that was inexplicably dropped by the Justice Department after the case was already won. It will continue on to meatier courses, such as a Probe of jobgate -- the White Houses tender of job...
More Grim Economic News Underscores Obama Admins' Failed Policies
More Grim Economic News Underscores Obama Admins' Failed Policies
The Obama Administration has spent much of the week touting their failed $862 Billion Stimulus bill, but theres been little to celebrate in what the White House wanted to call recovery summer. The AP reports on the latest disappointing economic news today: The Economy grew at a much slower pace this spring than previously estimated, mostly due to the largest surge in imports in 26 years and a slowdown in companies'...
US Fed chief vows tough steps as recovery slows
But Ben Bernanke, the Central Bank chairman, said prospects for a pick up in Economic expansion in 2011 appeared to remain despite the sharp government cutback Friday in Economic Growth to 1.6 percent in the April-June period. The Growth revision by more than half from the 3.7 percent in the first quarter came on the heels of a massive Trade Deficit and weak private inventory investment, signaling a more pronounced slowdown in recovery from Recession. The White House acknowledged Friday the...
Here Come the Witch Hunts
Politico reports in detail today what I have already touched on in brief weeks ago. Rep. Darrel Issa and the Republicans are planning a wave of committee investigations targeting the White House and Democratic allies if they win back the majority and regain the power of Subpoena. Peter Daou states the obvious : Republicans play hardball. Brazen hardball. Unscrupulous hardball. Yes, it’s couched in well-crafted soundbites about fighting “Big Government” and...
NY Times: Consumers Want Elizabeth Warren!
I'm catching up on things I missed, and found this article from last Friday on Elizabeth Warren in the New York Times. Actually, it's not so much about Warren as it is about the pressure on the White House to appoint her, which is as it should be. What struck me, when I reread that article recently, was the bluntness of her language. She used words like tricks, fleece, and bribe to describe the actions of Mortgage and Credit Card lenders. And I think a lot of her appeal...
Democratic Senator Byrd Warns of Obama Power Grab - Following In Bush's Footsteps
At the worst, White House staff have taken direction and control of programmatic areas that are the statutory responsibility of Senate-confirmed officials.”
While it's rare for Byrd to criticize a president in his own party, Byrd is a stern constitutional scholar who has always stood up for the legislative branch in its role in checking the power of the White House. Byrd no longer holds the powerful Appropriations chairmanship, so his criticism does not carry as much weight these days. ...
Obama: Foreign Usurper of Power?
A college instructor who worked as a senior Elections clerk for the city and county of Honolulu in 2008 is making the stunning claim Barack Obama was definitely not born in Hawaii as the White House maintains, and that a long-form, Hospital-generated Birth Certificate for Obama does not even exist in the Aloha State. “There is no Birth Certificate,” said Tim Adams, a graduate assistant who teaches English at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Ky. “It’s like an...
Black Panthers Support Terrorist Bin Laden
Malik Zulu Shabazz, the Leader of the Black Panthers has praised Osama bin Laden. See the video here: https://www.eyeblast.tv/public/checker.aspx?v=XdZu6UIruz The Black Panthers are equivalent to the KKK. They teach hatred and Racism and support Terrorists. Malik Zulu Shabazz has visited the White House. https://www.wnd.com/?pageId=114727
Obama Press Briefing Visit: Outlines Supreme Court Views
Obama Press Briefing Visit: Outlines Supreme Court Views - LEADERSHIP CULTIVATION LEADERSHIP CULTIVATION Providing political insight consistently ahead of the curve. « White House already on a hunt to replace Souter | Main
The Best Thing About Mondale and Gore Losing
The best thing about Walter Mondale and Joe Lieberman losing their races to the White House is that we didn't get Geraldine Ferraro and Joe Lieberman as Vice Presidents. I believe that Mondale and Gore would have been good U.S. Presidents if they had gotten the chance to serve. On the other hand, I get a level of satisfaction in knowing that Ferraro and Lieberman did not get close to the seat of power. Unlike the beer commercial that declares "they were who we thought they were",...
Obama vs. Limbaugh Revisited
A battle is raging within the Republican Party over its future direction and what it should stand far. This is not uncommon for parties after they lose an election, especially as decisively as the GOP did in 2006 and 2008. Being locked out of power in the House, the Senate, and the White House, Republicans have little more than the threat of a Filibuster when it comes to actual legislative control. This is a sharp contrast from the heyday of the GOP as recently as the 2004 election. Since...
Obama Loves O-H-I-O!
Last week, Obama visited a family in Columbus, Ohio to talk about the Economic Recovery for small businesses. In one of the official White House photos, POTUS joined the family in the human rendition of the word “Ohio.” For those that don’t know, Students and alumni of my alma mater, The Ohio State University , do this same symbol during football games and the singing of the last line of the the school’s song, Carmen Ohio . There’s nothing like seeing a stadium...
Seven Shot, One Cop Dead In Baltimore Shootout
Deficit Reduction Could Force Pentagon To Limit Budget
Anti-Healthcare Repeal Vote Gets Democratic Support
Al Qaeda Splinter Group Alleged To Have Killed Two French Hostages
Arizona Male Who Shot Congresswoman Had Radical Links
Republicans Fail To Get Two Members Sworn In, Read Constitution
Dear Media: Michele Bachmann Is Not Presidential
Republicans Plugging Ears To Health Reform Repeals' Cost
New WH Chief Of Staff William Daley Raises Questions
Mailbombs That Aren't Affect Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley
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