Social Media: Social Media has the power to connect us like never before, but the constant buzz of new messages, tweets and information can also fragment focus, induce a frenzied pace and produce overwhelm.
PHOTOS: ABC News in pictures
Perhaps we need a new name for this state of constant information consumption -- Attention Excess Disorder? Yet what are the actual up and downsides of social media's impact on spiritual awareness, compassion, authentic interconnection and social transformation? To explore these questions, Wisdom 2.0 ho...
VIDEOS: ABC News in videos
Audio: ABC edited out Sarah Palin's mention of Mark Levin's book
From The Right Scoop via memeorandum, any mention of Mark Levin is banned by ABC News:
So what we have here is the establishment MSM that claims that Palin is uninformed because she doesn't read enough, but edits out what she does read. Yeah - that's fair and balanced. More from NewsBusters,, Pajamas Media and The Daily Caller
Palin on Good Morning America
Christian Heinze (who you should read all the time) with the scoop: Sarah Palin will spend a day with GMA's Robin Roberts, a media gift formerly reserved for Greta Van Susteren. Heinze reads into this: Recently, Palin's been stepping a little out of her Mark Levin/Sean Hannity box, and the Roberts interview is another sign she's thinking about trying to reach indies that have, so far, rejected her. Well, I don't think this is recent. Since the launch of Going Rogue, Palin has had a two-pronged ...
William T. Hathaway: Sabotaging the U.S. Military for Peace
Posted by Ryan Mauro on Dec 15th, 2010 and filed under FrontPage. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed. Ryan Mauro is the founder of, National Security Advisor to the Christian Action Network, and an Intelligence Analyst with the Asymmetric Warfare and Intelligence Center. If the claims of former Green Beret William T. Hathaway are true, then a new group of “peace̶...
Sellers Pushes Consolidation
S.C. Rep. Bakari Sellers (D-Bamberg) is pushing the consolidation of South Carolina’s Prison and Probation agencies - a long-overdue, common sense structural reform that could save Palmetto state Taxpayers millions of dollars each year. He’s also proposing to consolidate the state’s Law Enforcement agencies - a move we’ve supported in the past which could produce additional taxpayer savings. Sellers pre-filed Legislation on Tuesday that would merge the S.C. De...
Gifts for ROFTERS #2
Last year you gave your favorite ROFTER a gift subscription to First Things. But what can you give them this year? How about a book by a contributor to First Things.
Over the next few days I’ll be highlighting works by our editors, Bloggers, frequent writers, and editorial Board Members. Today we’ll look at books published by our family of bloggers:
The Anchoress
Elizabeth Scalia, et al., Disorientation: How to Go to College Without Losing Your Mind
Matthew Lee Anderson,...
Hey Lefties Ignorance of the Law Doesnt Hold Up In Court
There’s been a lot of debate over the constitutionality of ObamaCare. Those on the left have been pretty arrogant about the whole subject - they’ve scoffed at anyone who questions the legality of the Legislation.
James Taranto makes the case in The Wall Street Journal that ignorance is no defense.
Our position was not that ObamaCare was clearly Unconstitutional or that it was likely to be struck down, merely that there were serious constitutional arguments against it that had...
Tonight! Conservative group to protest Berkeley celebrating (alleged) Wikileaks leaker
Alert the local TV news crews, because here's an early Christmas Present, Visuals Division: A conservative group -- with links to the Tea Party -- will be in Berkeley Tuesday night to Protest its City Council thinking of celebrating The Army private accused of leaking the Wikileaks documents.
As Comrade Jones told us, Berkeley's Peace and Justice Commission (yes, yes, we know, "sooo Berkeley") recommended the city pass a resolution lauding Private Bradley Manning "for his courage in bringing ...
Welcome To The "No Labels" Party
Now that they've been drummed out of their party by the purity police tea partiers, moderate Republicans are creating their own party, the "No Labels" party, hoping to bring some Independents and disaffected Democrats with them. Good luck with that. Have you heard about the new national political organization called No Labels? It’s a ragtag collection of Journalists, pundits, and politicians who claim they support civility in campaigning and Bipartisanship in government. That sounds great,...
Report: Scientific Consensus of Global Warming Never Existed
Those who believe in “Global Warming” will often say that there is a world-wide scientific consensus on the theory of “global warming.” THAT, they will tell you, settles THAT. To THAT, we say HOGWASH. First, let me remind readers of a blockbuster new report prepared by and released last week, which now documents the statements of 1,000 scientists world-wide who believe the theory of “global warming caused by man’s energ...
A Card For Andrew Lawton
Kathy Shaidle;
As most of you know by now, Conservative Blogger, podcaster and Activist Andrew Lawton is seriously ill.
His family says flowers aren't permitted in the ICU, but they welcome your cards!
Here's the information:
Andrew Lawton, Patient
Victoria Hospital, Critical Care Unit
800 Commissioners Road East
London, Ontario
Canada N6A 5W9
Ben Chipman, only independent in Maine legislature, to be on IPR Radio tonight at 8 PM EST
Ben Chipman is a Green Party Activist in Maine and was elected to the State Legislature this year as an independent. I, Ross Levin, along with Daniel Surman, will be interviewing him tonight on blogtalk radio. Chipman has been a Green Party Activist for a long time, including being an aide to Maine’s only former Green State Legislator and a member of the Portland Charter Commission. He was the only Green-affiliated independent or Green (and that confusion will be a topic of discussion) e
the liberation of Adeeb Abu Rahma VIDEO!
