YouTube : Just in case you missed this on TV and aren't one of the 2,633,036 people that have already viewed this on YouTube, here's 8 year-old Elizabeth Hughes' debut singing the National Anthem on January 7, 2011 at the Norfolk Admirals game.
PHOTOS: YouTube in pictures
The good news is that she did a wonderful job.
VIDEOS: YouTube in videos
The bad news is that the mike died after "gave proof." However, the crowd picked up the song and she kept her composure and stood there singing. But nobody got to hear her amazing high note on "free." But more good new...
8-Year-Old Girls Mic Cuts Off In Middle Of National Anthem, Crowd Helps Her Finish
When eight-year-old Elizabeth Hughes ‘ mic cut off in the middle of the National Anthem, it was probably the biggest “Oh No!” moment ever for her parents. Their little girl, who up until that point was doing a bang-up job at singing “The Star-Spangled Banner,” found herself at the mercy of an arena full of hockey fans. Luckily, the AHL faithful are a helpful bunch. The crowd at the Norfolk Admirals game (the Admirals are a minor league NHL team) sang along with Eliz...
When Even Excitable Charles Blow Thinks The Left Went Nuts With Their Blamestorming…
...Then most assuredly, they did. Charles calls his op-ed The Tucson Witch Hunt, and he believes the Left was way off base, and, consider, this comes from a super liberal with his head in the sand, who says later in the articleI have written about violent Rhetoric before, and I’m convinced that it’s poisonous to our politics, that the preponderance of it comes from the right, and that it has the potential to manifest in massacres like the one in Tucson.Obviously, he doesn't get aroun...
Glock handguns' appeal unabated after Tucson
What do Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, football player Plaxico Burress and two-thirds of America's cops have in common? They've all used Glock Handguns, the firearm used to deadly effect in the Tucson killings.
The semiautomatic is treasured by thugs, gun enthusiasts and police departments. Add this sad oddity: Giffords, now badly wounded by one, remarked last year, "I have a Glock 9mm, and I'm a pretty good shot."
Made in a small Austrian town, Glocks are reliable, quick-firing and light, thanks t...
Judge John Roll, killed in Tucson rampage, remembered as man of integrity
Tucson - At the U.S. Courthouse here Friday afternoon, the doors to the fifth-floor courtroom of Arizona Chief U.S. District Judge John M. Roll were locked. No one answered a buzzer to his office suite. The computer screens that ordinarily list cases were blank, and the hallways, usually bustling, were empty.
This Story
Police depict a busy, focused Loughner on morning of shooting
The Tucson shooting timeline
An ex-Weather Underground radical on the Tucson shootings and political violence
When Even Excitable Charles Blow Thinks The Left Went Nuts With Their Blamestorming
…Then most assuredly, they did. Charles calls his op-ed The Tucson Witch Hunt, and he believes the Left was way off base, and, consider, this comes from a super liberal with his head in the sand, who says later in the article I have written about violent Rhetoric before, and I’m convinced that it’s poisonous to our politics, that the preponderance of it comes from the right, and that it has the potential to manifest in massacres like the one in Tucson. Obviously, he doesn’...
Jared Loughner's "Genocide in America" video
Who bears the guilt of the Tucson shootings? A teachable moment (or - civility, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing…) « Who bears the guilt of the Tucson shootings? What follows gives us a glimpse into a killer's mindset. It's disturbing to say the least and indicative of a mental state screaming for help. Interestingly enough, there are no references to Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or the Tea Party... either in the video or the pictures taken (for if there were, you...
This Time, You Can Hear Her Finish The National Anthem
Audio for this story from All Things Considered will be available at approx. 7:00 p.m. ET If you haven't seen this video yet, may we suggest taking 3 minutes to watch? It just may make your day a little better. As you'll see and hear, 8-year-old Elizabeth Hughes was doing a great job singing The Star-Spangled Banner last week at a Norfolk (Va.) Admirals minor league hockey game when the microphone cut out with about 30 seconds to go. And then ... the crowd comes to life and joins in. It's a nice...
