Bank of America Prepares to Get WikiLeaked by Buying Up Negative Domain Names

Wikileaks : Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images Bank of America isn't waiting around for the media to confirm whether or not it's the target of Wikileaks's next leak.

PHOTOS: Wikileaks in pictures

The company has been trying to hoover up negative Domain Names about its CEO, Brian Moynihan, registering,,, and — in some case, the .net and .org versions as well, all in the last month.

VIDEOS: Wikileaks in videos

Oh, Bank of America, you vastly underestimate the Inter...

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Dmitriy Zombak posted 22nd Dec 2010 (via twitter)

Novaya Gazeta controlled by Mikhail Gorbachev and billionaire Alexander Lebedev , join forces with WikiLeaks to expose corruption in Russia.

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