Bil'in - Ramallah: Released by the Israeli Occupation Forces today from Ofer Prison is central Activist Adeeb Abo Rahma (age 40) who is from the village of Bil'in, after being incarcerated for 18 months, and 12 months suspended for a period of four years with a fine of six thousand NIS, on charges of incitement and obstructing the work of The Army, and conducting peaceful demonstrations against the Wall in Bil'in. The Military court in Ofer has sentenced the Activist Adeeb A...
Right Wing Leftovers
For some reason, Michael Steele thinks he has a chance of getting re-elected as Chairman of the RNC. Good luck with that. Want to spend ten minutes listening to Mike Huckabee talk about playing bass guitar? Well, you are in luck. Anti-choice Activists have big plans for when Republicans take over State Legislatures. Focus on the Family is airing its interview with George W. Bush and it was surprisingly dull. Finally, the American Decency Association reports that "shoppers are appalled at th...
Defying Iran's regime from inside
Mohsen Sazegara was at the heart of Ayatollah Khomeini's regime from the moment the spiritual leader returned to Iran from exile. Throughout the 1970s Sazegara had been a Student Activist agitating for the overthrow of the Shah. In 1979 he became Khomeini's press attache. He also helped found the now feared Revolutionary Guard, originally established as a defence force against possible attack from Israel or the United States. As the Islamic state was established, dissenters were exec...
Judge Who Struck Down Health Care Law Recalls "20 Years Of Active Service To The Republican Party"
Earlier this week, U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson ruled that a key provision in the Affordable Care Act requiring individuals to own Health Insurance is Unconstitutional. Hudson's opinion, which has even conservative legal scholars questioning his logic, did not come as a surprise given the Bush-appointed judge's known "roots in Republican politics." In his 2007 memoir, Quest for Justice, Hudson recalled how his " 20 years of active service to the Republican party " helped him land a seat o...
Winning At The Local Level
Ben Smith and Byron Tau report on recent actions by gay equality Activist Tim Gill. Josh Green, who profiled Gill a couple years back, weighs in:
What was interesting about Gill in 2007 was that he was the rare major Donor content to remain anonymous; indeed, his political strategy of quietly jumping into races at the last moment with boatloads of money to defeat anti-gay politicians depended upon it. Gill's great success in the last few years was influencing the Makeup of Iow...
Anonymous turns attack drones against fax machines
From cyberspace to Office Space
Pro-Wikileaks hacktivists have begun targeting the fax machines rather than the websites of firms who have withdrawn services from Wikileaks.
As part of the new Leakflood mission, Activists have been encouraged to send faxes to Amazon, MasterCard, Moneybookers, PayPal, Visa and Tableau Software. The group published a list of fax numbers, encouraging members to send over extracts from leaked cables, letters from or images of Guy Fawkes - but no gross-out porn or...
Missing girl found on South Side, police questioning man
An 11-year-old Chicago girl reported missing Saturday has been located, and police are questioning a man about her disappearance.
Community Activist Andrew Holmes said the girl's family called him after she contacted them by phone late Tuesday or early today.
Holmes said he and another man traced the call through Caller ID to an address on the 6100 block of South University Avenue, where they say they found the girl in the custody of an unknown man in his 50's. Holmes did not know what relati...
COP16 Attendees Sign Petitions to Ban Water, Harm U.S.
Climate dignitaries, experts, and Activists in Cancun for the United Nations COP16 global-warming conference were caught on film over the weekend signing a petition to ban water and another to cripple the U.S. economy if the American government refused to cooperate with the international community. Carried out by the Student arm of a market-oriented non-profit environmental group known as the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), the water-ban prank was meant to ...
Vaughan Smith: why WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange can stay with me
Vaughan Smith, the man who has offered sanctuary to Julian Assange, has explained why he opened his doors to the Controversial Wikileaks Activist....
Breaking victory! UW Madison scraps plans for late-term abortions
While in May UW denied a WI Attorney General’s report stating it was halting its attempt, yesterday UW finally decided to abandon the Public Relations nightmare, blaming pro-lifers. According to The Badger Herald last night: UW Hospital and Clinics halted efforts… citing the safety and Privacy of patients as the main reason, officials announced Monday. An Abortion clinic at the Madison Surgery Center… was approved in February 2009 by several Patent boards…. The clinic wou...
LGBT Activist Dan Choi Hospitalized After Breakdown
Lt. Dan Choi, the prominent anti-Don't Ask Don't Tell Activist, has been hospitalized following a breakdown. "My breakdown was a result of a cumulative array of stressors," he writes, including the Senate's failure to pass a DADT-repealing bill. [via Towleroad]
Senator Brown on the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010
President Barack Obama just signed into law the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010. Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio was one of the leading advocates for this Legislation. With hunger on the rise in the United States, a bill which supports the expansion of school feeding for Children is extremely vital. Senator Brown's office just issued a Press Release about the new Legislation. This week, President Obama signed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 - also known as...
Famously Tweeted: And the Time Magazine Person of the Year Is
Social Media, taking over the world…
@mikeallen: TIME Person of Year: Mark Elliott Zuckerberg, 26, “for connecting more than half a billion people” See the cover image
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Sarah Palin's Haiti trip: Fox exclusive & tour security sparks media resentment
Even though AFP points out that Sarah Palin' s low profile visit to Haiti, "was tightly controlled for security reasons ," Mainstream Media reporting reflects resentment for lack of access to Palin. The Associated Press reports the Franklin Graham mercy mission to Haiti , in which photos show that gifts for Children were hand delivered, as "tightly stage managed" with "access on her tour solely to the U.S. Cable Network Fox News. "The visit comes as Hait...
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