This Time, You Can Hear Her Finish The National Anthem
Audio for this story from All Things Considered will be available at approx. 7:00 p.m. ET If you haven't seen this video yet, may we suggest taking 3 minutes to watch? It just may make your day a little better. As you'll see and hear, 8-year-old Elizabeth Hughes was doing a great job singing The Star-Spangled Banner last week at a Norfolk (Va.) Admirals minor league hockey game when the microphone cut out with about 30 seconds to go. And then ... the crowd comes to life and joins in. It's a nice...
This Time, You Can Hear Her Finish The National Anthem
Audio for this story from All Things Considered will be available at approx. 7:00 p.m. ET If you haven't seen this video yet, may we suggest taking 3 minutes to watch? It just may make your day a little better. As you'll see and hear, 8-year-old Elizabeth Hughes was doing a great job singing The Star-Spangled Banner last week at a Norfolk (Va.) Admirals minor league hockey game when the microphone cut out with about 30 seconds to go. And then ... the crowd comes to life and joins in. It's a nice...
How the Media Botched the Arizona Shooting
When disaster strikes, Journalists have to write something about it—and write it fast. That means they have to take mental shortcuts, calling up established narratives and laying them out like old wrapping paper for new and more ambiguous facts. (Wife poisons husband. Revenge killing? Money killing? Self-defense killing? We stand at the ready with a lot of templates.) While the resulting gift isn’t always pretty, it’s generally good enough for deadline work.
But sometimes the ...
Mental Health Laws and the Shooter
There’s been a lot of discussion about the Tucson shooter and why he didn’t get help. Today, the Tucson Arizona Daily Star has two good pieces on his mental state and Arizona law.
One thing jumps out from the mental state article is that this guy never had an incident where he broke the law because of his Mental Illness. If you’re convinced that you’re sane, even thought you’ve lost the thread, the most likely way you’re going to get into the system is by hu...
Is Help On the Way?
There’s still a lot we don’t know about the massacre in Arizona, but by now it’s quite clear that the alleged shooter, Jared Lee Loughner, was mentally disturbed. In college, he was prone to surreal rants that unnerved classmates and teachers. While working at an Animal Shelter, he didn’t see why sick dogs needed to be kept away from healthy ones. Loughner’s friends were even aware of his weird obsession with Representative Gabrielle Giffords. (At one 2007 event, h...
What Child Is This?
The President continued, “Christina was given to us on September 11th, 2001, one of fifty babies born that day to be pictured in a book called Faces of Hope. On either side of her photo in that book were simple wishes for a child's life. ‘I hope you help those in need,’ read one. ‘I hope you know all of the words to the National Anthem and sing it with your hand over your heart. I hope you jump in rain puddles.’” “If there are rain puddles in heaven, Chr...
Epic Fail
Posted by John at 7:17 PM
This Quinnipiac Poll provides more evidence that hardly anyone buys the Democratic Party's spin on the Tucson murders. When asked "What do you think is the main reason for the Arizona shooting; failure of the Mental Health system, lax Gun Control laws, overheated political Rhetoric, or do you think this is a situation that could not have been prevented?" respondents answered:
* Mental health system: 23%
* Gun control laws: 9%
* Political rhetoric: 15%
* Couldn't have b...
The Arizona Tragedy and the American Reaction
The story dominating American conversation this week is the tragedy in Tucson, Arizona. In shock, after a mentally troubled assassin named Jared Lee Loughner shoots a round from his 9mm Glock through the brain of beloved Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and then turns his weapon on the crowd and kills 6 bystanders while wounding 13 others — America mourns. Giffords is alive today and fighting for her life, the extent of the damage caused by her wound still unknown. There are positive signs...
Video: Jon Meacham, a gun owner, on restoring the assault weapons ban
First, some personal history. I am a southerner who grew up with and around guns. I own some still. My father gave me a .22 rifle when I was 9 and a single barrel .410 shotgun when I was 10. I have inherited many of my family’s guns, including a rifle made by my great, great, great grandfather, which I will preserve and give to my son. One of the central memories of my childhood is of hunting — not well; I am a terrible shot — quail and dove and grouse on a farm on the
A Climate of Slander
Jan 24, 2011, Vol. 16, No. 18 • By THE SCRAPBOOK Get alerts when there is a new article that might interest you. Liberal pundits suffered a psychotic break last week, metaphorically speaking, of course. When a gunman opened fire on Representative -Gabrielle Giffords and a crowd that had gathered to hear her speak in Tucson, they were certain that Conservatives must, somehow, be to blame. So the liberal intelligentsia rushed to erect a gallows in the public square (metaphorically speaking, a...
Went To A Hockey Game And A Musical Broke Out...
A little girl was singing the National Anthem at a hockey game, but her microphone cuts off in the middle of the song. The crowd helps her out.
Loughners Disturbing Video Released
Talking Points Memo reports:
“Alright, so here’s what we’re doing,” says the man behind the camera as he navigates through a dark Parking Lot. “We’re examining the Torture of Students. We’re looking at students who have been tortured. Their Low Income pay in two wars. The war that we are in right now is currently illegal under the Constitution. What makes it illegal is the currency. The date is also wrong. It’s impossible for it to be that date, ...
When I Get to the Bottom I Go Back to the Top of the Slide
The LA Times has the video that Jared Loughner made and posted to YouTube, causing administration officials at Pima College to almost immediately expel him.
The whole thing is just one long run-on rambling bit of incoherence- the last time I saw manic word salad like this it was from people at a Dead show. It’s really just creepy and insane, and the only thing that could have made it weirder was Laurie Anderson singing in the background. Ironically, he and Sarah Palin seem to have the sa...
Giffords' rabbi: 'what really matters in this world: love, justice, truth, and shalom'
From Pamela Sellers , CNN
Members of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Gifford's Synagogue met Friday night for the first Jewish sabbath services since she was wounded in a shooting attack one week ago that left six people dead and 12 others wounded.
Rabbi Stephanie Aarons of Congregation Chaverim used the occasion to call for the renewal of the Tucson community and to urge members to reject violence and hatred.
"Remember that we are tied to what really matters in this world: love, justice, truth ...
Amid Tragedy, Tucson Shows What It's Made Of
My family and I love Tucson. It was Gabby Giffords who persuaded us to come there, and we’ve come to feel that her sunniness and warmth reflect the town. We’ve grown to cherish the friendly people, fabulous local food, great colorful talk, cacti, lizards, javelinas, quesadillas, and coyotes howling over the town at night.
When I say Tucson is "kid-friendly," I don’t just mean that restaurants keep crayons in a cup on their tables to distract Children. When people stop us on the street to s
Even the Hanson Brothers sang along
from PuckDaddy
Elizabeth Hughes, 8, made her debut singing the National Anthem at an AHL Norfolk Admirals (the Tampa Bay Lightning’s affiliate) game against the Connecticut Whale (New York Rangers’ affiliate) last Friday night. Angelic voice, bundle of nerves … and then after the words “gave proof,” her microphone abruptly cut out.
What happened next might be something we’ve seen before at a sporting event, but that never lacks for inspiration (and maybe a m...
Home video shows more bizarre behavior by Arizona suspect
TUCSON, Arizona | Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:58pm EST
TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) - A rambling home video narrated by shooting suspect Jared Lee Loughner shows more unusual behavior by the man accused of killing six people and injuring 13 other in a spray of gunfire a week ago.
Loughner does not appear in the video, released late on Friday by Pima Community College, and widely available on YouTube ">here
It shows the Murder suspect walking around the college's West Side campus, rambling about the gove...
Ramblings Of a Madman: Jared Loughner Video Released
In this video, Loughner is walking around Pima Community College with a camera basically rambling incoherently about the constitution and his school, nearly all of the video doesn't make any sense, it was released by the La Times
The video was posted to YouTube on September 23 last year, but later removed. On that same day, according to the LA Times, Pima Community College Campus Police were called to Loughner's biology class after he got into an argument with the instructor over his grade.
A ...
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Kensington Strangler Suspect Arrested In Philadelphia
Tunisia Revolt And Coup Has Lessons For West
Jared Lee Loughner Unlikely To Be Tried In Arizona
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Kinder Rhetoric Won't Stop GOP Healthcare Repeal
Women On Front Lines? Only A Matter Of Time
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Suspect Who Outgunned N.J. Police Officer In Custody
U.S. Rep Giffords Can Move Both Sides Of Body
I'm disappointed in people who can't think of a better youtube banner than "Please Subscribe!"
Designing the banner for TechCentury now that it has made YouTube partnership. I'm very happy with how it's coming out...